BOOK II: Chapter 7

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(Five Years Later: Alpha Flight Headquarters, Above Earth's Orbit)

The wedding of Professor Jean Meir Montmartre or Methu-Selah and Commander Carol Danvers was the main event of this venue. The members of the Alpha Flight, SHIELD, Avengers, and the other guests were all invited. Her brother, Joe Danvers, Jr. along with his family were happy to see her getting married. Being televised publicly and online, it was the first time to celebrate in this wholesome event in a very restricted and critical area. 

Cladded in a pure white ball gown and a transparent veil behind her hair, Carol stood beside a bespectacled blond man dressed in a black suit. They were standing in front of Captain America or Steve Rogers who officiated the wedding ceremony. The couple exchanged their vows to be married along with the rings as they both signed their virtual wedding contract. Everyone was looking forward for the most interesting part.

" May I now pronounce you, husband and wife, " Steve said and turned to the pink Kree. " You may know kiss the bride. " 

" I love you, my Starling, " the Kree Eternal said and held his bride's hands. 

" I love you too, my Kree-Frenchman, " she gleefully replied and also held her groom's hands. 

Finally, Methu-Selah smiled as he waited for the longest time to be with his bride which he never had one for almost two thousand years of his life. Thanks to Mar-Vell, he had gotten to know Miss Marvel or Captain Marvel, now Mrs. Carol Susan Jane Danvers-Montmartre. On the other hand, Carol had found the right man next to Rhodey's personality after several relationships with men. The groom and bride had put their lips to each other and hugged when everyone clapped and cheered for the new spouses. 

" Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Montmartre! " the patriotic Avenger smiled to the couple. " Have a wonderful and meaningful marriage, ahead. " 

Colonel James Rhodes was glad to see the couple had finally declared their love. Some years ago, he gave Methu-Selah his blessing to be with Captain Marvel which War Machine wanted to pursue his relationship with Jessica Drew or Spider-Woman who was also the half-Kree's bestfriend.  Carol was very supportive of Rhodey and Jessica's relationship which she was happy for them. 

This time, she threw a bouquet of flowers to the bridesmaids when they were looking forward to catch. The ladies jumped as a dark haired woman named Jessica caught it when Rhodey was beside her. Finally, the new spouses and the others already knew who would get married next. 

Hours later, it was an after wedding party when everyone had more time to celebrate and enjoy this moment. Methu-Selah and Carol spent talking with the invited guests who were also friends and colleagues.  Tony Stark or Iron Man was one of them, holding a glass of champagne.  

Then, a frail looking old man was floating over to the billionaire, his life support system glowing faintly. Following behind him were two men who were ten feet tall. One had a smirk and blond hair with a slim physique and the other had black hair and a broad body type with a sword on his back of considerable size. His face was serious.

Tony Stark still kept conversing with Mr. and Mrs. Montmartre as he noticed another wedding guest behind him. The newly weds noticed them and smiled. 

" Technet, I'm glad you're here! " the billionaire beamed.

Technet wheezed a little and reathed in his face cracking into a smile with some rather unpleasant sound. He was pleased and honored to be in this event. 

" Likewise, Mr. Stark. It's been a while, " the old man replied. " I'd like to introduce my sons Tech Deck and Tech Blade visiting from another galaxy. " 

" I'm so glad to meet you again, " he smiled and turned to the newly-weds. "  It's an important talk guys. It'll get back to you. Have fun! " 

" Sure, Tony. Take your time, " Carol nodded and turned to Technet and his sons. " Thank you for attending this event. "

" My wife and I are glad for you to be in the ceremony, " the Kree Eternal added.

Technet laughed a little then coughed and wheezed, " I bet... I bet. It's not everyday you find your other half... alas I'm too old for such strenuous trials...Anyway, good luck to you both. " 

" Definitely, we will, sir. Our relationship just began here in the Alpha Flight several years ago, " Methu-Selah kissed his wife as Carol smiled and blushed.

" Methie has been the most caring person I have ever married! "

" Heh, these space lovebirds, " Tony chuckled.

Technet turned to Tony and smiled, "My offer still stands, Mr. Stark. You could work for me. A fifth level techlord like us doesn't have to live among the lower mind."

