Chapter 2 | Crows For Murderers

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Renji sets up a spare drone that was a christmas gift last year. He ties a rope from one of the camping supplies and connects it to the two rooms. He then attaches a lunchbox filled with canned goods and ready to cook noodles to the rope, making their way into Lyrah's room.

"I'm starting to regret refusing to go to camp but eh.", Kaiyn shrugs and grabs a bottle of Whiskey from the fridge.

"Drinking? At a time like this? Really?", says Benedict, frowning on Kaiyn's decision.

"Let him have his fun. I am aware on how heavy the situation is but you have to understand stress is a factor that determines our survival too.", Renji replied as he grabs the lunchbox back from Lyrah's room.

Suddenly, a bunch of loud and quick footsteps were heard coming from the ground.

"What's going on? I just finished my first bottle, dammit!", says Kaiyn as he shoves his glass away to gaze below the window, going into the balcony to witness a horde dividing themselves on each apartment.


On seeing the infected once more, Benedict begins to have a panic attack, saying that he's hearing voices in his head and the images of the memories were coming back again.

"B-But what if we don't survive? What if you run out of ideas?"

"Wait- do you hear that? There's another noise... a helicopter! Rescue is here!", Renji yells excitedly 

"You guys go for the rooftop and grab everything you can to form a barricade on the stairs. I'm gonna go for Lyrah.", Kaiyn jumps from the balcony using a rope and drops down into the parking lot, serving as a distraction to buy time for everybody to escape sooner and easier.

"That idiot's playing hero without even giving off any warnings... I'll just have to remember what he said... I gotta believe in him."

While running, Kaiyn goes through sudden severe migraine, specifically on the sides of his head. With voices echoing in his mind, telling him to give in. He ignores this and continues to climb on the opposite rope to reach Lyrah sooner.

"Take my hand!", yelled Kaiyn as Lyrah barely manages to grasp Kaiyn's sweaty palms before the undead come barging in her room. He carries her by climbing all the way up to the rooftop as well using the rope on his left hand, while his right hand carried the weight of Lyrah. The migraine becomes worse and there was no way he could manage that and save a person's life. So, he throws Lyrah into the rooftop with a single floor separating it then drops back down to the parking lot, setting off all car alarms to distract the horde.

"OVER HERE! DINNER IS SERVED YA DAFT CUNTS! COME AND GET IT!", said Kaiyn as he violently kicks a car. Managing to kill a few with his bat wrapped in barbed wire but slowly getting overwhelmed, he saw Benedict's bike that he had thrown earlier and makes a run for it, activating the bells to keep being chased.

The horde stayed divided with a few still chasing inside the apartment. As the undead seem to grow more rabid, so did the crows almost blocking the sky above for some reason. Kaiyn bumps into armed men blocking his way and shooting the zombies chasing behind him.

"The military...? No... your uniform's weird." Kaiyn talks to himself noticing that the armed men were wearing night vision goggles and non camo suits. They point their rifles on Kaiyn as he slowly raises his arms.

"I am NOT infected. What can I do to prove that, officers?", asked Kaiyn as he stands down.

"Use that awesome bat of yours to club yourself to death.", another man shows up wearing a beret, his eyes shining bright yellow within the dark of night. The soldiers began to salute in his presence as he walks with his hand in his pocket and the other fixing his beret.

"I'm... sorry?", Kaiyn replies as he lowers his arms again.

"Am I talking to someone here hellloooo? I said, use that awesome bat of yours to club yourself to death to prove that you're not infected."

"And if I refuse?"

"Then y-"

Kaiyn cuts off the man mid-sentence and grabs his bat, swinging it on the officers as he knocks their guns away. The more berserk he fights, the more the migraine seemed to subside. It was a mysterious phenomenon, but Kaiyn ignored this and focused on the task at hand.

Meanwhile Renji, Benedict and Lyrah all managed to get on the rooftop, barely making it to the chopper.

"But what about your brother!? We're just going to leave him behind!?", Benedict yanks Renji.

"I'll... find a way. I promise."


"You've done well to last this long. I must say, I'm impressed on how you handled armed men. Aren't you a beast."

Kaiyn, chained up on a pole inside a warehouse as the man with the beret drags a pipe across the floor, making a loud and irritating noise.

"Up against these guys and still tryna play hero? Let's see how far you can go then.", the man with the beret slams the pipe onto Kaiyn's stomach, making him to cough up blood.

