March 3, 1838

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Dear Diary,

Now I'm eight years old and yesterday, Mistress thought I would probably work harder if I was in a warmer place like the mansion, rather than outside. I was eager until I found out what my job was. Mistress ordered me to care for her only child, Maximus, who could not fall asleep without someone singing a lullaby. I tried singing a sweet song to him, but I was used to fun, jolly tunes that we sang around the campfire at night. It was impossible to sing him to sleep. Luckily, the whiny child CRIED himself to sleep, but I got my ears boxed for HIS whaling.

Today, I got to serve the Master and Mistress their dinner which was piles of mashed potatoes, tomato soup, green beans, beef and chicken, and wine! All of it was steaming hot and smelled great. I wanted to please the Master and Mistress by serving them politely, but I didn't want to SERVE the feast. I wanted to eat it. I just had to have a little taste of the food. So, while I was bringing it to the table, I slowly took a fork, scooped up potatoes, beans, and steak all together and ALMOST placed it in my mouth. With the gravy poured on the meal it looked delicious but it was still too hot to touch. So when the bite of food touched my tongue, I dropped the fork, startled by its temperature.

Mistress whipped her head around and glared at me.. I was very frightened of what would happen. Next thing I knew, I was dragged out of the mansion, and whipped hard. Then Master told me to help in the garden, and not to go in the mansion ever again.

That night I couldn't sleep. I was whipped for stealing food, thrown out of the mansion, and my father was upset that I had done so. 

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