A Simple Slip of the Tongue

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Greetings, dearest Fawn. Those around the neighborhood have come to the realization that life, as of late, has been rather stressful for you. Because of that, we'd like to offer some reprieve. We cordially invite you, this Halloween night, to an evening of mystery, entertainment, pleasure—and just a smidge of horror if it strikes your fancy. Our address is as follows:

56 Willow Ave

We look forward to having you for the evening.

PS: The event is masquerade themed, so please dress accordingly!

Fawn read over the handwritten message as the invitation was pinched between her pointer finger and thumb. Underneath pale celestial rays from a full moon, beautiful script writing reflected multiple shades of gold. The paper itself had black swirls etched into the surface, but thick fabric covering her digits made it difficult to feel any decorative print.

As per request of the unknown sender, she was donning her best masquerade costume. The outfit consisted of a black and red ball gown fluffed up by a frilly petticoat. Black heels were hidden because of the dress' length; and, although the garment had short sleeves, a majority of the woman's slender arms were concealed by long, silky gloves that stopped at her biceps. An exposed neckline, shoulders, and collarbone made a dangling ruby pendant pop against her lighter complexion.

Long brunette curls were held up in a low bun with thin strands framing her face. The bottom half gave way to parted lips painted with a deep cherry red. The upper half, save for a pair of innocent blue irises further livened by winged eyeliner, was hidden by a sparkly black mask.

Fawn wasn't used to such an extravagant form of attire. Halloween was her favorite holiday and she loved getting involved in a festive manner; but she never committed to overly spectacular costumes. Additionally, because of recent changes in her life—losing her job, getting broken up with, the threat of eviction looming over her head—Halloween felt more like a chore than a joy. A pessimistic outlook was successful in eradicating any sliver of delight in terms of this year's merriment.

She didn't expect to dress up. She believed the day would be boring and uneventful; for nothing extraordinary to occur.

And then the invitation came in the mail.

Fawn wasn't one to be sociable, so she didn't know any of her neighbors. She did, however, recognize the party host's address since it was a few streets down from the one she lived on.

It was strange that, considering she didn't put herself out there, both her name and address were figured out for the purpose of sending her an invitation to a masquerade party. Although the situation in itself was rather mysterious, it was also quite endearing as well.

Her neighbors, a bundle of unfamiliar voices and faces, took it upon themselves to include her in the evening's festivities for the sake of cheering her up. It was that specific realization which partially gave her enough push to attend.

The other reason she decided to entertain the request for her presence was for a more... mischievous goal.

Since she was now a single woman, a masquerade party was the perfect distraction for her to forget her ex and focus on having a wild, passionate night with someone new.

She just hoped her rusty social skills wouldn't kill her chances before getting an opportunity to woo any potential admirers.

Fawn wanted to present herself as confident. She wanted to shake out her nerves and fall into a comfortable state before making her way into the house standing in front of her.

But the sight of a multifloored establishment that looked more like a small mansion was an intimidating spectacle to witness.

Rows upon rows of tall windows gave way to dim orange lighting, most likely from candelabras instead of overhead bulbs. Portions of hanging chandeliers could be made out as they dangled on dark chains from an unseen ceiling. Masked attendees congregated near a few of the paneled openings as they talked, ate, and danced the night away.

Fawn took slow steps forward, openly marveling at polished gargoyles standing triumphantly by a set of wooden doors. A growing sense of unease continued to climb with every inch taken closer to the house, but she chalked it up to being nervous about meeting new people.

Goosebump riddled skin was ignored. Hairs standing on end without her permission were disregarded. A rapid heartbeat and stomach knots were forcefully shrugged off when one of two golden knockers was used to gently pound against the entryway.

She was barely able to pull her hand back when both doors swung inward.

A man was seen standing alone. A golden face mask was tall enough to hide the top of his head, but the color went well with his matching shirt, pants, and dark blue blazer. The artificial purple of his eyes was penetrating. His dashing smirk gave way to a few sharper teeth. A deep, almost amused hum reverberated from his chest.

Fawn couldn't help but gawk. She could tell the man was handsome, even if she couldn't see his entire face.