" Well, yeah. I've been in a coma for sometime before these two got married. I'm willing to get it, " he nodded and grinned. " Besides, an Avenger like me deserves more windows of opportunity ahead! " 

Technet nodded his neck cracking with more unpleasant sounds, " It's a professor position like the Kree groom. You would be the first human I've ever given that honor to."

" Sure thing, I can manage my other responsibilities here. Since, I have given up my work on SHIELD. Cap can also lead the Avengers and I usually get involved. So yeah, I'm available. "

" That's good to hear then. " 

A group of jazz band from the Kree race were playing a lively danceable tempo of music when everyone enjoyed. Tony and Technet were still conversing about the new opportunity on the table. Suddenly, the headquarters received an alert status from Earth. The crew headed to the lobby and reported to Commanders Abigail Brand and Carol Danvers-Montmartre. Then, Tech Deck pulled up a hologram screen and began to monitor a security tape with the words warning flashing on the screen. 

" Um... father.... who are these people and why are they in district three in the basement? " Tech Deck curiously asked. 

Everyone got alarmed about the situation arising despite of that celebration. The crowd muttered when the Kree jazz band ceased playing music. Tony raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms. He got curious of what he heard.

" Guys, is there something wrong? " he queried. 

Technet coughed hard, " What?! Thats a weapons storage!! How is that possible?! " 

" Hmmm, weird. I thought the HYDRA scare is over, " Tony muttered. 

Techdeck and Techblade watched the screen and looked horrified. The rest of the crowd got worried as Methu-Selah sensed danger from Earth using his Kree Cosmic Awareness. He approached his wife and Commander Brand when Tony noticed them talking of the same situation. 

 "The planet destroying weapons are housed there..." Techblade muttered and felt shocked. " How come? " 

" Friday, can you check the video where is it located? " Tony talked to his AI. 

" Beginning to scan the exact coordinates..." the female AI replied.

Technet tapped his wrist communicator waking up six battle androids which surrounded the intruders. Friday had finally finished her GPS work.

" Latitude: 59° 56' 19.07" N, Longitude: 30° 18' 50.87" E, " she answered. 

" St. Petersburg, Russia, " the billionaire Avenger muttered.

Technet wheezed angrily,  " Those fools are attacking one of my weapon storages. They will not leave... alive..."

" Well, we have to take care of those HYDRA Agents, " he said. " Since the Steve Rogers clone had given us some problems before, I think we have to do this right away. "

" Boss, we're still in space, " the AI replied. " You're not yet done hosting this wedding party. "

" It's an after wedding party. We need to move our butts out of here. "

Techblade drew his sword, " I got this..."

Tony took the microphone when the crowd turned their attention to him. He immediately donned his prominent red and golden armor.  The rest of the Alpha Flight members and other fighters readied themselves to defend the base and then the planet if another infiltrator would come to destroy. 

" I'm sorry everyone, we need to end this party, " he said. " We have a situation back on Earth. Avengers: Assemble. "

Techblade cut a portal in the air and beckoned the group forward. The Avengers joined them and left the area on a spacecraft from Stark Industries. Carol hurriedly changed into Captain Marvel, catching up and after reminding her subordinates to remain in the base. Methu-Selah still wearing a black suit, followed her.

" Guys, wait up! " she cried and quickly rushed.

" Carol, do you think this is a good idea to postpone our honeymoon? " her husband asked.

" Duty calls, Methie. We need to go! " 

" Right, I'm coming with you. "

The wedding party ceased as it turned out to be a red alert situation when our heroes headed back to Earth. 

(Abandoned Warehouse, St. Petersburg, Russia, 12:33 AM)

The HYDRA Agents immediately took all the equipment when the British-Chinese man wearing a magenta suit and a Skull-Octopus brooch-pin waited inside the van. He was impatiently waiting for them to finish the activity and crossing his arms to see them. 

" Hurry up, you scums! " the Kyrat HYDRA Agent yelled. " We have to keep everything seamless before someone finds us! "

" Yes, sir! " a man spoke with a heavy European accent and turned to his comrades, translating the same words into his language.

The operatives nodded and hurried themselves to finish this activity. Suddenly, they noticed some jetplanes coming and landing as they anxiously mumbled in their mother tongue. A portal opened under one of the movers dropping him through it. Then another portal opened to the left of the second mover ejecting the first one into him knocking them both over as Techblade appeared with the others.

" Hold it right there! " a male voice called their attention.

" Captain America? " the HYDRA Agent recognized the man's voice.

