Chapter 20

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Sinbad sighed in relief as everyone was in one group, "I'm glad we all arrived at the same time," said Ja'far as if picking up on Sinbad's thoughts.

Sinbad nodded, "sometimes there's a variation when you enter a dungeon," he said, taking a small look around the room they were in.

Sera rose a brow, "there is? I thought it was always like this," she said, resting her hand on her chin in deep thought.

"You've conquered a dungeon by yourself, haven't you, Sera?" Asked Kimi, "usually if someone has a small group they're separated," she explained causing everyone to raise a brow at her explanation.

"I thought you didn't have any Djinn," said Sinbad, if she had any he would've noticed by now or at least his own would've noticed.

Kimi shrugged with a sheepish smile, "I've helped my brother conquer one. You and him are similar in a way. The only difference is that he values knowledge and isn't a womanizer." Kimi giggled. Sinbad glared at her and the others covered their mouths to keep themselves from laughing.

The topic was dropped as Mystras had a wide-eyed look, "so this is a dungeon," he said whimsically, finding it exciting already.

Serendine seemed more cautious, "we'd better be cautious as we move forward," she spoke wearily.

Sera scoffed, "we have no time for that, we need to go quickly. An entire country rests on this becoming a royal tomb again," she said, crossing her arms. She began to take off her hood and wrap it around her waist, she ran a hand through her hair to fix it.

Kimi lightly touched her dagger. She can feel Zepar.

Sinbad seemed to agree as he nodded, "she's right, time is precious. Our priority is to conquer the dungeon and return the royal tomb to its former state," he explained, "let's cut out the exploration and take a shortcut straight to the treasury," he said, unsheathing his sword.

Ja'far rose a brow, "is there a way to do that?" He inquired.

Sinbad scoffed, "what? That's easy," he said as the insignia on his sword began to glow, he was soon in his full Djinn equip for Baal, which resembled a dragon, "it would be faster to cut a path straight through to the treasury!" He exclaimed, pointing his sword to the door.

"That's so reckless! Sin!"

Sinbad didn't seem to listen to Ja'far's pleads, "Bararaq..."

Kimi ran to him and tried to stop him, "YOU IDIOT!!----




They all landed somewhere with a thud as small snap had resonated throughout the dungeon, Sinbad was unequipped. "...? Where... Are we...?" He asked, noticing the difference in scenery and his djinn equip gone.


Sera who had been rubbing her head didn't even realize she wasn't with the rest of them, "nice job, Sinbad!" She exclaimed sarcastically, she soon opened her eyes and they widened to see something that resembled a small demon staring down at her, "AAAAHHHHHH!"

Kimi rubbed her side and stood up. A blue hand held her and she knew who it was. But she sweat drops when she sees her friend looking like she's having a heart attack.


Sinbad, having heard the shout, looked up to see the Djinn known as Zepar holding Sera in his palm, and Kimi in the other. "Sera, Kimi! How'd you two get up there?!" He exclaimed, getting nervous with every second passing.

Sera turned to him with a glare, "how the hell am I supposed to know?!" She exclaimed, her eyes not wanting the Djinn on account to the fear.

"Zepar transported us here. So if someone or something caught his interest, he'll study it. But for a djinn, he's like a cute child up close." Kimi said as she was looking for a way down.

He seemed to ignore them and went on with an introduction, "this is the treasury. I'm rather attached to this dungeon, and I'd prefer if you don't destroy it, so I transported you here. I am the Djinn of this dungeon."

He rested his free hand on his chin(because Kimi climbed onto his shoulder and sat down) all while ignoring Sera's statements to be put down, "I am the djinn of spirit and puppetry... Zepar-" a smirk made it's way across his lips- "Welcome, humans."

Zepar seemed to be thinking by the way he was staring at Sinbad, "you... You're unusual, aren't you? You've brought several Djinns with you... Just like that king..." He said with a hand on his chin.

Sinbad's brows scrunched as he seemed to be wondering what he was talking about. "But instead of that King, you're more like... No, nevermind..."

"Mr. First Class Singularity....." Kimi mumbles, which made Zepar give her a quick side glance.

Ja'far interrupted him from his thoughts, "umm... This is the end of the dungeon, right?" He asked, wanting his confirm his suspicions.

"It is. But..." Zepar's eyes scanned the group for potential king's, "it seems like, among all of you, there's already one with his mind set on becoming king..." He said, his eyes landing on Sinbad, "...yes... But... That's right..."