"Good evening, madam," he stated with a slightly accented voice. "I am Talon, the host for this evening's ball. May I ask for your invitation please?"

"Of course."

Fawn extended her arm to hand over the paper in her grasp. She shuddered when a freezing temperature passed through her gloves, long fingers ghosting along hers.

Talon's smirk widened before he allowed his gaze to fall to the invitation. "Ah, Fawn, we've been expecting you. I'm delighted you decided to join us for an... interesting night. You may not know many, or any, people that are here. Because of that, I will personally be escorting you during the evening's festivities. I hope that's all right."

"Oh, I..." Fawn's eyes widened in surprise. "I wouldn't want to take you away from your other guests."

"Nonsense, my dear. As the guest of honor, more than anything, this get-together is for you. It would be rude of me to not accompany you as both a new friend and a date. Besides, I would be honored to spend time with a radiant beauty such as yourself. If it's no bother, I'd love to get to know you better."

Fawn felt currents of warmth ripple across her face as blood pooled in her cheeks. She hadn't expected for someone—the party's host, no less—to be so interested in her so quickly.

She couldn't complain though. Having Talon's attention would make things easier for her.

"Well, if you're certain..."

Talon's eyes lit up in excitement. He put an expectant hand out, his smirk extending when a warmer palm settled in his.

Fawn was gently pulled into the house, both doors shutting behind her. She offered a smaller, shier grin when grabbing hold of her date's arm. The two shared a moment of tense eye contact before making their way further inside.

Polished black and white tiles sat on either side of a wide red carpet. Accents ranging from full bodies of armor, hanging sword décor, and impressive realistic portraits lined walls made of dark wood. Soft flooring continued up a grand staircase which branched off to different sections of the house. The middle one led down a long corridor housing an intricate mural.

It showed a decrepit forest surrounding an old cemetery, thick clouds of fog weaving through lanky tree trunks. Hanging lanterns with dim, flickering candles made the imagery seem creepier; almost lifelike. Even though no animals could be seen in the painting, it made Fawn's skin crawl as she felt like she was being watched by unseen eyes.

She cleared her throat in an attempt to quell a steadily climbing sense of unease. "You have a beautiful home, Talon."

"Thank you, Fawn. I know it's a little old-fashioned in its décor, but my wife and I like darker aesthetics."

"Shame..." Fawn's eyes widened at the accidental slip. "Oh, I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to come out like that. I just meant- well- forgive me if this is too forward, but you're a very charming man. Your wife is a lucky woman."

"No offense taken." He chuckled, dragging a hand along his partner's to calm her. "Besides, my wife and I have a... different kind of marriage."

"Oh? How so?"

"We're together, yes, but our relationship is open. We've given each other the freedom to have other partners alongside our own romantic arrangement."


"If I find something I like, I can do more than just window shop."

Talon coupled his bold declaration with an open, hungry sweep of the eyes. A knowing wink was given as well.

Fawn braced her free hand against her chest—a visible attempt being made to shield her racing heart.

Her attention was diverted, however, when a slow accordion was heard further down the hall. A group of violins, violas, and cellos joined moments later; and after a few seconds, an operatic choir did the same.

The ghostly wails of an ethereal waltz grew louder and louder until the couple were standing in an arched entryway.

Masked individuals of all shapes and sizes moved along in twirling groups. Ball gowns, suits, corsets, and masks could be seen throughout the room. Beside the expected masquerade attire, some people were wearing other costumes as well: werewolves, vampires, witches, different types of monsters.

Those who weren't dancing congregated in different parts of the room, standing by golden angel statues, near long tables full of delicious finger foods, and beside carved banisters leading to other large staircases and raised platforms. Translucent guests were seen dangling off of several arms from a grand chandelier, hands waving and mouths open in belted out song.

"Your house is... much larger than it looks from the outside," Fawn stated, gawking at everything around her. "Your decorative ghosts are amazing. What did you use, projectors?"

Talon snickered. "Something like that."