" Long time, no see. Pagan Min, " Rogers sternly spoke. 

" I'm supposed to send these equipment to Kyrat, but you and your sleuths came to stop us! "

" Yep, you said it, " Tony said and summoned his colleagues. "  Avengers: Assemble! "

Tech Deck raised a fantasy card called burning curse to the air as it glowed setting the vans tires on fire. The Russian HYDRA Agents were running away. 

 " You picked the wrong tech lords to rob! " he indignantly spoke. 

" Energeek! Get them! " Pagan yelled.

A geeky man with glasses walked out from behind the van as the tire fire stopped leaving the wheels undamaged. Finally, the Avengers had met their match. Techdeck and techblade became nervous as they did not expect him to cross their paths. 

" Did we really Techdeck? I beg to differ, " he tauntingly laughed.  " I didn't expect the Earth's Mightiest Heroes are coming as well! " 

" Just do your job in taking down the Avengers and turn into ashes! "

" What's going on? " a scarlet haired named Natasha Romanov asked.

" Some lad with such trickery he has, " Thor took his Mjonir.

" A freak of nature, I supposed..." Rhodey as War Machine muttered and pointed his large weapon at the man. 

Energeek lit a match into a small flame. He smirked as the flame became the size of a small explosion and sent it Thor's way. Rhodey was surprised to see it. 

" Odin's Beard! "

" Dammit! " 

" I'll get him! " Tony used his repulsors and aimed at their opponent.

" No, Tony! We'll get him! " the other armored one added. 

" Fine. " 

Energeek glared at the two as their armors began to drain in power. Rhodey and Tony exchanged glances as they got stuck and weakened.  The AI Friday reminded them of their losing energy. 

" What the hell?! " Tony angrily gritted his teeth.

" Now, what?! " Rhodey raised his voice. 

" Guys, I'll take him down if you want, " Natasha took her stingers and tried electricuting the overpowered man. Energeek was still unaffected and kept dodging the scarlet-haired spy. 

 " Energy is such a fickle thing isn't it? No one knows that better than I. It speaks to me and tells me so many things! " he chuckled.

" Really, how come you bring your friends to steal stuff? " she angrily asked.

 " Friends?! I'm not real!  I don't have friends only work..."

" And what's the HYDRA Emblem on your sleeve's jacket? " she kicked the man's gut and stunned him.

He glared at her making her feet numb and then her hands. She struck him again, but this time it did nothing. Natasha felt weakened and heavily sighed when she couldn't break free. Spiderwoman released her webs from her hands to trap him. Hawkeye shot an arrow on the HYDRA Agent's feet. Then, Jennifer Walters or She-Hulk arrived to stop the overpowered HYDRA Agent. Energeek smirked and again stared at the trio when  they fell short of their mark falling to the ground. 

 " I took the kinetic energy out of all your moves. They have no movement! " he snickered. " You guys are totally...WEAK!! " 

" Hey, how about getting into your size! " Steve pushed him down as Falcon joined his mentor in striking down the HYDRA Agent..

" You better say anything before we end you! " Falcon added, flying around and kept shooting the opponent.

Energeek pushed back amplifying an extremely powerful push, knocking Steve Rogers into the air. Falcon rushed and retrived his old mentor as he got saved. 

" Steve, I got you now, " he said. 

" Thanks, Sam, " his fellow Avenger sighed in relief and smiled.

Energeek pointed at the two and amplified gravity slamming them both into the dirt. The two Captain Americas ended up lying on the ground when their overpowered opponent gave them a hardy laugh. The Hydra Agents finished moving the stuff into the van and shut the back doors. Energeek smirked and jumped onto the moving van as it sped away. 

" Thanks for the fun,  Dasvidanya! " he yelped.

" Not so fast, Jerk! " a woman's voice yelled when a cosmic radiant blast from two figures hindered the van and aimed at the tree. 

The HYDRA Agents noticed a male and a female being who were descending onto the ground. Energeek angrily grunted and saw them. The blue-skinned man with a long silvery white hair blasted another HYDRA Agent. He glared at the others as they got terrified at the alien man. Pagan Min was ready to meet his long time target. 

