Chapter 23

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(New York City, 9:40 PM)

The streets of Manhattan were still busy despite the night skies greeted them. The crowd kept coming and going as a mutant man spent his supper in a diner. The man was looking at the TV program which the host discussed about the world does not need a Captain Marvel. He got curious of what happened to the heroine and saw her involvement along with the Rikers two months ago. Warren continued to watch the TV Program,while thinking about the certain contracts he had to do.

" Hmm, seems this world's starting to have distrust in heroes now, " he said.

" Well, yeah, " an old man with long white hair nodded and drank his coffee. " You know what happened back in Russia? Carol Montmartre made a terrible mistake almost 10 months ago. Now, everyone thinks she's a monster. That trouble against Stark five years ago, she did it. Damn, how come a former friend and colleague like her had to be like that?! "

He chuckled at the man before speaking, " Well, that sounds very screwed up. She shouldn't be called a friend, she should be called a traitor or perhaps a criminal, " Warren took a sip of his beer and grabbed his backpack. " Sometimes you don't know someone until they show their true colors."

" Well, that's pretty bad for her, " he sighed. " Just got news from my sources, she's pregnant. I'm sad for her child which he will carry his mother's mistakes in the future. "

" How can someone do all those terrible stuff when they're pregnant, another mistake she made you tell me? " Warren asked and took out a few dollars in which he placed on the table. He put his wallet away before proceeding to leave the diner.

" Better ask her, not me. I don't have the full details, " the man shrugged. " Oh... how rude of me, the name's Dr. Walter Lawson, former NASA scientist turned debunker/activist/newspaper writer/blogger. You can read all of my articles at Mr. Wastrel Writes. You're gonna find out everything which the mainstream media doesn't reveal. Like the scriptures says, the truth shall set you free."

The man nodded at Dr. Walter Lawson before proceeding to chuckle and opened the door to leave. "I'll keep that in mind Dr. Lawson, good night."

" Sure, just let me know, if something happens to Mrs. Montmartre, " Lawson grinned. " I will be glad to expose everything from her. "

Warren walked down the street, his phone started to ring and picked up afterwards to answer.

" Who's answering? I'm very busy right now, " he thought and got annoyed.

" Hello, Mr. Evans, we have just caught you talking to someone, " a female voice answered. " Well, is it a new friend or a threat? "

" Depends on what do you want and how do you know mean? Also if you tend on stopping me good luck with that, " Warren glanced back and forward to see if anyone was watching him.

" Well, the woman whom you hated with so much burning passion will die along with an unborn child in her womb, " she replied. " Even the writer will never find more truths which he will uncover. Better watch out before lives will be taken. "

" Why do you think I care about some woman who decided to go against a friend of hers and became an enemy of the world afterwards. I just do jobs, get paid, and nothing more."

" You will just see... " she laughed. " HAIL, HYDRA! "

Warren hung up on the mysterious speaker angrily and put his cell phone in his pocket and sighed, " Well, that person wasted my time. Hydra doesn't scare me anyways. Dealt with the X-Men and Shield Agents, I can handle them. "

Suddenly, he stumbled upon another man with spectacles which he came from the grocery store. Warren messed up with the person's purchases.

" Thank goodness! They're just toiletries! Now, the bread just...nevermind..." he heavily sighed and facepalmed. " You could have been careful next time, son."

" Why don't you watch it where you going old man especially when something can happen late at this night."

" You bumped me in the first place when I was hurrying myself to go home and check my wife, " he sternly spoke and secretly read the mutant's mind. " So, will you excuse me. I need to get home before something happens to her. "

Warren was curious about the man as he started helping him out and replied,

" My bad, I was just busy with something. So who are you exactly? Quite late to do grocery at this time? "

" Jean Meir Montmartre, former Alpha Flight member and also recently resigned from teaching World History, Literature, and Geopolitics at Columbia University. Yes, I had an errand since I have been attending to my wife, " he wryly smiled and shook hands with the mutant. " You must be? "

Warren proceeded to shake his hand and answered, " Warren Evans, just a nobody on my way after very long yet busy day."

" I see. I'm sorry for that austere behavior. It's just I have been worrying about my wife and the child who will be born very soon. "

" Quite alright, I apologize for my attitude as well. Why worry about your wife? Wouldn't you be glad to be a father?"

