Chapter 1

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hey so this is your reminder that this is stellarlune spoilers!!! so if you haven't read stellarlune step away now. thank you and enjoy!

~this takes place after they have handled elysian and they are waiting for the neverseen to do something~

"Fosterrrr!!!" Keefe, or, Sophie's new 'boyfriend' said as he came up to her. Sophie sighed.

"What is it, Keefe?" She said

"Good morning to you too!"

"Okay, okay. Good morning." She said, reluctantly. Keefe traced a finger under her eyes.

"You haven't been sleeping well. What's up?"

"I don't know. Just stressing about what the Neverseen are going to do next. Your mom already did enough to you. I don't want them to hurt you more."

"Aww. I really appreciate you losing sleep over me, Foster. But it's okay. I'm okay. But I can tell you're not. So how about we go on a little date and walk around foxfire for a bit, and you can tell your new boyfriend how you're feeling. That's why I'm here. You trust me, right?"


"Well then open up! I'm here for you to vent if needed."

"Okay, I guess." She said and Keefe twined his finger together with hers and kissed her hand.

"Let's go!" He said and swung his hand up and started skipping.

"So...what's happening?" Keefe asked

"I mean..I guess I'm kinda stressing about how we're going to tell people we're together."

"You know, you're cute when you worry." Keefe said, giving her a friendly bump. Sophie scowled.

"Its true, Keefe! I don't know how to tell people this, and I don't know about you, but It's kind of stressful for me."

"You know, when you kissed me a few months ago, I really thought the Great Foster Oblivion was over. But I guess not."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sophie asked, her scowl returning

"He means," Ro, Keefe's ogre bodyguard, appearing out of the shadows while also reminding them they weren't alone said,"That you're still oblivious to the fact that pretty much all your friends know that you're together. It's kind of obvious." Really? Had it been? Sophie was trying to wait for the perfect moment to tell everyone that she and Keefe were dating. But she couldn't control when she blushed at his perfect smile, tousled hair, and, even though he would never stop teasing her about it, his attractive smirk. She hadn't thought that her friends would have really noticed it.

"Aww, look at how embarrassed Foster is right now! It's so cute." Keefe said, smirking when she flushed. It also didn't help that she tripped a few steps later and Keefe had to catch her

"Guys," Keefe said, pretending to wipe his eyes, "I think she's falling for me."

"If I were, It would've been a long time ago." Sophie grumbled. She had been clumsy her whole life, and the strange things she was always doing in the Lost Cities hadn't helped that.

"What's that? Fosters always thought I was handsome?" Sophie shoved him aside.

"I'm going to my session." She said, even though she really didn't want to go to a two hour telepathy session with Fitz Vacker. Even though they had kind of patched things up a few months back, with an exercise Tiergan had called the Inquisition, it would still probably forever be awkward with Fitz, since he was kind of Sophie's first boyfriend. But she still held strong as Keefe said,

"Oh, I see how it is. Okay. I guess I've annoyed you enough for today. Go enjoy your session with the Fitzer!" He gave her a quick kiss on the hand again and twirled away, with Ro following behind him. Sophie's sessions went pretty well. Fitz had gotten over her and Keefe, after everything Keefe had been through. And her other session was linguistics, and while Lady Candace could never actually be nice, she had gotten a lot better. And just like that, she was leaping back to Havenfield. She went inside and said hi to Grady and Edaline, her adoptive parents before she went upstairs and showered. After she got out of the shower she asked Vertina, her programmed mirror to give her some advice on how to braid her hair in a intricate way she would never be able to pull of again, even with her photographic memory. And of course, just as she stepped out into the pastures of Havenfield, Keefe was there waitng for her just as she had instructed.

"You ready?" He said as he stood up from where he was laying under Calla's Panakes tree

"Am I ever?" She said, noticing how he was eyeing her braid. And sure enough, he raised an eyebrow and said

"I think Foster's trying to impress me." He said as she grumbled and turned around, trying to disguise the was she was blushing.

"I mean its not perfect, but we both know you're far from it." He said spinning her around to face him.

"You know you could wear a black tunic and put your hair in a really plain ponytail and I would still think you're beautiful, right?" He said as he played with her braid.

"Shouldn't we be going?" She said, wanting a subject change so she didn't have to endure him giving her compliments that she didn't know how to respond to.

"Yeah, I guess." He said,  spinning the crystal on his facet. And with that, he grabbed her hand and swung her into the light beam the crystal created.

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