" You idiot, you can't leave! It's Captain Marvel and another Kree! " Pagan angrily gritted his teeth as a blue skinned man tackled him down. " Get her! "

Energeek jumped to his feet and grabbed a stick of dynamite lighting its fuse. The other Avengers got terrified to his threatening display. Methu-Selah wanted to hinder him, but he had a HYDRA Agent under his captivity.  The Kree-Eternal turned to his wife as Carol nodded at him. 

"Stay back or I will amplify this and take out six city blocks! " 

" Not on my watch, you jerk! " the Kree-hybrid illuminated her hands to blast the dynamite.

Energeek pointed at her making the energy fade a little his face beginning to sweat as he coughed up some blood. Carol swiftly flew behind him and gave him a powerful kick on his back. Then, he phased out of existence for a second and fell to his knees crazily glitching. 

" Damn... it... not now..." he muttered. 

Carol punched at the man's gut as everyone saw what she was doing. Energeek felt more weakened as ever. Methu-Selah watched his wife taking the overpowered HYDRA Agent down. 

" Is she supposed to have her honeymoon later? " Jessica asked.

" I guess so, " Tony removed his helmet. " Her hubby got Min down. "

" Giving up, now? " the blonde woman sternly asked.

A man in a blue Italian suit phased out of the ground and grabbed Energeek phasing him see-through. He was surprised to see the half-Kree woman glaring at him as he nervously chuckled. 

"Phase...Out...."  Energeek murmured weakingly.

" Carol, we did it! " Steve sighed in relief.

" I don't think so..." Methu-Selah sternly spoke.

" What?! " his wife asked.

Energeek wheezed heavily and smirked when he and Phase Out began to fly into the air.  The other Avengers slowly stood up and supposed to get them. 

" Congrats, you stopped me not the van!  You picked the pointless option! " 

" What are you talking about?! " she indignantly asked when Energeek coughed up more blood and leered. 

 " I'm a carbon copy of a real person. A memory... you wasted time and energy on a phantom, lady! " he laughed.

" I think you have failed, Captain Marvel...or should I say, Mrs. Montmartre, " Pagan laughed as Methu-Selah was still guarding him. " You have enjoyed on your wedding day, but we're not all invited! By the way, where's your husband?! Oh, I didn't know that a blue Kree man is him! "

"" Carol furiously gritted her teeth and released her energy when she stared at Pagan and then to the other. Energeek smirked as the energy boomed stronger out of control. 

" Carol, don't push yourself too hard! "Methu-Selah warned.

" She's gonna blow along with him! Get out of here! " Steve yelled.

Carol used her Binary form to blast the HYDRA Agent. Her Kree Eternal husband became more anxious for his wife's state. Pagan smirked and remained observing. Energeek's feet began to turn to sand as his body died. 

 " I thought this would happen... I'm only supposed to exist for seven days, " he nervously grinned. "... It's been so good as five I suppose...I permanently opened your wife's energy channels... She can't close them now...." 

The rest of his body dissolved leaving phase out alone in the sky. Carol heavily panted as she returned to her normal self and fell down. Methu-Selah immediately rushed and carried her.

" Goodness, you could've missed our honeymoon if you get..." he paused.

" Killed? " she instantly opened her eyes, touched his face, and kissed him.

The others looked around as they saw the surroundings. The equipment was still there inside the van, however the building was completely destroyed. The HYDRA Agents got afraid and went running. Phase out opened a holographic screen and a big one as a young mob boss pointed angrily at them. 

 " You dare to interfere with me?! " 

" Who the hell are you? " Steve asked.

The mob boss leered at him, " Tyko's the name, you no good goody good. Perhaps you're more familiar with my pops, Cliche..."

" Cliche, " Techblade glared at the boss. " How come you're joining those Skull-Octopus men, here?! What do you want?! "

" Cosmic Chess, I'm afraid, " Tyko said calmly.  " Trying to fix the future... too many heroes currently..."

" Well, trying to fix the future, huh?! Oh yeah, I'm sick and tired of hearing that nonsense before. It's pretty damn overrated! " Tony scoffed and crossed his arms. " You're gonna meet your future in the Raft! "

 " I have bigger fish to fry and can't spend all day talking to "you" people. We have big plans with big bads! You idiots are just speed bumps! "  Tyko turned from the camera. The screen turned off and Phase Out flew away.

Carol turned around as her husband assisted her to stand-up. The Avengers and Technet's sons were all dazed and confused. Pagan Min was still smiling and watching at the conversation.