" I'm glad to be a father, " he slightly smiled back and sighed. " But several months ago, she's having some episodes of depression and PTSD even she's carrying my son. I have been taking care of them for the past 9 months. Aside from that, she just recently joined a criminal faction which I have forbidden her to join. I know someday, my son will help his mother's mess. "

Warren was surprised by the man's words as he never realized a former university professor could predict the future. The mutant wanted to ask something from him.

" This will sound weird and suspicious, but who is your wife. Have this odd feeling know her from somewhere," Warren stayed quiet for a while as he was not sure what else to say than that.

" The former Captain Marvel, " the professor answered . " Please don't be hard on her, I prevented her from committing suicide when I had my honeymoon with her out"

He almost slipped the word planet Hala which Warren raised his eyebrows in curiosity. He never realized a heroine like her was suffering a very complicated mental disorder. " Well, after the courtroom case, she had been to a psychiatrist who never prescribed any medications for her, since she's carrying a child. She might have a preterm birth. Before, she had been crying and thinking of taking her own life. It's hard to have a loved one suffering from this kind of despair. "

Warren clenched up his fist after the former professor answered his question and took a deep breath to calm down.

" I get it, while I don't agree on what she did, " he replied. " I'm no better than heard. You can go to your wife and your unborn son."

" Well, I'm sorry to bother..." he paused something and sensed trouble from a distance. Warren intently looked at him. " Oh no..."

Warren noticed, stopped talking for a moment, and began to start glances back and forward, " Something wrong? "

" Mr. Evans, I'm so sorry. I'm not an ordinary man as you're thinking of, " the professor spoke. " I'm from a distant planet outside this galaxy. I can sense danger just like my deceased relative, Mar-Vell. If you have heard of him. "

Warren sighed angrily from the revelation and then chuckled, not believing him.

" This is just getting better and better! So you're an alien that's what you're telling?! "

" I'm a Kree living for almost 2 millenia, " he answered.

" Now you lost me, I don't what exactly a Kree is, not to mention that you're telling me you're immortal as well? " Warren curiously said and had a hard time believing this and about to walk away.

" Yes, we created the Inhumans since ancient times. My race is almost close to humans, except for such things. My real name is Methu-Selah, a Kree Eternal and a former general of the Kree Imperial Army. I can't reveal myself in public, but I think you can come with me at the alley before I do something else. "

" Fine, I'll follow you to the alley but I'm wondering what I got myself into."

Warren went to pick up his backpack from the ground. The two headed into the alley as Montmartre took off his glasses and illuminated his body. The professor persona was gone as Warren saw a blue skinned man with long silvery-white hair. Methu-Selah stood in front of the mutant as he got surprised. Warren began to freak out as the former professor revealed his true form.

" What the hell?! You exactly are a damn alien!! " he exclaimed in shock and went to sit up on the ground to calm down for a moment before speaking to the Kree. " Why the hell would you want to show me this?! "

" Well, I have secretly read your mind earlier, " Methu-Selah said. " First of, HYDRA has been after my wife aside from other people. I'm afraid you're their next target. You're the only person that I could trust, since everyone has turned away from my family. "

" Ah, of course, this seems to always happen to me since my line of work. I'll just say let Hydra come I dealt with people like the X-Men and SHIELD.

Suddenly, some suspicious men looked at the two as another man with a snake skin smirked.

" Oooh... what do we have here? " he laughed. " It seems we have some lambs to slaughter! "

" Great..." Warren opened his backpack and took out an odd looking rod. Then, he threw his backpack to the side and ready his rod. " Well, looks like we got some trouble."

" Ah...a mutant! It seems my partner just called you, " the snake Faunus menancingly grinned and laughed. " She's just testing you, but we will take Captain Marvel's life! "

" Damn you! " Methu-Selah angrily muttered.

" What's the problem, Mr. Starburst? You have sensed it, too?! "

" Of course, it was you busy that contacted me. Look what you don't stand down reptile," Warren silently took out his phone before clenching tightly and it started to glow an orange-red color.

" Now, boys! Play with those freaks! " The HYDRA Agents surrounded the two men as Methu-Selah clenched his fists and illuminated his hands. The snake Faunus man quickly ran away.

" Take this! " Warren threw out his phone at the HYDRA agents and exploded soon afterwards.

He went to slam his rod down into the ground releasing a strong electrical blast. Methu-Selah joined him and blasted the men. The others wanted to shoot them, but they got overpowered by the Kree Eternal and mutant.

