Chapter 12

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Carol Montmartre was lying down on her bed inside the prison cell when the wardens turned-off the lights. The stillness visited the most dangerous place. The nightshift guards were still roaming around the hallway as they kept an eye of every female prisoner in the cell. In that moment, she was being monitored by another female warden on duty while glaring at her.

" Now, I'm being monitored one of these days, " she sensed and anxiously thought. " One damn thing from me, then I'm all screwed up. This is really all my fault in the first place. What will I tell to my husband: the good or the bad news?! Then, if my case weren't resolved, I guess I have to give birth to my son after nine months in prison. When he grows up, he would disown me from having a mother who is the most dangerous criminal in the planet. My reputation is tarnished after all! "

She closed her eyes in meeting her slumber and began to snore. Her mind fell into darkness as she floated in still blackness. Suddenly a long table sprang up beneath her with two seats one on each end followed by trees of amazing beauty and lush grass. Tasty desserts materialized on the table along with tea. Carol sat down on one end of the fancy table perplexed as a man with no face materialized from a distant opposite end. The half-Kree woman was a very curious as she had no idea of what was going on.

Then, she saw the images on the table, intently looked and picked them up. Carol remembered those days when she and Tony argued about Ulysses, the future, and further doomsday which it happened before. Finally, more images after the great Civil War appeared which she had already known. She got frightened and shockingly dropped the pictures which she refused to see them again.

" This is not right! " Carol thought and felt sweating on her. " Those memories are reoccurring again! I don't want to see these anymore! I don't want to see these anymore! Please make these stop! "

The man's figure changed as the trees began to wither slightly his form changing into an elderly woman. The shape-shifter cladded in a Kree Imperial Navy green battle suit and silver chest armor along with the arm bands. She had a white headdress with green and silver trimmings on it. Then, she approached the Kree-hybrid woman and looked concerned. The shape-shifter was recognizable and took the form of Captain Mari-Ell or Marie Danvers.

" Are you okay? " she curiously asked.

" Mom? " Carol widened her eyes and saw the image of the Kree Navy Captain. She remembered her mother was slain by a Kree assassin some years ago in Maine. " Is that really you? "

" Yes and no... this realm transcends time, " Mari-Ell comfortingly smiled as the trees recovered and bloomed.

Carol couldn't comprehend in what she was seeing. She turned her head to and fro which she became more confused for what the shape-shifter had said. The images from the past until now made her more apprehensive, even seeing the one who took the form of her deceased mother.

" Is there something wrong, my dear? You look more apprehensive. Can you tell me what's going on? "

" died some years ago. W-why are you here?! I don't understand what on Hala is going on?! I'm the one who is supposed to ask that, " she exclaimed and pointed at the table with the images. " Those pictures! Look, I... don't want to see them...anymore! These made me into a mad monster! Mom, you knew my terrible mistake! I am still a wretched woman until now! "

" You are truly confused and in distress, my dear Car-Ell, " the shape-shifter instantly replied. " I understand what you are coming from. You are carrying a child inside your womb for less than a month. He would feel that long-term negativity of yours and it's not healthy for him to experience before he gets born. "

" How the hell did you know? "

" I have maternal instincts. I can feel your pain including your unborn son. He deserves to hear more positive things from you until he grows older, stronger, and wiser. "

The tea pot on the table whistled its steam forming a delicious looking cake. Mari-Ell shook her head sadly at Carol's emotional outburst and hugged her. Carol finally realized her child inside could sense her despair. The shape-shifter pulled up pictures of victory, love and other achievements: her childhood, US Air Force period, days as Ms. Marvel, the Avengers and X-Men involvement, as Captain Marvel and her Alpha Flight faction, and finally her marriage to the Kree Eternal, Methu-Selah. The half-Kree woman noticed, recalled those memories before her mistakes were made and wept.

" Car-Ell, You are a very strong woman and have achieved so much in such a long time. I understood you wanted to be a true inspiration to your son. He deserves to know all of these, so he can learn from you, " Mari-Ell continued and pulled up a picture of the destruction caused by her and Oblivion's fight. " Yet, you let empty nobody's assault you with petty words. Then you let yourself get framed for this?! You are better than this... I never raised a half-Kree daughter to wallow in deep sorrow and despair. Your name means Champion in my language! "

" I...I made so much horrible crimes! I needed to be punished! My husband and son will never forgive me when they find everything! I don't deserve to be a champion after all! I'm a failure! "

Just beside Mari-Ell, the two blonde bespectacled gentlemen turned to Carol and took their extra seats. The mustached man held a cup of coffee and drank. Just beside him, his son in his thirties cladded in a business suit was eating a slice of cake while listening to the conversation. An apple and a peach grabbed straws from two glasses of lemonade and began to duel one another on the table.

