Chapter 53

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3rd Person POV

Sophie woke up snuggling into her boyfriends chest. He had his chin on the top of her head, his hands loosely wrapped around her waist. Sophie snuggled her cheek against his chest, trying to get closer to him. He grinned in his sleep, but his eyes opened when he heard his girlfriends stomach growl. 

"Are you hungry, Foster?" Keefe asked sleepily. Sophie's eyes slowly opened and she let a groan escape her slightly swollen lips. Light flooded into the room from the open curtain's and Sophie groaned again, her stomach hurting. 

"Yes, very," she told him. He softly smiled, helping her up from the bed. When the two stood up, Keefe held onto her hips for a bit. He stared into her brown eyes as she reached up and placed her arms on his shoulders. She grinned a bit, staring into his ice blue eyes. But she pushed away when she felt her stomach growl again. 

"Let's go fill that stomach up," Keefe told her, pulling on a new pair of boxers. Sophie quickly jumped into the shower, smiling a bit when she spotted her shampoo. He must have asked Grady and Edaline about it. She washed her hair, running her hands over her scalp, but she immediately bent over when she felt her stomach camp. Groaning, she got out of the shower, quickly drying herself off. Keefe had set a new pair of clothes in the bathroom for her and she smiled at the sweatpants sort of bottoms. She change, walking out of the door to see Keefe holding a hair dryer. 

Once he had dried her hair, he took her out to a restaurant. Her boyfriend slightly chuckled as she shoved the mallowmelt in her mouth. He reached across the table, wiping a bit of the gooey goodness off her lip and licking it off his finger. 

He took Sophie back to her house, but he soon notice how tired she seemed to be. She didn't want to get off the couch when he set her down on it. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, biting his lip. Had he done something wrong last night?

"Hey, Foster, you alright?" Keefe asked, sitting down on the foot of the couch. Sophie's sleepy eyes slowly opened, and Keefe bit his lip. She nodded, giving him the vest smile she could put together. But Keefe was an Empath and he could tell she wasn't feeling herself. Keefe reached up to her forehead, but everything felt normal. She was sweating. He took the blanket off his girlfriend, but she tugged it back on.

"You can go home Keefe, I think I just have a cold," she told her boyfriend. Keefe bit his lip, looking over to the door and then back at his girlfriend. 

"Sophie, what if-" he started, but she shook her head. 

"It was nothing you did, if would be my fault if anything, I probably just ate something bad," she told him, reaching up to his cheek. She slid it down his face before tucking it back under the blanket. "Grady and Edaline will be home soon, anyways, okay?" She asked him. He bit his lip harder. "Go home and rest, you must be exhausted from last night."

The truth was, he definitely was way tried from the other night. But he didn't want to leave his girlfriend. But if that made her happy, then he would do it. 

"Call me if you need anything," he told her sternly. She nodded under the blanket and he sighed, He reached down, wiping her sweaty hair off her forehead and planting  soft kiss. Then, he walked out the door. 

Edaline and Grady arrived a few minutes later, and Sophie's cramps had only gotten worse. She bit her lip, trying to put on a smile for her parent's, but neither of them seemed to buy it.

They definitely new something was wrong when she jumped from the couch and ran for the bathroom. She puked and the burning sensation in her throat only got worse. Edaline got her napkins and Grady snatched her pajama's from her room. She changed, her face only seeming to get paler. 

Edaline took her temperature, and she only had a small fever, 99.2 degrees. Grady was tempted to call Elwin, but Sophie quickly shook her head. 

"Then we should call Keefe-" Edalines tarted. 

"No," Sophie and Grady said at the same time. Edaline rolled her eyes at her husband, helping Sophie get situated in her bed. 

"I feel like I just had an ounce of limbium again," Sophie mumbled. She was sweating, but didn't feel hot. She felt cold, and wanted her blanket on herself at all times, ignoring Edaline's complaints.

"Grady, will you come into the hallway with me?" Edaline asked. Grady nodded, following his wife into the hallway as he ran a hand through his hair. She shut the door behind her husband, pulling him close to her. 

"Throwing up but no fever? Sweating but not hot? Tiredness? Doesn't that remind you of something?" Edaline asked her husband. Grady bit his lip, those words bringing up some memories. When Edaline was young and pregnant with Jolie, she had been throwing up like a monster. Her moods always acted up and she had always wanted to kick his ass but was always to tired to get up from her bed.

The pieces clicked in his head and his eyes hardened. 

"You really think-?" Grady asked his wife. Edaline bit her lip, nodding. 

"What if she's pregnant?"

Hello! I updated pretty quickly today. 

So, about the vote. 

The code for the vote was for the baby gender. Wynn being a boy and Luna being a girl and guess what?

Luna won!

So if you guys have any names you would like me consider, go ahead and leave a comment or message me!


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