" Shoot, we've got apprehended! " the HYDRA agent yelled.

" Run! " the other spoke.

Warren stood back up and put his rod at his side before glancing at the scared HYDRA agents. " Why you're running we're too powerful for you or something? "

" You guys are too OP! "

" But we have a weapon which you can't defeat him! "

" Hmm, really? I'm sure we'll defeat him as well."

" The problem is you can't! " the man yelled as Methu-Selah flew and gave him a surprise attack by tackling him down and punched on his gut.

" What the hell?! " Warren around quickly and slammed the ground again releasing another powerful electrical blast towards the man.The HYDRA Agents got unconscious as the mutant and the Kree Eternal exchanged glances.

" Well, that was easy like the other times I dealt with jerks like HYDRA. "

" There's one HYDRA Agent who killed my wife five years ago along with Ulysses Cain. He is indeed very sinister and menacing. "

" What the hell did I get myself into? HYDRA is a extremely dangerous organization. Those people do not go after an alien and a mutant without a reason. I believe it's fair to tell what's going here."

" You want to know what's going on, " Methu-Selah sternly spoke. " Remember what my wife did, they were all observing all of us, now they wanted to do the same thing. Getting rid of us, my wife is still their primary target. I understood Dr. Lawson was supposed to tell you everything he wanted to uncover. Until now, she's still a marked woman for life. My son will bear that problem from her. "

" Hmm, and what you want my help to protect your wife from harm. Can't do that as I'm afraid that SHIELD is on my trail."

" Same here, SHIELD has already abolished her activities aside from Alpha Flight and the Avengers, " the Kree Eternal replied. " Now, you understood of her downward spiral. "

Warrens crossed his arms and sighed, " So what now, we lay low until the coast is clear? "

" Yes, but for now, Carol's in-trouble. "

The two headed to the apartment as they heard some noise inside." Sounds like trouble, be on the lookout." Warren readied- up his rod in case there were more HYDRA agents.

Methu-Selah nodded and blasted the door as he saw a familiar Crocodile Faunus man holding a machine gun. He was menacingly laughing inside the room. Carol was still hiding in the closet room as she heard her marauder terrorizing her. Her left hand started to illuminate while she was touching her abdomen with her right hand. She was too apprehensive and compelled to fight her intruder, since she had abandoned her involvement with Rikers. This time, she was facing another demon aside from Keener.

" What's the matter, Captain No-Good! " he laughed. " How come you become scared to face me! You and that little bastard in your tummy will die anyway!! "

" CRAWFORD, ENOUGH OF THIS! " the Kree Eternal yelled.

" Well, well, well, it's the blue alien and his new mutant buddy! How about joining your wife and kid into the next life! "

Warren couldn't believe in what he was seeing as the intruder noticed them.

" I'm not his friend just lending him a hand on saving his wife. Now, why don't you put the gun down you're outnumbered, " he indignantly spoke.

" You don't know me, boy. " Barry laughed. " I'm indestructible! "The crocodile Faunus HYDRA agent walked over to the two newcomers." Now, show me what you have got, before I take the half-Kree woman's life and that child! "

" Let's see if you're even indestructible as you said were." Warren slammed the ground with his rod releasing a electrical blast at the intruder.

Barry Crawford was grinning evilly as he brought down his weapon. Methu-Selah was ready to protect his wife if the crocodile man would get himself into his goal.

" Go! Take your wife and get out of here, find a another place, so they won't track you down for a while. I got this." Warren went to pick up a nearby phone and glew orange-red, he proceeded to throw it at Barry Crawford which exploded soon afterward.

The crocodile Faunus quickly dodged the attacks from Warren as he was ready to give him a skirmish act. Methu-Selah found Carol hiding from the closet as she instantly hugged him. She appeared to be more apprehensive than ever.

" Damn, why can't this be easy like my contracts! " the mutant muttered and angrily slammed the floor with his rod releasing a blast extremely powerful than the last ones. " Let's see you can dodge this one."

Barry was laughing as he avoided the blasts and planned to strike him down.

" Well, this is annoying now, " Warren lunged and sighed at Barry with a rod readying to strike him with it.

Barry was still unaffected as he was ready to give the mutant his demise." Heh! I may not get Captain No-Good, but you're next to die! "

" No, you are, you damn freak! " Warren rushed to tackle Barry Crawford and took him through the window along with him.