" Wait... what's going on?! " she asked.

Techblade examined the weapons in the van and his face suddenly showed fear,  " The energy cores have been removed from the weapons...This was a distraction."

" HYDRA has done it, " Falcon answered. " But how come? "

" Guys, I don't know what's happening earlier, " the half-Kree woman felt confused. " Is there something wrong aside from that? "

" Those energy cores are like fifty softball sized nuclear reactores. They could power the world for a hundred years." Tech Deck explained and sighed. 

" Hmmmm, It seems Pagan Min and his company have tricked us, " Tony concluded and looked at the Kyrat HYDRA Agent.

" We just made it very seamless before you came, " Pagan smirked. " You can't do that easily..."

 " You're not smart enough to break our security, "   Tech Blade picked him up by the throat. " Who is helping you? "

" Heh, that's what you think. My friend, Zemo and I planned everything before that wedding party, " the HYDRA Agent instantly removed the man's hand on his throat.

 " Impossible! You would need a level five tech degree for something like this and there are only 3 of those in existence. Tony Stark, Technet and A-list..." Tech deck sneered.

" Few years ago, we made a Captain America clone before the second Civil War had happened. During that time, our friend A-List had given us ideas after he stole everything from the Stark Compound. We have been distracting you until now, " he explained. " You guys were stuck on the problem with Mrs. Carol Danvers-Montmartre and the boy Ulysses Cain. You never knew what we were making, back then. "

" So, you guys hacked the system?! " Tony raised his voice.

" Exactly. "

 " What are you building?! TELL ME!!!" Tech blade punched the van tipping it with a crash

" Like Tyko said, we're building a future! " he laughed and turned to Carol. " By the way, Mrs. Montmartre, you're supposed to be dead five years ago! "

Carol widened her eyes in shock as she remembered the day when she got shot by another HYDRA Agent. Her hands began to flicker. She had understood who kept stalking her aside from Barry Crawford. Tyko returned on the screen and was evilly grinning at the half-Kree woman when Pagan taunted her.

Tyko pointed his right hand finger at the team, " The syndicate will soon rule this world as it should have been from the beginning..."

" As well as HYDRA! " Pagan laughed. " And all of you will suffer again!! "

" Damn you....Damn you...DAMN YOU, ALL!! " Carol furiously yelled and ignited.

" Carol, stop this! " her blue skinned husband cried.

" Carol, calm down! " Jessica added.

" Hey, take it easy! " Rhodey said. 

" You may cause another trouble, " Jennifer spoke. 

" Carol, please don't go all out! " Sam warned.

A gothic man appeared behind her and grabbed her arms tightly. Carol turned her head in sideways as she saw him. She remembered the day five years ago who ruthlessly stalked her and witnessed her supposed death. The man was evilly grinning at her which he wanted to end the half-Kree woman's life. Methu-Selah was rushing himself to bring his wife away from the evil one.

 " Always with the scary eyes..." he said. 

" YOU!! " the half-Kree woman blasted the man with her Binary energy. The man instantly poofed and swam through the air doing back strokes

 " You remember Oblivion... Oblivion is enraptured once again! " 

" GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE! " she blasted Oblivion.

Oblivion laughed and sniffed the air like a creep, " How can I resist you? You're so fresh... so exciting mix of beings."

" Stop this nonsense! " Thor yelled and threw his hammer at the gothic man.

Oblivion took the hit landing on his face laughing, " Ah the god so strong... so alone.. still having daddy issues thunder man?! " 

" Don't you ever dare to insult my friend like that!! "

Oblivion juggled his head in circles his eyes full of evil glee. The Avengers were still watching at him and preparing to strike him. 

" It's not an insult, if it's true now is it? I look at all of you and I can see your fears, your uncertainty and your past. Why some of you are more monster than even I !" he looked at Carol as he spoke.

" DON'T YOU EVER DARE!! " the half-Kree woman yelled and blasted him. The man quickly evaded as the blasts aimed at another building. It went crashing down as the other civilians rushed away. 

" Carol, you're blasting another building! " Steve cried.

Oblivion whispered in her ear, " Such intoxicating evil you are. Your anger, your fear, it's going to kill everyone you love and care for and it will be all.. your... fault..."

" LET GO OF ME! " she yelled.

" No....stop doing this to her!! " the Kree Eternal blasted his own cosmic radiance and aimed at Oblivion. The gothic man instantly fell down when Methu-Selah flew. 

