Chapter 5: Roommates

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Sophie's POV

I looked at my door in suspicion as I put the last of the soda into the mini fridge I had bought. Walking over to the door cautiously, I turned the handle and peered into the hallway. To my surprise, there was a boy about my age stumbling around. He had golden blond hair and beautiful ice blue eyes that were bloodshot. By his staggering movements, he was either drunk or overly tired. 

"Um, sir? Are you okay?" I asked, not expecting an answer. His head shot up to mine and his bloodshot eyes met my brown ones. A goofy grin came to his mouth as he stumbled closer to me. I frowned as he trapped me in between both of his arms against the wall.

"Hiya pretty lady," he whispered to me, the smell of alcohol coming from his mouth. I turned my head away from him, but I could still feel his gaze looking me up and down. 

"What do you want?" I asked him, trying to avoid his eyes. He smiled, greedily. 


CRACK! A fist came flying and hit the boy right in the square of his jaw. I looked down at his crumpled body in shock, not even caring who did it. But I eventually looked up at the strong person who had punched him. My eyes widened when I saw it was the kid I had helped on the street. He shook his bruised fist. 

"Back off Sencen," he mumbled as he walked a bit closer to me, only for me to back up. Where had I heard that name before? "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I saw him walking into the building drunk and knew he was going to make trouble," he told me. I took a double take between the two boys. 

"You know this guy?" I asked. The boy nodded his head, then held out his bruised hand. "What's your name?" I asked him. His piercing blue yes met mine and he smiled a bit. 

"Tam. Tam Song," he told me. I smiled and took my hand away from his. "And you?"

"Sophie Foster," I told him. His gaze wondered up and down me before he looked over to the unconscious boy on the ground. He reached down and started to pick the blonde boys pockets. "Do you want to come in here? I can give you some new clothes and ice your hand," I told him. He looked over to me as he pulled out a piece of paper from the kids pockets. 

"That would be great, and it looks like he has a roommate," he told me, pointing to a number on the piece of paper. My eyes widened when I looked at the number. 

"That's my room," I told him, my mouth ajar. Tam took a double take between me and the boy. "And that's Keefe Sencen," I said, my eyes still not believing what I was seeing. Keefe started moving on the ground and I gasped. 

"Alright, calm down Sophie. We just have to bring him into your room. He's an okay guy if he's not drunk," Tam said, trying to reassure me. He put a hand on my shoulder with a fake smile. I knew he was lying, I just really didn't want to believe it. Tam helped me hall the boys unconscious body back into our room and onto his bed. 

"Thank you again, Sophie. For both the food and clothes," he told me. I smiled and shrugged, handing him the one boy shirt and pants I owned. He changed in the small bathroom on Keefe's side of the room while I grabbed some of the peroxide and gauze from my suitcase. Tam smiled and sat on my bed, letting me wash and wrap his hand as we let Keefe wake up himself. "If you don't mind, I kinda got beat up by a dog a few days ago and he left a nasty cut on my back," he said, a bit shyly. I smiled and waved for him to turn around. I lifted his shirt in the back and saw a bloody and deep scratch mark. "It was a pick Great Dane. Guess he didn't like me very much." I smiled and grabbed a cloth from inside the bathroom, damping it with water and walking back out to see Tam studying some of the posters on my walls. 

"You like baseball?" I asked him as I placed the cold wash cloth on the scratch. He hissed in alarm and I giggled a bit as his head turned over his shoulder and glared at me. 

"Yeah, everywhere has it on that I go to eat," he told me. "I wanna play football, though," he told me. I smiled and poured some peroxide onto the washrag. He hissed again as the sting came. 

"Go take care of blonde over there, I'll be fine," he told me as I took the rag away from his back. I turned to the white sheet barrier and nodded, lifting the cloth so I could see the blond boy. He was on his back now, his hands at his sides and he had faint snores coming out of his mouth. Rolling my eyes, I walked over to mini fridge in my half of the room and grabbing a cup from the kitchen counter. I filled it up with warm water and poured some honey into it, mixing the concoction with a spoon.  Then, I walked back over to the passed out boy and slowly started scooping the liquid onto the spoon and pouring it in between his lips. I couldn't keep in a giggle when some of the liquid went down his chin. 

"Huh," he groaned as his eyes opened, revealing still bloodshot ice blue eyes. "Who?" I frowned and grabbed his hand, bringing it up to hold the glass and I gave him a look that said 'drink it.' Then, I walked through the curtain and back over to Tam. He was still studying the posters, but instead of sitting, he was laying on his stomach, his head resting in his hands. 

"You can take them if you want," I told him. He smiled and shook his head. 

"I wouldn't have anywhere to put them," he told me, standing up from the bed. I shuffled from foot to foot, biting my lip.

"Where are you gonna go?" I asked him, not meeting his gaze. I saw a small smile come to his lips as he walked a little closer to me. 

"I'll probably go back to my group in the street, go get that free pizza," he told me with smirk. I smiled and waved to my half of the room.

"You could stay with me," I whispered, kind of hoping he hadn't heard. He looked down at me in surprise. 

"Really? You would do that for me? But I barely know you," he told me. "And I thought your friend had told you not to talk to people who you don't know?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and crossing his pale muscled arms. I smiled and shrugged. 

"We are a bit past that line, aren't we?" I asked. He smiled and nodded his head. 

"Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded, crossing my arms. "There is know kicking me out tomorrow," he told me, raising his eyebrow even higher. I smiled and shook my head. "Fine, but I'm sleeping on the floor and buying my own food from my job, no changing my mind on that," he told me. I nodded. 

"Alright, well what do you say we go and get that pizza?" 

There's chapter 5 for you :)

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