Barry fell down along with the mutant as Methu-Selah and Carol watched the two.

Warren slowly got back up from the ground after the hard fall. He quickly went to break a window from a nearby car and touched the controls charging it up for the car to explode. Warren then proceeded to get away from the blast radius and hid behind another car.

" Methie, please don't leave me!! " she cried.

" Carol, it's okay. "

Barry slashed Warren's leg from behind as the mutant yelled in pain.

" Damnit! " Warren moaned in pain before spotting an electronics store. Then, he got up slowly from behind the car and fought through the pain. " Electronics Store Perfect."

Warren went through the window to get inside the store. Barry was still targeting at him and holding his gun.

" You think you can destroy me! " the crocodile man laughed and quickly ran away.

Warren went to put pressure on his injured leg before walking out of the store and thought. " This is too easy, least that coward ran away. "

The Kree Eternal and his wife saw him limping and assisted him in returning to the flat. They had let him sit on the couch when Carol took a glass of water. Warren received it and instantly drank it.

" That's never been easy, " Carol said. " I was supposed to blast him down. "

" It's all right, we almost had him, " her husband replied and turned to their visitor. " Mr. Evans, let me do this. "

Methu-Selah added and approached him to heal his injured leg. Warren allowed the Kree Eternal to heal his leg.

" That guy wasn't HYDRA? Who the hell is he? "

" He is HYDRA, " the Kree Eternal answered and showed the HYDRA emblem which the crocodile Faunus left. " He works for them. "

" Since when does HYDRA recruit talking crocodiles? Who else, we need to worry about? I have the right to know because this is starting to get risky. If that thing didn't ran away like a complete coward, I would be dead right now. Also, didn't I say to leave and I'll handle it?"

" You could have asked Lawson about those mutated HYDRA Agents, " Methu-Selah answered. " My wife is his primary target. "

" I could have died....from him. " Carol added.

" Right, but I want to know if we're only dealing with HYDRA? I'll be honest here, I'm an assassin for hire and I eliminate people for the right amount. I don't mess with HYDRA."

" Just be careful to deal with Crawford, " the half-Kree woman replied. " He was watching and stalking over me since five years ago. "

Warren sighed. " I'll be sure to remember that, right now suggest we find a safer place so HYDRA won't find us."

" I think we can leave for Paris, " Carol suggested. " New York is no longer safe for us. "

" How do we get to Paris from here? Do you have a plan? "

" Well, I can fly out of here, " Methu-Selah answered. " But Carol couldn't since she's carrying a child inside her. "

" Well, assume you don't know anyone with a plane to get us to Paris."

" If you Xavier could allow us to use the X-Men fleet, " she said.

" Oh, that old man, I'm still not in good terms with the X-Men," Warren said.

" There must be a way, " Methu-Selah spoke and snapped his fingers.

" Not like we can sneak into the airport and go on a plane, but not easy."

" Good idea..."

" Question is, are the authorities after your wife too? "

" SHIELD and then the police. She's been under house arrest for a couple of days. "

" Good, so not normal authorities so we can get on a plane with ease."

" Right... " Carol nodded no furiously.

" Get all your belongings and let's head to the Airport. "

" Well, there's one thing, " the Kree Eternal replied. " We have to use our aliases. "

" What about your other job applications? " Carol asked. " You have been waiting for your call from the other colleges and offices. Why did you have to..."

" I can always return to teach and find any job, Starling. Right now, I have to keep you safe. "

" He's right, keeping you safe is the priority."

" Oh... good, " she nodded and sighed in relief.

" Once I get you two on a plane you should be good on your own. I would come but I'm afraid SHIELD will catch up with me. In other words, I'll be a liability eventually."

" Well, Do you have an alias? "

"Ah, yes I do. It's Thermetric."

" Good, " he nodded.

The spouses began to sort their belongings to bring which it took hours to empty the place. Warren also helped them packing and found a former empty Riker truck. The two men quickly and carefully placed their belongings. Carol entered the vehicle and sat beside her husband. Warren was driving the vehicle. The three headed to the airport as they were wearing different clothes. Suddenly, they were being halted by the officials upon reaching the lobby to the terminal. The airport security guard crossed his arms. Methu-Selah and Carol shared glances and got anxious of what would happen next.

" Something wrong, sir? " Warren said trying not to be suspicious.

