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*No ones POV*

Ruby: He's Scary. *Gets lower to the floor behind table*

Yang: He's Noble and Sexy~

Weiss: I don't trust him.

Blake: He fine in my Books.

*Corey's POV*

I heard four girls talking about me, and I heard what they said, so I decided to walk to them.

???: Blake, Yang, Weiss, he's coming! Hide me!

???: Ninja Vanish!

I stopped at their table

Corey: Which one of you said you can't trust me?

???: *Points*

Corey: Who called me Sexy?

???: *Points back*

Corey: Who said they were scared of me?

??? and ???: *Points*

???: GUYS!


(Pretend Freddy is Corey, Purple Guy is RWBY, Corey is in his Armor, and their in the Cafeteria)

???: I'm terrified!

???: Hey! You can't just scare my sister like that!

Corey: *Grabs ??? By the neck holding her up* Why not?

???: Yang!

All of a sudden I was hit, I turned around and saw a girl with Amber eyes and Black hair

Corey: You, I like.

???: *Blushes* U-u-uuuuuuhhhhh..... NINJA VANISH!

Corey: Scaredy "Cat".

I was suddenly trapped in ice

Corey: Nice try. *Melts ice* But, it's not that easy.

??? and ???: *Faints*


Corey: Now, where were we?

Yang: *Gets Mad* You'll pay!

???: Corey, Stand down!

I turn around and saw Coco

Corey: *Gets in Coco's face, but she's slightly taller* No, Ma'am. *Walks off*

Coco: Hey, where are you going?!

Corey: To kill. *laughs like a Demon*

*Everyone except Coco and Yang Faints*

*Time skip to Emerald Forest, No ones POV*

Corey: *Sings while killing Grimm*

???: *Also Sings while killing Grimm*

At the end of the song they were both holding Combat Knives at each other's throats

Corey: Been awhile..... Cutie. 😉 (Remove the smile)

???: Fuck off!

Corey: Don't even remember?

???: I do..... Commander. *Hugs Corey*

Corey: So, how's it been, Eden?

Eden: Alright, you?

Corey: I- *Shoots Grimm behind Eden* Don't really know.

Eden: Oh. Also, Thanks.

Corey: I'm Fuckin' bored.

Eden: Same.

Corey: *Checks time on Helmet*

-----12:00 AM-----

Corey: Shit.

Eden: Wha- *Sees time on Helmet* So?

Corey: I have to Report in.

Eden: To who?

Corey: *Sighs* My New Commanding Officers.

Eden: Can I come?

Corey: Alright. *Picks up Eden and puts her on his shoulders*

Eden: Hey! Not Cool.

Corey: Don't care.

*Time skip back to Beacon, Corey's POV*

Corey: Hey Coco.....

Coco: YOU!

Eden: YOU!

Cardin: FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!!! 50 Lein on the little Cutie.

I stomp over to Cardin

Corey: Remember me?

Cardin: *Turns around* I SHIT MYSELF AGAIN!!!!!

I hear two others stomp over



Cardin: I- *Sprints away*

Corey, Eden, Coco: COWARD!!!!!

Corey: *Takes off Helmet* Ah, Fresh ai- *Pukes*

Eden: *Kisses Corey on the Cheek* Thanks for standin' up for me.

Coco: 1. Why did you throw up, 2. Why did she kiss you, and 3. WHY THE HELL DID YOU SCARE TEAM RWBY?!?!

Corey: 1. It smells like a Brute And a Hunter just had sex and Shit on each other, 2. Because she can, and 3. I WAS IN A BAD FUCKING MOOD!!!!!

Eden: *Hugs Corey* Are you OK?

Corey: No. I'm not.

Coco: What's wrong with you?!


Coco: Sorry!

Eden: *Grabs Corey's arm* Come on, you can stay at my place for a while.

Corey: *Kisses Eden on the cheek* Thanks..... Cutie.

Eden: *Punches Corey in the nuts*

Corey: *Holds his nuts* I deserve that!

Eden: *Kisses Corey on the cheeks again* Damn right you do.

Part 2 done.

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