Chapter 14

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Tears tempted to stream down Sophie's face as ran back up into her house.

"Sophie? Are you-"

"Yep" She cut Edaline off sharply right before she was going ask if she was okay. Does it look like she's okay? No. Is you asking helping? No. Sophie slammed her door shut before anyone else could question her, because if they did, then they would have to see her cry. She had just broken up with Keefe, right?

Sophie walked over to the picture of their first kiss on her desk and picked it up. Then hurled it out the window. She heard a smash of the glass breaking on the lawn; and it stung how much that mirrored her heart shattering into a million pieces. 

"What did I just do?" Sophie muttered to herself, running a hand down her face.

"If you asked me, he deserved it" Sandor commented from her door, which was wide open.

Sophie belly flopped on her bed and talked into her pillow, muffling her voice. "Go away."

"It's my job to stay right here, Miss Foster" Sophie ignored him, her face still pressed into the mattress. 

Keefe was everything to her. Keefe was the only person she felt like she could talk to. The only person who would understand. The only person who could console her when times were at the lowest low. But how could anything get worse than this? How could her life go even lower? Everything was wrong. Everything was messed up. It felt like the world had shifted. Like everything and everyone was falling. Down, down, down, until there was nothing but darkness. Nothing but emptiness and the one person who could bring her back up to the light was lost. A face far, far, away blurred by distrust. Anger. Betrayal. Hurt. Longing.



Sophie's hands tightened around the wooden sword in her hand. She swerved right, and jabbed the training dummy in front of her right in the chest. Then the thigh. Then the neck. Then the shoulder. Then the arm. She kept smacking it. Again and again, as hard as she could.

"Sophie." A stern voice brought her out of the zone. Tam's face was serious. "You're not going to get anywhere with that."

"Leave me alone." Sophie grumbled. She lazily stabbed the dummy in the chest again.

"You're the one who asked me to train with you. Focus. Attack like you're in an actual battle."

Tam's words echoed around her, and this time she cautiously circled the dummy before pouncing, first hitting its throat. She then side-stepped so she was facing its back. Sophie grabbed the dummy and put it in a headlock. Then, with her right hand, she swiftly shoved her sword through its heart. 

"Good." Tam turned, his cape flowing with the wind. Sophie let go of the dummy and cringed at how beat up it was. She stared at it for a few more seconds before moving on.

Next, Sophie mass exercised. Push ups, pull ups, sit ups, weights, you name it. She did each activity for a few minutes straight. The sweat would bead on her forehead, but she didn't bother to wipe it off. Nothing to look good for anymore. Nothing to look forward to. Nobody to make plans with and be excited to hang out with later. So Sophie'll just get stronger. Stronger and stronger, because this wouldn't break her. Never. She won't let this break her.


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