They walked further into the room, expertly dodging the horde of bodies moving rhythmically to orchestral music. A passing butler held up a tray of glasses filled with multicolored beverages. Two of them were swiped without issue, and one was presented to Fawn.


"Thank you."

She took hold of the glass, swirling its contents by tilting the stem in a circular motion. A rather bitter aroma wafted into her nose; and when she took an indulgent sip, a strong, somewhat metallic taste danced across her tongue. It was difficult to stifle a grimace in response to the flavor.

"Are you all right?"

"Yes, sorry. This is just a little stronger than I'm used to."

Talon leaned over to take a quick whiff. "Oh, sorry about that. Here, switch with me. You'll probably like this one better."

Fawn took the second glass while passing off her original one. Another test sip was taken, fortunately erasing the harsh taste on her tongue and replacing it with a sweeter one. The wine itself was a little less thick than the previous type as well.

"That's much better. Thank you."

"Of course. Let me just..."

Talon swirled his beverage, bringing it to his lips. Surprised blue eyes watched in shock as he knocked his head back, drinking the bitter tasting liquid in four deep gulps. His tongue darted across his lips to catch any red tinted beads that tried to move beyond his mouth.

The entire scene was supremely enthralling to witness.

Fawn continued to take small sips from her glass as the two began a lighthearted conversation, mostly in her regard. They talked about her favorite type of flowers, her favorite time of day, her favorite guilty-pleasure movies, and more. Their conversation moved when tangential stories crept in, making for entertaining tales about past Halloweens and comedic fumbles that happen during her day to day life. She found herself smiling and laughing more in the span of twenty minutes than she had in the last few weeks.

A sense of elation only heightened when Fawn's finished glass was taken and she was led to the dance floor. After being playfully twirled, one hand joined hers while another wrapped around her waist. She responded to the gesture by bracing against Talon's shoulder.

With a gentle nod, they were waltzing.

She felt like she was in a movie: random movements seemed choreographed since every pair of dancers never bumped into one another; wicked, hearty laughter and cackles could be heard alongside the vibrating wails of see-through opera singers; a staggeringly handsome enigma of a man, despite being at a crowded party surrounded by other gorgeous people, kept his alluring gaze on Fawn—watching her every move and appreciating her very existence. She couldn't tell if her emotions were caused by an alcoholic boost, but the more Talon spoke, the more infatuated she became.

Fawn was like a tiny fly caught in a spider's web. That looming danger—one which came from not really knowing anything about her date—only worked to pull her in even further. Talon's charisma and appeal worked as bait, and physical desire acted as the trap.

It should've been concerning that he behaved so smoothly so easily, but she didn't have it in her to care.

"So, Fawn."


"I was just wondering if this little soiree is helping in terms of lifting your spirits. I know I'm just a passing stranger, but I want you to know that I do care about your well-being."

"I know, and I appreciate that. I was wondering, though, how exactly you learned about me."

"I go on walks a lot. Y'know, to take in the sights. My route causes me to pass by your house pretty often, and I see you sometimes when you come back from your outings. You used to be very lively, but recently I noticed you've been looking pretty downcast. I know when October rolls around, you like to do up your house. I didn't see that this year. I figured things were a little tough on your end."

Fawn couldn't help but sigh. One: for not realizing that such a captivating man actively passed by her and she never noticed. And two: the fact that her life fell apart so horrifically, even a stranger could tell.

"Sorry about that. Things kind of messed up for me in terms of work. And my boyfriend decided we just... didn't fit together anymore."

"It's his loss and your gain, really."

A short giggle cut through the serious atmosphere. "Thank you. And to answer your question, I'm having a great time. You and the others really didn't have to go through all this just for me."

"If it meant bringing a smile to your face, then diligent prepping was time well spent. And for what it's worth, we're happy to have you." Talon kissed the hand in his grasp. "I hope this isn't too frank, but you being a single woman now is a gain in my eyes as well."

"Is that so?"

He twirled her again, pulling her close and leaning into her. His breath tickled the skin of her ear. "If you'd like, we could get a little better acquainted in a more... intimate setting."

