Chapter 1: Leaving

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Sophie's POV

"Mom!" I shouted, running to the door to hug my crying mother. Edaline's smile was sad as she wrapped her arms around me. I wrapped my arms around her neck, burring my face into her shoulder. She stroked my blonde hair with her frail fingers. 

"I'm going to miss you so much, Sophie," she whispered, setting her chin on the top of my head. My eyes got watery as I pulled away and saw her furiously wiping her beautiful turquoise ones. She opened her mouth to speak, but she straightened. "Do you have everything you need?" She asked. I sadly smiled and nodded. She looked over my shoulder to her husband, my adoptive father, Grady Ruewen. 

"I hope so," I told her. Grady smiled at me when I turned to see him. He waved for me to join him in the car. I turned back to Edaline, wrapping my arms around her one last time before running out to the car with my suitcase in my hand. Grady helped me put it in the trunk and hopped into the drivers side next to me.

"You ready for this kiddo?" He asked. I smiled and wiped my eyes as I saw Edaline fade into the distance. We drove down the street and I looked out the window until I could see no more of my mother. I blinked a few times before turning back to Grady who's eyes were also shimmery.

We soon arrived at the airport. Grady helped me bring my two suitcases to the entrance. I looked at the glass doors in front of me. It was like looking at a portal to a knew world. An unknown world. 

"Well, kiddo. I guess this is where I say goodbye," Grady said from behind me. I turned to him, tears now streaming down my cheeks. I ran over to him and wrapped him in a strong hug. Grady smiled, slightly wiping his eyes as he pulled away. I had never seen my adoptive father cry before. It was a heartbreaking sight and at that moment was when I thought I had made a mistake with leaving. 

"I love you so much kiddo. I hope you know that Sophie," he told me, wrapping his arms around me once again. His hand came up to the back of my head where he pushed my face flat to his chest. My lips quivered as he kissed my cheek and wiped his eyes one last time. 

"I love you, too, dad," I said, grabbing the two suitcase handles. He smiled and waved as I walked through the doors. 

"Call me when you get on the plane!" He shouted as they closed. I smiled slightly and let out a heartbreaking sob of a laugh. This was a huge mistake, I could tell. How was I supposed to live on my own without parents? 

I continued my journey down the airport, trying my best to fight back the tears wanting to spill out of my eyes. I hated feeling so weak. So open to the world. 

Finally, I found my way to security where they checked my bag and gave me my ticket once I was in the clear. I walked over the baggage drop off and realized how busy it was in the airport at one in the afternoon. The lines were fairly big and I couldn't believe I hadn't thought about scheduling an earlier flight so I would miss the rush hour. 

But, I hopped in line and eventually got to the front where they took my two blue suitcases. The lady escorting the bags directed me to where I was supposed to go and it seemed easy enough. 

Easy enough for a person with a good memory. 

Even if I have a photographic memory, I have always struggled with directions. Left right , north, south. Same thing to me. I soon found myself in a crowded hallway, people rushing by with dogs and machines. 

"Miss? Do you need help finding your plane?" A boys voice asked from behind me. I turned to find myself eye to eye with two pairs of teal eyes. The pair to my right was a boys pair and to the left was a girls. They were definitely siblings, from their dark brown hair to their inhumanly teal eyes, they could've been twins. The male was very handsome, movie star handsome. The smile he was shooting at me gave the impression that he must have been famous. 

The girl on the left had the same dark brown hair, except much longer. It almost looked like silk from the reflection of the sun. She was wearing a long flowing purple dress. Her tan skin was just like her brothers and her smile just as bright. 

"Yes, actually. I must have turned myself around," I told them, showing him my ticket. He looked it over, his eyes moving back and fourth between the lines of numbers and words. Then, his straight lined lips turned to a grin, his eyes sparkling when they met mine. 

"Looks like we're heading to the same place, miss," he told me. I retracted my hand. "It also appears we are sharing a three seater on the same plane," he said, catching one more glance at my ticket. He held out a hand. "I'm Fitz Vacker and this is my sister, Biana," he told me, waving to the girl. I smiled and shook his hand.

"Plane 39 will be departing in twenty minutes," the intercom woman said. Fitz retracted his hand and waved for me to follow him. He adjusted his carry on bag before setting off down the hallway, his sister not far behind. I ran after the two, not wanting to get loss yet again. 

"Here we are," Biana said, her melodic voice ringing through my ears. My smile faded as I looked over to the entrance of the airport. I had actually missed my plane departing area when I walked in. Silly me, I thought.

This could all go away. I could go to college here in Minnesota. I could stay with Edaline and Grady and not have to go through losing my parents again. But I knew that wasn't what I wanted inside. 

"You alright?" Fitz asked. I turned to him and nodded, my smile fake. He frowned and grabbed my hand. "This is your first time leaving here, isn't it?" When I looked away from his gaze, he smiled. "It'll be hard at first, but once you make friends and make a new family, it'll all be okay," he told me. I looked back into his teal eyes, butterflies flying around in my stomach. 

We started loading the plane and I was thankful to be sitting next to the Fitz. Biana had wanted the outside seat, which I was fine with. Fitz smiled as I gripped the armrests when the plane started to move. 

"I didn't catch your name," he said as we finally got air. I turned to him, and from his amused face I could tell I was probably as pale as a ghost who could sweat. 

"Sophie Foster."

There's the first chapter. Hope you guys liked it :)

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