Chapter 20

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The tensions on the streets of New York City became worse than ever for several days when the Green Poison Virus had been present. The All Out War against the Rikers caused such trouble with the authorities and the Avengers. HYDRA was even aware of the situation which the outbreak was very favorable for them. Innocent civilians had become victims of this problematic scenario.

Carol Danvers-Montmartre was reaching her eighth month gestation and still working for the Rikers as an overpowered member. Along with her fellow colleagues, she has ruthlessly killed policemen and soldiers who had tried to hinder anyone. Barrett was indeed proud of her involvement in the criminal faction. Many of their detractors were terrified to confront the former Captain Marvel.

On the other hand, her husband Jean Meir Montmartre or Methu-Selah refused to talk with her ever since he was disappointed of his wife's criminal activities. Still, he was worrying about her and his son's safety. The Kree Eternal had known they would be in peril anytime soon.

Just this morning, he was in the University campus and teaching some of his remaining students at the classroom. He was showing holographic slides of the Nazi Germany. Some of his students were attentive and some became bored at this moment. Methu-Selah faced them and showed a stern image of Führer Adolf Hitler to wake the sleepy students up and make them startled.

" So, some of you have been sleeping in class for the remaining fifteen minutes, " the Kree Eternal professor called their attention and continued. " Before, we end this session. I would like to quote from Hitler, if you are interested enough to listen. "

" Sir, I would like to hear that, " a female student raised her hand.

" Very well, you may take down notes or perhaps record this quote, " he replied and crossed his arms while walking. " I believe that I have enough energy to lead our people whether it must shed its blood, not for an adjustment of its boundaries, but to save it into the most distant future by securing so much land and space that the future will receive back many times the blood shed. "

" Professor, what is the relevance of the Nazi leader's quote into our current situation? " a young African-American student raised his hand and called the Kree.

" Thank you for that question, Mr. Hughes, " Methu-Selah answered. " Some leaders have the power to promote violence and control to sustain a better society and future that would bring. For me, this is not the best solution to bring order and peace in our current situation. "

" Professor Montmartre, would it be ironic you have a wife who became a female Hitler half a decade ago? " another female student with a scarlet hair queried. " How would you feel that you married to the one who caused so much bloodshed in Washington and St. Petersburg? "

The Kree Eternal was astonished to his student's question. It was offensive enough as it harshly pierced his heart and triggered him the most. He never wanted to bring up about his personal life in class as well as his wife. He refrained to discuss what happened few years ago, clenched his right fists, and controlled his photon soul not to emit any energy. Methu-Selah remained silent for several seconds into minutes. His students waited for him to respond.

" I'm sorry, Miss Anderson, I cannot answer that question, " the Kree Eternal calmly replied and joked. " You know it's very unethical to talk trash to the professor's wife. If you can make peace with your mouth, you have to think further about your question first. "

The rest of the class laughed at her when the student became more embarrassed and wryly smiled. Methu-Selah cleared his throat and crossed his arms.

" Before you go class, I need you to write an essay or reaction from Hitler's quote. You will be writing from 1,000 to 2,000 words. So, please submit your works until Monday, " he continued. " Goodbye and have a great weekend. "

The university students had risen from their seats and left the classroom. Methu-Selah watched them leaving, except for one bearded man who remained sitting. The Kree Eternal professor approached him and secretly read his mind. The man appeared to be in late sixties and dressed in a dark suit.

" Are you supposed to leave this class? " he asked.

" It seems you have got a bunch of college kids who learned a lot from a World History, professor, " the man replied and raised his right hand in interjection.

" You must be? "

" Sam Fisher, a retired SHIELD agent, " he stood up, offered the Kree handshake, and smiled. " I take it, you're Professor Jean Meir Montmartre. "

" It's nice to meet you, Mr. Fisher. How did you get here? " Methu-Selah smiled and responded at his visitor's gesture.

" Well, Fury just asked me to visit you in dire times. "

" I see then, " he nodded and understood. " Tell me, is this something to do with my wife? "

" Yep, " Fisher showed the images of the deceased policemen hanging on the trees at Central Park and being blasted and cremated by a blonde half-Kree woman. " Your wife was a former Interpol's Most Wanted turning into a dangerous criminal. Even the Avengers couldn't stop her
from this madness. That had happened a week ago. "

" Well, I have warned her not to join the Rikers two months ago, " the Kree Eternal sighed. " But she could not listen. She has never been returning home ever since. "

" So, any purpose why she joined the Rikers? "

" She wanted to defeat undercover HYDRA agents which had something to do with her previous detractors. Her madness becomes unstoppable. "

" True, I have been doing undercover for the Rikers and seeing what she had done with the authorities and innocent civilians being terrorized. Now, I need your help to stop her involvement with Barrett's faction. "

" I understood then, " the Kree spoke. " What will be your plan? "

" We need to figure out things, professor. "

(On the streets of Manhattan, 6:00 PM)

" That's all for now, boys, " Larae evilly grinned and glared at the deceased policemen and other forces . " We spent a helluva time in taking those disgusting piggies. We have done a great job in the entire day, thanks to Lady Lighter here! "

The rest of the armed men turned to the half-Kree woman when she wryly grinned and chuckled at them. Carol became more uncomfortable than ever in those months she had spent with the Rikers. Larae crossed her arms and gave her a concerned look.