" Oh...god..." Techdeck sighed.

" Carol..." Natasha muttered.

Oblivion screeched and dropped Carol as Methu-Selah took her away. His body was burning when struck by the cosmic energy.

 " Ooooh...I struck a nerve... " he angrily spoke. " Shame on you keeping such a beauty to yourself, thanks to your husband! " 

" The Kree Eternal's bride wants to take you down, my friend, " Pagan grinned.

" But soon enough, she's going to suffer in the future including her family, " Tyko smirked.

  " She is broken and one day I shall fix her! " Oblivion licked his lips creepily. 

" NEVER!! " she yelled again and kept on blasting. Her husband and the Avengers tried to stop her as she caused so much destruction. Oblivion pointed at the doomed place as Carol looked around horrified. He smiled with such glee which it made her sick. 

 " Some hero you are. You don't protect, you destroy. You think a monster like you can love?"

" Carol, please don't listen to him! " Methu-Selah touched his wife's hands. " I'm right here. Calm down. "

The half-Kree woman's Binary energy ceased as her eyes watered. She hugged her husband and wept. The others got terrified to see what was happening. 

" It's okay, I'm here..."

Oblivion took another dig at her heart, " Your wedding was a nice delusion, wasn't it? Love? You dont know that word not if you can make beauty to all of these! " 

" Don't you dare to ruin her life, " the Kree Eternal sternly spoke. " You're tempting her! "

The Avengers were worried to see what was happening. Tony sadly sighed as he never expected of this to happen. Suddenly, Oblivion vanished when the remaining Hydra Agents walked away with Tyko as they were suddenly recalled back to base.

" What have I done?! " the half-Kree woman thought and wept as her husband hugged her. 

Tech blade pulled up Oblivion's info along with another information sheet. The screen had the word match on it. The others turned and approached him. 

 " Odd, he is supposed to be dead..."

" Well, I guess someone had revived him from the dead, " Hawkeye shrugged.

 " What evil has the power? Who would want too either? He is uncontrollable..." Tech deck shuddered.

 " A Demon Lord, " Thor sternly replied.

 " Demon Lord... good one." Tech blade snorted with disbelief and shrugged. 

" Have you heard of Mephisto? " Steve asked.

 " The dimension mutant lord of Mephisto's realm. Yeah. Why?"

" I'm afraid he sees everything. "

 " The mutant Mephisto only has such power in his own dimension. Such is the weakness of his power. " Techdeck smirked. 

" The point is he's gonna be involved in what HYDRA's been building. "

 " The question is what does he get out of the deal?"

" I'm afraid it has something to do with the future. Ulysses Cain had predicted doomsday and despair before he died, " Natasha explained.

" To be frank here, I'm sick and tired of the future mumbo-jumbo thing, " Tony shrugged and pointed at Methu-Selah still hugging his wife. " Only the Kree Eternal from the Alpha Flight knows of it. It's pretty darn complicated to hear. "

 " I wish Javelin was here, "   Techblade sighed. " He is the only one Oblivion fears..."

" Apparently, the mutant Javelin had felt guilty for involving HYDRA's crimes and witnessing the supposed death of Mrs. Montmartre five years ago, " Friday replied. " He doesn't want to be involved for now. "

 " I don't blame him. I heard the whole thing really messed with his head. Jake will fix him soon though."

" Guys, what are we gonna do now? " Jessica Drew or Spider-Woman shrugged. " The public will be blaming Carol for everything. "

" So, her depression and PTSD have returned then, " Steve sadly said and turned to the weeping half-Kree woman. " She was once happily married earlier. " 

Techdeck handed Carol a card with a phone number on it which it was 24 K gold, " You might need Jake too. Take a break, ma'am. " 

" Thank you, I think my wife needs to retreat and have privacy from this mess, " Methu-Selah received the golden card and answered on her behalf. " But I'm afraid it will never be easy for her once we get back from our honeymoon in planet Hala. "

The Avengers looked at the new spouses with a concern as they sighed. The Russian policemen and the SHIELD Agents arrived in the scene. Carol became more uncomfortable than ever which her most memorable day turned into a day of despair, just like what happened five years ago. She heavily sighed and looked around. 

" This is going to be my fault, " she depressingly thought. " I wished this never happened.

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