Chapter 9

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A/N: this chapter is in Keefe's pov! also there are some quotes here that were supposed to take place during the whole elysian thing so i basically made those up; dont get confused 😅

-rosie :)

"Embrace the change."

"You wont die. Yet."

"This is your legacy."

"Stop!" Keefe screamed. He didn't know if it was in the dream, or real life. He couldn't tell which was which. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

"Embrace the change."

Keefe's eyes busted open. He looked beside him and saw Sophie sleeping peacefully. That made him smile. He got up, careful not to wake her. He started walking around and decided to go into his mom's room. As he went in, it felt like eerie music had just started playing. But he wasn't scared. He was going to fix this. As he walked around he could hear the questions flying around in his head.

Why is she replacing me?

Is she having another child?

What is the reason behind this? Power?

Keefe shut them all down. He was here to focus on this. He searched around. He even went into her closet, since they had found things there before. There was nothing there. Next, he looked in the drawers of her bedside table. Keefe's heart stopped. In one of the drawers, there was a letter. 

I knew you would find me, Keefe.

Is what it said on the front. He gingerly took it out of the drawer and opened it. It read;

Dear Keefe,

I knew you would find this someday, most likely after I "took" your father. And don't blame me for that. You'll know the reason soon enough. Now, I bet you're probably very invested in this right now, so much that your face is almost touching this paper.

She wasn't wrong. 

So, I'll be a good mother and tell you this; I will explain and even show you everything. The whole plan behind me taking your dad. The reason. I'm giving you this bead which will leap you to the place I'm keeping your father. The place where I will explain. I trust you will make the right decisions, Keefe. 

Love, Mom.

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