Chapter 11

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Sophie slipped on her shoes and ran up the stairs to the Leapmaster. She needed to tell him. She was going to tell him. 

"Candleshade!" Sophie shouted, and the light whisked her away to Keefe's home. As she opened her eyes to the tall building, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Her hand shook as she knocked on the door.

No answer.

She knocked again.

No answer.

Three times.


A chill run through Sophie's body. What if his mom- She cut of the thought. Then, she tried to open the door. It was locked. She used her telekinesis to shove the door out of the frame. 


Someone was in the house. Sophie walked in, shaking. 

"H-hello?" She called, voice cracking.


"Is anyone home?"


"Keefe?" She called, just in case. The thudding stopped. The staircase started turning. Sophie felt sick just watching it. And down, at the bottom of the staircase, sat right in front of her, was Keefe Sencen. Sophie walked up to him and slapped him across the face.

"What. Is. Wrong with you?!"

"Nice to see you too." Keefe said, voice hoarse. She slapped him again.

"Okay, okay. First off; ow. Secondly; What the hell was that?"

"What do you mean what the hell was that? I come over here, no answer. Break the door down, no answer. Call out? No answer." Sophie said, tears staring to spill out slowly. "I love you! I love you, you idiot! You should've been prepared! Obviously I love you! Why wouldn't you be waiting here for me? I love you, and you're such an idiot!"

Keefe looked at her, eyes tearing up.

"I love you too." Then, Sophie closed her eyes, letting the tears fall out. 

"I know. You told me already." Keefe gave a soft laugh and pulled her in for a kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his around her waist. The kiss was just as good as their first one, if not better.

"What was all that thudding?" Sophie said between the kiss.

"Me getting mad and breaking some stuff"

"Why are you mad?"

"I'm not anymore."

"Don't avoid the question."

"I'm not." He said, and moved his hand to her face, kissing her more passionately.

"You're trying to distract me."

"Is it working?" He murmured in her ear.

"Not really."

"Don't lie."

"Just tell me why you were breaking stuff"

"I got mad at myself."


"It's a stupid reason. Maybe one day I'll tell you."

"Keefe." Sophie said, giving him a look. He kissed her.

"Keefe, I have something to let you know."

"Yeah?" He said, pulling them apart. 

"I'm...not so sure about going anymore." She said, looking down.

"What do you mean?" He said, taking her hand.

"I mean..going to the place your mom's keeping your dad. What if it's a trap?"

"Foster, I don't know what you're so worried about. I mean, worst that's going to happen is my mom is secretly creating a human-elf hybrid to try to imitate me. And hey, just saying thats gonna be pretty hard." He said, flipping his hair.

"I mean, I'm just saying."

"Foster, I promise. It'll be okay. I would offer for you to stay back, but I think we know how thats going to turn out." Sophie gave him a playful shove as he laughed and a smile crept up on her lips.

"Okay." She breathed

"Okay? Like, ok let's go?" Keefe raised an eyebrow.

"Okay. Let's go."

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