Mari-Ell shook her head even more so, " Wallowing in self pity is not going to help anyone. It is only going to hurt you."

" Why? Why are you saying those things? "

Methu-Selah and Amnon took the fruits as they intently listened to their loved one and grabbed to eat them. Mari-Ell turned to the Kree father and son when they both nodded.

" You have love and hope to look forward to, your current status and predicament are just temporary, " she laughed cheerfully. " Evil loses to good quite often for these reasons."

" If you say this so, are you giving me a future hope from this harsh reality? " Carol asked and pleaded. " Tell me, mom. I just want to know what's really going on! Please! "

Amnon held an envelope and gave it to his deceased grandmother. It was an evidence which the Kree Eternal lawyer had gathered for his mother. Mari-Ell smiled at her future grandson as he smiled back and took a glass of lemonade to drink. Methu-Selah gently patted his son's back. A statue of Carol materialized next to her its features cracked and scratched a demonic monkey like being was on its back picking away.

" Stress and self-doubt are the true monsters in this world. Like I mentioned earlier, they're not healthy for carrying an unborn child. "

" Grandma, can you read the evidences for her? " Amnon asked after eating his cake and drinking his glass of lemonade.

" Yes, my dear grandson? " 

" These will help to support her pending court case. I wish to defend my mother, but I couldn't. Dad has to be with her before I will be born. " 

" All right, " Mari-Ell smiled and opened the envelope. " There you go, Amnon. I will read it for her. " 

" Thanks! " 

" You're welcome. " 

The shape-shifter began to read the evidences as everyone paid their attention. Carol was curious of what will be the possible results of that envelope which her son had given. 

" The court finds Carol Susan Jane Danvers-Montmartre not guilty of all crimes committed on date of addendum due to proof of third party acts against Mrs. Montmartre during such incidents in question and has granted her a full pardon. The third parties in question are currently under investigation thanks to the new further evidence from Jake Emotion Anton and Company. "

" What? I... I don't understand? Kid, which cases have you gotten from?! " Carol firmly held her son's hands and wept. " Tell me! Please! "

" I'm sorry, Mom. Dad and I couldn't give any plausible explanation or show the evidences to you, " Amnon hugged his mother and smiled. The half-Kree woman felt dumbfounded as her husband joined his wife and son in embracing them. " It's very complicated for you to understand. "

" Methie? Why? "

" We can't tell you, Carol..." the older Kree Eternal answered. " We just can't...."

A clock materialized on the table one hand on thirteen the other the letter b as the moon began to rise. Mari-Ell sadly looked at the blonde Kree-hybrid and sighed.

" We are almost out of time, " she reminded. " I'm sorry. "

" Mom... Methie...Amnon... I really need some answers! I don't understand what's going on! " Carol cried. " Please just give me more time to know everything. I really need your help. "

" It's for you to find out, Carol..." her husband replied. " We're sorry. "

" Mom, we can't explain further evidences, " her son added. " Until, they're all tangibly proven. "

The trees began to fade along with the table. The two Kree men beside her watched the imagery disappearing. Mari-Ell remained silent and calmly smiled.

" We will meet again. Next time you find yourself here between dreams and reality. I will find you again..."

" I'll see you soon, mother. Just wait for me after nine months...." the lawyer touched his mother's abdomen and held her right hand. " I'm still in your womb for two to three weeks. Please take care of me. Dad will help you before I meet you on my birthday...."

" Amnon Joseph..." Carol muttered her son's name and wept as she hugged him.

" I'll see you soon, Mom! "

" We will see you soon, my Starling, " Methu-Selah added and hugged her from behind. " We love you! " 

" I love you both! I won't let both of you down! I promise! "

The images of her husband, son, and the shape-shifter who posed as her mother disappeared as she instantly opened her eyes. Seeing the dark prison cell and the window with prison bars, Carol noticed the sun rising up from the yellow-orange sky with some floating blue and white clouds. She instantly sat-up from the bed and turned around as the other wardens were still guarding the hallway. Then, she looked again to the rising sun and gently rubbed her abdomen.

" Methie, I know you're out there and working to resolve this case. I'm willing to wait and hope to win this case for us and our son, " she thought and wept. " Amnon, I'll promise to take care of you. I know you're counting on me for your survival. I will wait for you to come out and take care of you. Just hang in there. I will fight for you both no matter what. I won't let you down along with your father. "

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