Chapter 11: Chance

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I know, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sooooooo sorry

Sophie's POV

Someone touched my arm, jolting me awake. My eyes flew open and I looked up to see Tam smiling down at me. I looked to my side to see Keefe with his eyes still closed. Quickly jumping away from the blonde haired boy, I fell to the ground. Tam snickered before helping to my feet and tapping Keefe's head. The sleepy boy opened his eyes and looked between me and Tam. Then, he groaned one more time before standing up and limping to my side. 

"What did she say was wrong?" I asked Tam as we walked out of the doors. We decided to walk home since it was somewhat warm outside as the sun was now out. Tam just gave me a shrug. 

"Just a spring cold or something like that. Nothing to worry about now. She told me it should be gone in a few days." I nodded, and quickly grabbed Keefe's waist when he looked like he was about to topple over in the other direction. He hugged my side, holding on for dear life as he was about to fall to the floor. 

"Keefe, I think you have it worse then Tam did," I told him. He gave me a goofy smile before his eyes drooped again. I rolled my eyes, tugging him out of the office after getting a few weird looks from the nurses. 

The bus was supposed to arrive in about ten minutes, so I sat Keefe on a park bench, letting him rest his head against my shoulder. Tam sat on the other side of me, letting me rest my head on his shoulder. His head rested on top of mine and we stayed there until the bus came. Keefe slept all the way back to campus and I remembered I actually had to go to school tomorrow. 


The three of us limped off the bus, me hissing when Keefe tried to lay his head back on my shoulder. We rode the elevator back up to my room where Keefe immediately flopped onto the bed. Tam told me he'd be in the bathroom, cleaning up. I smiled and waved him in before calling Biana. 

"Sophie!" It's seemed like forever since you've called!" She shouted through the phone in excitement. I help the loud speaker away from my ear, letting the ringing fade before bringing it back. 

"It was actually the other night, but what the heck?" I could almost hear her smile through the phone. 

"Did you hear about football tryouts tonight? Fitz is gonna try out. How's Keefe doing? Whos the cute guy with the pale hair that I see you walking around with?" SHe asked, flooding me with questions. 

"That's Tam and he's my frie- Wait. You were following me around?" I asked throught he phone. She let out a smug chuckle. I rolled my eyes before continuing. "Keefe's sick right now, but I'll ask if he wants to try out. I know Tam wanted to play football," I told her. "I'll call you back." She responded before hanging up. I walked over to Keefe who was groaning on his bed, his whole body spread out on the sheets. 

"You feeling any better?" I asked him, sitting down beside his torso. He looked over to me, his blue eyes looking be up and down before coming back to my eyes. "My friend just called and asked if you or Tam wanted to go to football tryouts tonight, but it doesn't seem like your up for that sort of thing right now," I told him. But he shot up in his spot, shaking his head. 

"I'm actually feeling much better now, I think I can go," he said. I rolled my eyes, touching his forehead. It was colder than last night, but still a low fever. 

"Keefe, I don't know," I started, but he cut me off. 

"I'm fine, Sophie, promise," he told me, giving me some sort of baby eyes. I rolled my eyes once more before pushing him down on the bed and lying all his blankets on his body. 

"Fine, but you are going to sweat your butt off for the rest of the day," I told him. He let out a groan before nodding. I then walked over to the bathroom where I heard a few whistles. I opened the door to find Tam brushing his hair with Keefe's brush. 

The blonde haired boy would not approve of any such thing. 

But I didn't say anything. 

"Hey, Tam? You still wanna play football?"

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