Fawn gulped. She allowed for her eyes to openly stare at silky strands of black hair held back by metal pins and kept together by a low ponytail. A smoky gray from the tips of pointed ears shifted to a paler, more natural complexion. The outlines of soft muscles climbed down his throat where a pronounced Adam's apple bobbed up and down with each teasing swallow.

From such a close vicinity, Talon smelled heavily of thriving roses.

"What do you say, darling? I don't know about you, but I'd be more than happy to unwrap such an exquisite prize."

A look of bashfulness became more suggestive. "Lead the way."

"As you wish, my lady."

The two committed to a few more waltzing circles before breaking off from the crowd near a corner of the room. Hand in hand, they slipped into another corridor which branched off to a large uninhabited study. Gargantuan bookcases with volumes upon volumes of literature surrounded an active fireplace. Excited footfalls were muffled against carpeted floors, and bold caresses halted when Talon reached for a specific book. Instead of coming off of the shelf, the placeholder revealed a hidden ascending staircase.

Frigid air made Fawn shudder. "A secret passageway? Where to?"

"My bedroom." The bookcase closed behind them, the ability to see diminishing since there were less open sources of candlelight. "As eager as I am to get you into my chambers, I should warn you that there's a possibility that my wife, Grace, could be there with her own... guest. If that bothers you, we don't have to do this."

"It doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother you."

Fawn batted her eyelashes to present herself as certain, but the thought of getting intimate with a married man in front of his wife was a little strange. At the same time, however, Talon was the pure embodiment of a gold mine—not hooking up with him when he was more than ready would be such a waste.

Plus, if Grace really would be present with someone else, Fawn could take the time to prove she was a superior bedmate.

Nervous jitters be damned.

A mounted candelabra was pushed to the side to reveal another entryway. It connected to an open space with floor-to-ceiling windows, antique dressers and wardrobes, flickering lanterns, and a bed way too large for only two people.

On the left side, a man was seen with his hair sprawled out, his mask discarded on the floor, and his shirt completely undone. A woman in the process of peppering kisses against his skin looked over. The action revealed a familiar pair of purple eyes.

"Oh, you've brought company." Grace looked at her husband's companion with a lust-filled gaze. "And she's quite a looker too. I hope you both enjoy yourselves."

"Oh, believe me..." Something long and wet dragged against Fawn's neck, and a ravenous growl made her hairs stand on end. "We will."

She looked back when something hard fell to the ground behind her. Blue eyes were only given a second to marvel at Talon's entire face, quickly becoming bewitched by a rather vibrant set of purple irises. A shared gaze pushed away any remnants of timidity.

Fawn was guided backward until she fell against a comfortable bed. An undone blazer was dropped to the floor, and Talon climbed right on top of her. They met for a wild kiss that quickly became addictive.

Wandering hands slid across the surfaces of clothed bodies, sneaky touches acting as a teasing reminder of something greater to come.

Fawn's eyes rolled back when her head willingly lulled to the side. Gentle kisses against her exposed sweet spots became rougher as time went on. Faint nibbles became harder as well—to the point where her skin felt a bit raw.

She couldn't hold back a pained wince. "You're... really playing up the role of your vampire costume, aren't you?"

"Oh, honey, I'll show you something better."

Fawn gasped when sharp teeth were successful in breaking skin. Sensual lapping of the tongue became unhinged, and Talon's hold tightened by a substantial margin.

There wasn't any time to worry about the situation though, as the sound of someone gurgling and choking caught her attention.

Grace was still straddling her own companion, but the man was now reduced to a spasming, twitching mass of spurting blood. Red was pouring from his throat and leaking out of his mouth. His wide eyes had tears falling from the corners in genuine agony.

He didn't even have the ability to yell because any signs of life left him just as quickly as the injury occurred.

Only then did Fawn scream.

"They aren't as fun when they stop putting up a fight," Grace commented, picking up a bloodstained hand and licking her palm. "I'm tempted to steal your little toy."

"Just because you killed yours too early doesn't mean I have to give mine up." Talon leaned back, his eyes now glowing. "But I agree, it is more fun when they struggle. Perhaps a little cat and mouse chase would make this night even more exciting."