" Something's wrong, Carol? " the female African-American leader asked.

" Larae, I think I need a break from all of these, " the blonde half-Kree lady suggested and gently patted her baby bump. " You know what I mean. "

" Girl, you have been a good asset with us! You have proven enough to be greater than any Riker! I just noticed how you sent those goons in fire, especially you fought your old extraordinary sleuths. If you weren't meant to be an Avenger, you have been the most dangerous criminal in the history! "

Carol falsely chuckled and let it slide, although she was feeling guilty of leaving and disobeying her husband. She clearly remembered few weeks ago, the Rikers had made a stand-off against the Avengers. It was Tony and her husband who never fought her. They understood she could not be harmed, however her former friends wanted to defeat her. Carol realized her involvement with the Rikers was one of her greatest mistakes in her entire life. In her previous dream, she recalled the warning from her future son when he was asking her to leave the criminal faction. This time, she wanted to leave as soon as possible. She could not tolerate such brutality which her new friends and colleagues had done.

Larae noticed the Kree-Hybrid Riker's silence and asked, " Carol, is there something wrong? You get silent. "

" Oh, it was nothing, " she laughed. " Look, I am just thinking of having a break from this slaughter and incinerating job! Well, it's just I don't want to have my first labor pains here! You know what I mean. "

" Momma sickness, " the Riker leader loudly laughed. " Girl, you have a great sense of humor! I didn't know Cap'n Marvel can whack! "

The rest of her minions also laughed when Carol became more anxious than ever and kept rubbing her large pregnant abdomen. She thought of her unborn child's safety and sensed any danger that could happen anytime soon.

" Amnon, I'm really sorry, " she sadly sighed and thought. " Your mommy has never kept a promise to leave the Rikers. I just needed to help out an old friend against HYDRA, here. Anytime soon, we will fight those bad guys. "

" Carol, we still have a manhunt against Keener and the other Skull-Heads. You can't just quit instantly, " Larae said.

" Yeah, got it. "

Returning to the Lexington Event Center, Carol looked around the place and felt very homesick. She missed her husband's presence as she gloomily leaned on the wall and kept rubbing her abdomen. Staring at the men rejoicing and laughing for their skirmish victory, she remained disatisfied and guilty for joining them.

" If I truly have chosen a quieter and more peaceful life with Methie, I could never feel this way, " she pondered. " I could have never done these horrible things. "

Moving her head around, she noticed Larae talking to a fellow Riker which she was discussing about Keener and the HYDRA agents whereabouts. Carol was eavesdropping and turning her attention to them.

" What on Hala are they talking about?! " she pondered. " Do they have any news about HYDRA? Maybe, this is my chance to fight back, but why I don't feel like fighting anymore? This is getting weirder, but I have to force myself to stop them anytime soon. "

Carol just followed Barrett and her crew who left the building. She walked around the streets where they were about to hunt down any detractor who hindered. Her heartbeat was intensely beating as she could sense any danger. She felt a little heartbeat in her womb. It was also faster than hers. The half-Kree woman gently touched her abdomen and sighed.

" I'm sorry, Kid. Your mother has to do this . I sense another danger coming. Hala knows we could be in deep trouble. "

Suddenly, she heard a loud gunshot from a distance and quickly ran as she could. Carol widened her eyes in shock in seeing the HYDRA agent holding a pistol on his left hand. Aaron Keener was pointing at former SHIELD Agent's head. Larae Barrett thought of taking him down since she had witnessed the deaths of her fellow colleagues, however it was too late when she instantly fell down and
ended her life in a pool of blood. Carol watered her eyes in anger and grief. Clenching and illuminating her both hands, she wanted to take revenge against the HYDRA agent. Keener was pointing a pistol to her chest and preparing to pull a trigger in a matter of seconds. Her husband was indeed right. She would face death and disaster for these activities she got involved.

Releasing the bullet from the gun, Carol was in extreme fear of losing herself and her son. She would fight Keener to death, however she would fail instantly. Suddenly, a figure who flew in milliseconds grabbed the bullet and crushed it. Keener was surprised to see another one who came to hinder in killing his prey. A tall well-built blue skinned man with long hair dressed up in a white Kree Army uniform with some red trimmings and a scarlet masked helmet. The HYDRA agent was astonished to encounter him. Just behind the masked Kree man, a bearded man arrived and held his pistol, readying himself to target Keener.

Carol was spared by the masked Kree Eternal when she got fainted. Methu-Selah instantly carried his wife. Sam Fisher was shooting Keener, but the mad HYDRA Agent dodged and ran away from the onslaught.

" Just get out of here! I'll take it from here! " Fisher yelled at the Kree Eternal.

Methu-Selah nodded and instantly flew into the skies, carrying his unconscious wife away from any trouble. He sensed some police helicopters from a distance monitoring the skies. He knew that they would be in trouble if they found the couple fleeing away. He brought Carol away and reached their apartment, making a safe landing into their room. He placed his wife on the bed and removed his helmet. The Kree Eternal sighed in relief, but still there was a hint of apprehension on his face.

" Carol, if you're hearing me right now, " he lowly said to his sleeping wife and gently touched her face, kissing her cheeks. " I have been so worried about you for not coming home in two months. Now, you will be branded as a fugitive again. I will make sure in keeping you safe and in hiding. I'm so sorry I have to do this. This is for your own good. "

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