"Ohoho my lord! Did you see that shit? I think I almost pushed your soul out of your body and you were like sploosh ARRGGHHH!"

The man laughs as he uses his pipe to lift Kaiyn's head up, but Kaiyn remains resistant and even spits on the man's face.

"Alright... you got balls, I give you that. Listen to this though: the boss only gave me two orders. That would be keeping you locked up in here and make sure you're not dead. Which basically means I can do whatever I want. An eye or two wouldn't be that bad, right? Now, apologize.", the man grabs a knife from his pocket as he slowly approaches Kaiyn. However, Kaiyn simply laughs as if he wasn't intimidated even a bit.

"Heh, no thanks. I only wimp to someone I respect. Not some fucking rat bastard like you.", said Kaiyn as he looks up and stays still.

"Well shit then. We both know what happens next, don't we? Things are gon' get reaaaalll ugly."

"I'd rather go blind than bow down to your sorry ass."


The remaining survivors have been transported via helicopter to what seemed to be a whole city surrounded by walls. The origins of this place were unknown and hidden from the public and has only been released now that the country has announced a state of emergency.

"Kaiyn's strong... it's not that I'm afraid to go back out there. I have faith in him, and you two should too.", Renji places his hands on both Benedict and Lyrah's shoulders, giving them comfort in a time of crisis.

"Can we request a search party for our friend? He was left out there. He's armed with a baseball bat and may have supplies that can still last for at least a day.

"We'll do what we can. What're your names?"

The soldiers exchanged information with the three, telling all they can to explain the current situation. From the architecture of the ringed city to the protocols along with the distribution of free ration to the civilians. Unfortunately, the city had already been divided into social classes. The wealthier you were or the more important you were on politics, the more protected you were in the inner rings in the walled city, with the lowest rings of the wall divided into small portions as bait in case of an infected attack in order for the military to respond quickly.

"Hey, Lyrah... are you feeling okay?", Renji places his hand on Lyrah's shoulder. She shakes her head and struggles to speak; whispering that her head hurts. Renji shifts his hand onto Lyrah's forehead, noticing that her temperature was rising.

"She's burning up- how much longer until we get there? Do we have first aid in here?", asks Renji as Lyrah starts to collapse on his hands.

"Sorry kid, this is as fast as she can run. The first aid's been used on other wounded soldiers earlier since we got into a gunfight with unnamed terrorists trying to stop us from rescuing civvies."

The chopper began to shake uncontrollably as the pilot screams in a panic. The three held each other tight as they close their eyes, unable to muster up the courage to look and see what was happening.

"What's going on!?", one of the soldiers exclaimed as they stood up and prepare their rifle.

"We're under attack! I can't see through all these crows!", the pilot replied as he desperately tries to maintain the chopper's balance. The helicopter crashes onto the ground, leaving only one soldier with three teenage survivors with one of them being unconscious.

The soldier instructs them to retreat and find cover as he does his best to hold off the infected. As the soldier lets out one final battle cry, a young man appears out of nowhere covered in blood armed with a baseball bat and a shotgun.

"I saw it; on your wallet. Is your family inside this walled city everyone won't shut up about?", said the mysterious man as he stares at the lone soldier. He had an empty eye socket which kept slowly pouring out blood along with bite marks all over him.

"But... you're bitten. You know that, right?", the soldier asks as he reloads his rifle.

"Don't care didn't ask. How much you still got in there?", the young man asks as he pumps up his shotgun.

"About three magazines and two grenades..."

"Give me one grenade and take my bat then send it to a guy named Himura Renji. I'll handle this, GO.", the young man says as he stretches his arms, looking at the approaching infected.

"Man can't even have one last drink before this shit takes over. Well at least this looks like an honorable death I think? Hell, it doesn't matter I guess."

The infected stop dead in their tracks as the young man notices the same terrorist who has tortured him earlier now with another individual wearing a crow mask. The infected seem to be getting controlled by these two individuals acting like vampires to ghouls.

"There you are... tryna act all ballsy saving someone you don't even know for what!?"

"What is this some ridiculous cosplay? Why won't you just get the job done and finish me off already? Say whatever you have to say and piss off.", the young man points his shotgun on the masked man, not showing any hesitation on pulling the trigger.

The masked man merely turns his back on the yelling individual and places his hand on his henchman, signalling an attack as he seems to disappear out of existence while a small flock of crows came charging on the young man, giving him a millisecond to react to his former captor's attack.