Fawn shrieked in surprise when she was suddenly tossed onto the floor. A hand moved to shield her bleeding puncture wounds, the silky texture of her glove becoming sticky and wet. Her heart began pounding erratically in her chest.

"Please- don't-"

"Come now, sweetheart, you shouldn't waste your time trying to beg. You should run while you still can."

The implication was enough for Fawn to clumsily get to her feet, pull open another door, and run out of the room.

She made the cognizant decision to abandon her heels. Her petticoat didn't have metallic bands to help keep shape, so she had to hold up the skirt of her dress to prevent herself from tripping. Expensive pieces of jewelry clanked and jangled as she ran with great speed in an attempt to escape a violent demise.

The telltale sign of orchestral music becoming louder gave Fawn a bit of hope, pointing to the main ballroom getting closer and closer. Unfortunately, she ran into someone when barging into the room. The only reason neither of them got hurt was because the person in her path wasn't corporeal, and she moved right through them.

It seemed that Talon and Grace weren't the only monsters attending the party.

People donning their "costumes" alongside formal garments were no longer seen as delighted partygoers who wanted to dress up for the occasion.

Fawn didn't know if the other guests would harm her too—but she wasn't going to stick around to find out.

She ran past other guests, not caring if she had to push some of them out of her way. Laughter and cheering picked up the more she maneuvered herself around others. Rushed steps began coming up from behind, forcing her to go even faster, regardless of how much her lungs and throat burned from exertion.

She did her best to ignore the creepy mural of the cemetery. She did her best to ignore the penetrating gazes from hidden eyes, even though she swore the knights' armor displays were moving their heads. She did her best to ignore a pang of terror when the front doors swung open by themselves.

But Fawn couldn't contain the immeasurable dread she felt when getting outside.

The walkway leading to the street was gone. Neighboring houses were gone. She could make out the front gates, but a large, confusing hedge maze stood before it.

She jumped back, falling down the stairs and landing on a patch of dirt when another bite was taken out of her shoulder.

"Come now, you can't give up already. The chase has hardly begun." Talon licked his bloodstained lips. His dashing smirk was now seen as dangerous and feral. He looked at Fawn like she was his next meal. All things considered, she probably would be. "Go ahead. I'll be nice and give you a ten minute head start. But the clock's ticking, darling. I won't be so courteous when your time is up."

Fawn rose to her feet and booked it down the first pathway she could get to.

Cold, wet grass pricked the bottoms of her bare feet. The occasional twig snapped beneath her weight when she ran over them. Tiny mushrooms were trampled, and her legs were scratched when taking her chances by running through shorter rose bushes.

Each wall of greenery that appeared in front of her made more tears build. She continued to backtrack and stop and backtrack and stop and backtrack and stop until she was driven mad with fear.

Alarmed panic compelled Fawn to manually force her way through tall hedges. She didn't care about the bloody scrapes etching themselves into her face. She didn't care about the colorful bruises that started forming when she fell harshly to the ground. Even a twisted ankle from a bad landing was pushed to the backburner.

In the end, she thanked her stubborn attitude and survival instincts when her sights finally set on a straight path to the front gates.

Fawn's pace picked up again. Relief took place of fear. A cold sensation in her chest switched to a hot fluttering in her stomach.

But the world came to a standstill when she took another step forward, and the patch of grass she was on fell inward.

Fawn screamed in agony, landing on her injured bone.

She was trapped.

Tears fell down her cheeks and dampened her dress. Her sniveling was loud enough to almost miss the sound of maniacal laughter.


She looked up. A newfound terror settled in when noticing the large wooden cover Talon was teetering on the edge of the deep hole.

"My dearest Fawn..." His fangs peeked out from the corners of his mouth when grinning in a crazed fashion. "I really am happy you decided to join us this evening."

"Talon- please, I-"

"I won't kill you. Not yet, anyway. I quite like it when my meals are left to fester for a bit. But don't worry. We still have the entire night together."

Fawn openly wailed as Talon jumped into the hole with her, the heavy slab of wood falling into place and leaving her with only a pair of purple eyes to stare into.

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