Chapter 3

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When Sophie got to Havenfield, it was all mostly quiet. Grady and Edaline must have been sleeping by then. Now that she thought about it, it was quite late. She ran up the stairs and practically fell into her bed. She didn't want to bother changing. She was tired. And nervous. And embarrassed. But unfortunately, her worries didn't stop. She had so many nightmares she was thinking about getting up and out of bed just so that Flori could make her some slumberberry tea. But she pushed through the feed of nightmares. And when she woke up, she stayed in bed. She wasn't sure how long she stayed in bed for, though. Three hours? Maybe four? Sophie didn't care. But soon Edaline knocked and quietly stepped into her room. Somehow the whole time she was back at Havenfield, she felt this itching in the back of her head. Like a realization was trying to claw its way out. And when Edaline came into the room, it did. It came out. She hadn't told Grady and Edaline about her and Keefe. Oh no. She could definitely keep them from some people. But there was no way she was going to be able to keep a full-blown relationship from her parents. So when Edaline gently pulled the covers over her head and offered her a soft smile, Sophie sucked in a breath. And gave her probably the most nervous smile ever.

"What happend?" Edaline asked

"Oh! Um, nothing, really."

"Sorry we weren't there when you came back from Everglen. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." She said, probably too quickly.

"Okay, you're probably going to be very mad at me for bringing this up don't seem that fine. So, I was wondering whats wrong. You don't have to tell me directly. Just say yes or no. Sounds good? And I know you're probably going to say no and I can also tell you're pretty uncomfortable. So if you don't want to do this, you don't have to. But if this is something that you're nervous about telling, I suggest you say it anyways to get it over with. I'll even tell Grady myself if you want." Edaline said and Sophie sat up, knowing her answer.

"Okay, I guess."

"So. Is this about the Neverseen?" Sophie shook her head

"School" She shook her head again

"Boys?" Sophie did such a small nod she doubted Edaline noticed it. But she did.

"Is it Keefe?" Sophie squeezed her mouth shut and closed her eyes as she nodded. Even though Edaline had probably one of the most supportive people in her life, she couldn't look at her face. What would she think? Well that question was answered pretty quickly as Edaline pulled Sophie into a tight embrace.

"I'm so happy for you." Edaline said and Sophie couldn't help sniffling.

"You'll tell Grady for me?" Sophie asked, not ready to go through another stressful conversation. Especially since Grady had a rocky history with Keefe. From calling him "That Boy" to not trusting him at all at one point, she wouldn't exactly say they were best friends.

"Of course I will." Edaline said pulling back from the hug and studying Sophie with a beaming smile. 

"You've grown so much you first came here." Edaline said "Well, I'm probably embarrassing you enough. You get ready. I'll go tell Grady."

"Okay." Sophie said, her voice not hesitating. She was ready. Ready to face whatever came after her.

okay sorry this was a shorter chapter I just felt like this was a good place to end it. enjoy and lets hope chapter 4 is good!


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