Chapter 72

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I'm sorry if I caused the creation of a rumor, but I did not lose this story. That message was from a while ago when it disappeared. But a few days later it did indeed appear so, my lack of updating has just been to keep you all on your toes.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

(Also, if this was one of your guys's plans to get me to update just to clear the confusion, nice job it worked)


3rd Person POV

"What?" Sophie shouted at Elwin. But the doctor didn't respond. He sighed, leaning back in his chair, running a shaking hand through his hair. Sophie felt himself becoming emotional as she laid back on the bed, feeling the baby squirming inside her. She let out a shaking breath, feeling herself finally breaking apart. A small whimper escaped her lips which quickly broke into uncontrollable sobs. She buried her face in her hands, smearing the salty water over her face. 

"Sophie," Keefe whispered. But Sophie couldn't stop crying. She sobbed uncontrollably in her hands, her body shaking. Keefe slowly approached the cot, softly pushing Elwin's chair out of the way. The mattress sank on Sophie's right and she attempted to pull herself together, but Keefe a reached a hand out to Sophie. Her stress filled, hopeless emotions came flooding to him, but he squeezed his eyes closed, focusing on every happy moment in his life. His moments with Sophie, the good times with the group and everything they had changed for their generation of elves.

That happy feeling flowed through Sophie, making her shiver. Her sobs slowly came to a calm and she sniffled, wiping her nose furiously. Keefe looked down to her, his sparkling blue eyes glassy as he gazed down at his girlfriend.

"Foster," Keefe spoke softly, as if he thought she would break at just the slight raise of his voice. "Look at me."

It took all of Sophie's strength to let her eyes focus on his and he leaned down towards her, pressing a tight kiss to her forehead. Sophie could feel a wetness on his lips and she realized they were his tears. As he pulled away, she felt a slight tremble in his lips and when she looked back up to him, she found his bottom lips quivering uncontrollably.

"I love you..." he said and swallowed. "So much." His voice was hoarse, croaking as he held in a sob. "And I hate that..." he looked up at the ceiling, his face clenched as he fought back more tears, "you have to go through this."

Sophie quickly reached up to Keefe, pulling his face to hers and pressing her forehead tightly against his. 

"I'm sorry," he said quietly as a tear escaped his eye. Sophie quickly swiped it away and kissed the eye as it fluttered close, releasing more water.

"Sophie?" Elwin spoke softly from behind Keefe. "Would you like to try?"

The thought scared her and she quickly blinked over to Keefe when he pulled away. 

"It's up to you," he said quietly, putting on a brave smile for her. 

Sophie nodded and turned back to Elwin, nodding to him as well. 

"I want to try," she told him. Elwin nodded and quickly got on a pair of blue gloves. Keefe got up from the cot and kneeled at it's side instead, gripping Sophie's hand tightly. She squeezed tightly in nervousness, biting her lip tightly. 

Human pregnancies had scared her from a young age. Hours of pushing and that was with good luck. She had heard horror stories of how some mothers were in labor for days.

"Hey, Foster, we haven't even started yet," Keefe whispered to her, trying his best for a joke. Sophie glared at her boyfriend angrily, but he had a point. Her deathgrip on Keefe's hand didn't look nice and her tense figure along with her clenched toes also didn't help her already aching muscles. 

Elwin came back to the end of the bed and waved for her to scooch closer to the end. She did, though her muscles refused to relax. Elwin had a nervous glint in his eyes as he snapped his fingers, a blue light appearing in front of his face. Removing her pants and underwear, Sophie felt a sudden stretching feeling down there. Not quite painful but very uncomfortable. She squeezed Keefe's hand tightly, lying her head back against the mattress and squeezing her brown eyes closed.

"It's alright Sophie," Keefe whispered to her. She felt him press a kiss to the top of her hand as she squeezed the blood out of his hand. "It's alright."

She bit her lip tighter as another stretching feeling. This one was a bit painful and she had to bite back a whimper. 

"Such a strong woman," Keefe said. "So strong."

"It hurts," she cried to him. 

"You're doing great Sophie," Elwin said to her. 

Another stretching feeling. Her bottom lip quivered.

"One more Sophie," Elwin said. But his voice sounded far away this time. Sophie opened her eyes to find them blurry. A bright light flashed in her eyes. "One more..."

Then, her vision was blinded and everything went black with spots. 

3rd Person POV

Keefe watched as Sophie's figure suddenly relaxed and the hand which had been squeezing his own go limp. Quickly he got to his feet, panic lacing hsi rapid breaths.

"What happened?" he rasped at Elwin. 

"She passed out Keefe, now let me concentrate," the physician said. Keefe quickly leaned down towards his girlfriends face, pleading for her to stay with him. 

"Such a strong girl," he whispered, pressing his shaking lips down to her forehead. 

And suddenly, a pleasant cry rang through the school infirmary. 

Keefe's eyes shot up and he found the smallest person he had ever seen in Elwins arms. They were covered in a sort of clear slime, blood trailing around their very pale and very skinny body. 

"Keefe," Elwin said. "Meet little Calla Jolie," he said, a tired smile coming to his lips as his eyes filled with joyful tears.

Have any of you watched LOKI?

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