"Kaiyn Jotunnson was it!? Before I kill you I have to thank you for giving me all the fun I've had in years, I've never felt more alive! Other than that, it's NOT guten tag for you!"

The captor plunges his knife deep into Kaiyn's palm as he tried to block a stab to the heart. As Kaiyn notices his blood spilling all over the floor, he begins to have a panic attack out of nowhere as the process now just went into his mind, driving him near insanity.

"Oh... I've been beaten up so much already. Most of this blood IS mine... but you. You're still too proud to show your true face, eh?", the captor gasps as he senses a familiar presence as Kaiyn spoke of those last words.

"Tyre-", he gets cuts off by a loud, ear-piercing scream as he notices a different Kaiyn on all fours bearing fangs and claws.

"Now THIS is more like it! LET'S SEE IF YOUR BLOOD IS ANY REDDER THAN MINE NOW!", the captor exclaims as his hair stands up and bore fangs as well.

He attempts to scratch his claws onto Kaiyn's chest, but that part of his body somehow hardened like a transparent rock as he watches his nails break, not having enough time to react to Kaiyn pouncing on him and take a bite off of his shoulder.

Slamming onto different abandoned buildings and destroying vehicles and roads, this battle was no longer one that had human boundaries that it even caused minor earthquakes that was felt all over the province. Kaiyn monologues within his mind as if another being was taking over his body mysteriously.

Tyrell... my pops. How did he know his name? Wait... how did he know MY name? Does he already know where Renren is? No- he's smart and can handle Ben and Lyrah probably. Why am I so doubtful lately? Why can't I pinpoint an exact question or answer? And what does this guy even want in the first place? Uncle Orpheus? Grandpa Fafnir? Why does this feeling feel so familiar. Let me... forget.

"There he is!", yelled Benedict as he explores with Renji, noticing an unconscious Kaiyn lying on the ground with clothes torn off. He had no wounds nor any signs of blood. As Renji investigates his brother's body, he begins to carry him on the back.

"You're not even going to try to wake him up?", asked Benedict.

"He still has a pulse and I saw no bite marks earlier. We can have our family pleasantries later. Surviving is the main priority for now.", replied Renji in an extremely serious facial expression.

Several hours earlier, Lyrah had been put into the hospital of the walled city. They knew more about how the city works where there was a specific class of citizen called bottom dwellers, where they are basically the disposable people participating to prevent overpopulation on the distribution of ration. They can either be fodder on the outside or enlist themselves to the regime, a task force of soldiers connected to the king.

"Should we really be doing this?", asked Benedict to Renji.

"You don't have to join me, this is just my choice. For some reason, I still have energy left to go out there.", he replies as he forms his palm into a fist.

"If it means I get to watch your ass out there and making sure we survive instead of chilling in the wall, then I'm in. I don't know why, but this is just me listening to my heart for no reason at all."

Unfortunately, our protagonists found themselves into a sticky situation where both sides of the city had divided parts of infected charging on every corner.

"Listen up. I'm going to leave Kaiyn and my backpack to you. That bag has food and supplies that can keep you alive for at least a month. All food in there is mostly canned so those can last for a while. Keep going forward and I'll distract that group of walkers." Without warning, Renji immediately goes in and shoots the infected with his drill gun. All of them immediately chased him as he runs to the side where it was a narrow way. Benedict sighs and wears Renji's backpack and carries Kaiyn onto his shoulder.

There was a conveniently placed debris of a tall rock placed at the side of the narrow street. He pulls it down and bashes one of the infected's head in the process. Renji continues to run as he looks behind him, they have already destroyed the debris and continue to run straight at him. Some were even crawling and going on all fours while roaring. Renji leaps into a car and grabs a balcony above him. He kicks the door open and took the stairs onto the rooftop. There were still several infected lurking around the houses so it was a close chase. As he makes a jump to another roof, an infected manages to grab his leg and attempts to pull him down. Renji's hands slip on the drill gun. Luckily, he managed to kick the infected off his leg but another walker comes in, pouncing on him and was reaching for his neck. His left arm was blocking the infected from biting while the right one was searching for something within his pockets. He managed to take a grip on his pen and stabs the infected's eye, bursting out blood onto his chest and face then continues to run.

A rush of adrenaline takes over as he swiftly jumps and sprints into many obstacles. Along the way he came across an open slaughterhouse. There was a rusty chained hook and a machete lying on the ground. Renji scavenged these for self defense and continued to walk slowly as a rest.

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