Zepar soon explained how Sinbad already acquired household vessels and is undoubtedly a king vessel but he didn't seem to be looking for that. " It's not your strength, but the strength of your allies that I'll be testing. As a king, just how well will your allies obey you?" He asked, "that will be my trial for you."

Sera began to giggle and leaned against her hand causing the Djinn to look at her, "as much this has been an interesting conversation-" her expression became sour- "will you please explain what I'm doing on your hand?!" She exclaimed as she glared up at him.

Zepar soon chuckled, "Oh right..." His expression became serious, "your rukh... There's something about that seems different than the rest," he said, bringing Sera closer to him to inspect her further.

He seemed to realized what it was but a voice cut him off.

"Don't even think about it, Zepar."

Sera groaned, "thanks, Amdusias," she said sarcastically.

At the sound of the voice Zepar seemed to cringe, "eek, you have that old man... How boring," he said, leaning his hand forward causing Sera to slip off and begin to fall.

Sera held in a scream and closed her eyes as she braced for impact, "Sin!" She cried out, waiting for him to catch her. She felt herself land in someone's arms, she opened her eyes and smiled at who caught her.

"Oh, thank you Hinahoho," she said, letting herself down on the ground, Hinahoho only gave her a small smile in return. Sera stayed standing next to him and looked to her side to see Sinbad smirking.

"You wanted me to catch you?" He asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

She narrowed her eyes and elbowed his stomach, causing him to double down in pain, "and yet, you still didn't," she said bluntly.

Zepar then turned to Kimi, who smiles at him. "You're not truly from around here...are you? You may look like a 14-year-old but your mind is that of an adult." He said and Kimi stiffened.

"(That is none of your business Zepar. You will say nothing about me. Djinn of Alma Toran)" Kimi spoke bitterly to him.

His eyes widened when she spoke Torran and everyone asked themselves what she was saying. Zepar scowled at her. He did not like the tone she used on him, and plus, it seems she knows of....that world. She jumped off his shoulder and landed next to Hinahoho and Sera.

He then interrupted the rest of the group, "then let's get started." He flew off his pedestal and raised another one, "I'll be testing that strength of yours. All right. First up, I'll have your fellow allies fight each other here," he explained, gesturing to the pedestal he just raised.

Hinahoho smirked, "sounds interesting."

"Fight... You mean a match?" inquired Sinbad.

Zepar scoffed, "Oh, please don't relax just yet. This is a serious fight," he said, "I expect you to use your full strength for this fight. I am judging your strength after all."

Zepar scanned the group once more looking for eligible contenders, "then, I'll choose the pair for the first match. First up is..." He smirked as his eyes landed on Mystras and Hinahoho. He pointed at the two, "You two."

Zepar then explained how the two were similar as he saw everyone's perplexed expressions on the choice, Ja'far didn't seem to agree as he offered Lord Drakon to fight against someone of Hinahoho's stature.

Mystras interrupted Ja'far, "that's not true, Ja'far. I don't feel dissatisfied with the Djinn's choice at all," he said as he rubbed the back of his with a sheepish smile, "it's true that I'm from some special race of people, and I don't have a household vessel like you and some of the others do, Ja'far, but..."

His eyes seemed to shine with determination as he spoke, "But I am a knight of Sasan. No matter who my opponent is, I have no intention of losing."

Hinahoho smiled and hoisted his spear onto his shoulder, "if that's how you feel, I can agree with that."

"Lord Hinahoho," said Ja'far, trying to stop him.

"Let's figure out which of us wields the strongest spear," he said, looking down at Mystras and ignoring Ja'far's call.

Ja'far scratched the back of his head in regret for getting them fired up. Sinbad chuckled, "it's fine, Ja'far," he said, "you worry too much. Let's just see what happens."

Sera giggled, "He's right, small fry, I'm sure it'll work out," she said with a smile as she rested a hand on his shoulders.

He turned to her with a glare, "he just tried to kill you not even a few minutes ago!" He exclaimed and turns to Kimi, who had a worried look. "And you! (she flinched) What the hell were you doing on his shoulder like some little kid?!" He yelled at her.

Sera and Kimi shrugged as flowers surrounded their aura, "I'm fine now though, aren't I?" Both asked with a small giggle causing Sinbad and Ja'far to comically fall.

Zepar ignored their small conversation, "The match will continue until one of you is defeated. Now if you're both prepared-" Mystras and Hinahoho both got into a battle stance- "let's begin."

"I just pray to Solomon that everything will turn out alright...," Kimi mumbled.

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