" You cannot board into this flight unless you have passes, " he said.

" Ah damn, uh..." Warren looked toward Methu-Selah. The Kree Eternal showed his fake passports and IDs to the guard which Nick Fury and Sam Fisher had given to them few days ago just in case they would leave the United States.

" I'm monsieur Charles Benoit, " he cleared his throat and replied in his French accent. " My wife and my young cousin have passes going to Paris. We are late for the next flight. "

Carol was surprised to hear from her husband as she raised her eyebrows. The guard checked the passports and flight tickets, as he nodded.

" Right, you three are just in time. "

" Excellent, thank you have a good day, " Warren said to the security guard.

The three headed their way from the terminal to the boarding plane. Carol sighed in relief as a lady French flight attendant assisted them.

" Bonsoir, messeurs et madame, " she politely greeted. " I can guide you to the priority area near the business class. Enjoy your time.

" Merci beaucoup, mademoiselle, " the half-Kree woman slightly smiled.

Warren sat down and sighed in relief, " Thank God, we made it on this plane."

" Right, " Methu-Selah nodded and held his wife's hands. " No one will ever threaten us anymore. "

" Methie..." she lowly spoke and leaned her head on her husband's shoulders.

" Do you have a house in Paris?" Warren said to Carol and Methu-Selah.

" Well, I used to live in an apartment there, before I came to America, " the Kree spoke while adjusting his glasses on his face. " It's a dormitory for mutants. "

" You knew one of the X-Men? " his wife asked.

" I'm not sure if they are. "

" So it's like a safehouse for mutants? I hope there no X-Men there, " Warren said thinking about the time that he fought X-Men.

" Yes, it is, " he nodded.

" Do you know anyone from there that can help us? "

" There is one. She's an Englishwoman living in France. "

" What's her name? "

" Lila Cheney. "

" If you trust this Lila Cheney, then I believe we should be alright. I'm going to kill some time by rest for a while. Let me know when we're almost there, " Warren leaned his head back and closed his eyes to sleep.

" Don't worry, she's an old friend of mine, " the Kree Eternal replied. " Although, she never knew who really I am. "

" Good, " Warren said before falling back to sleep.

Carol felt safe with her husband and a new found friend as she gently touched her large pregnant abdomen. The half-Kree woman felt the slight kick from the inside and smiled.

" Kid, we're gonna go to your new home, " she thought. " Just hang-in there and you're gonna see the world soon. Your dad and I are very excited to meet you. "

(Champs Elysees, Paris, France, 5:00 am)

The sun was about to peek from the dawn clouds when the three headed their way on the streets, riding a cab. They reached an apartment where it was surrounded with restaurants and shops. Carol Danvers-Montmartre sighed in relief and stood beside her husband. He was still knocking on the door and waiting for his friend to respond.

" So this is the place, right? " Warren said to Carol.

" Yes, " she nodded, anxiously held her stomach, and turned to her spouse. " Methie, is your friend coming? I think our little boy's gonna come out. "

" I can sense her walking home, " her husband spoke and got concerned at his wife. " Are you sure..."

" Oops, false alarm! "

" Carol..."

" He is just jumping for joy! "

Warren sighed in relief before walking towards Carol And Methu-Selah, " For a moment there, I thought you were actually going to give birth."

" It's just the boy is reaching his ninth month. "

" Not a lot of time then, at least you're safe now from HYDRA, SHIELD, and anyone other organization that went after you."

" Thank you. "

Warren nodded at Carol giving her a soft smile, " It's the least I can do."

Suddenly, a dark haired woman arrived at the apartment. She was wearing dark clothes and carrying a guitar case. Warren waited for the woman with the guitar to introduce herself, "Hello."

" Hullo, I'm Lila Chenney, a landlady of this apartment. You must be? " she smiled and asked.

" Warren Evans, these are my associates Carol and her husband Jean Meir."

" Jean Meir Montmartre! Yes, I met him in the University along with Xavier and McCoy! " Lila happily beamed and instantly shook hands with the Kree Eternal.

" Hello, Long time no see! " Methu-Selah smiled and responded with the same gesture.

" I'm so glad you made it all the way to Paris! Then, you're married to Ms. Marvel? "

" Sadly....I'm no longer Captain Marvel, " Carol sadly replied. " I'm now, madame Carol Montmartre, a fugitive, looking and seeking for a peaceful civilian life to parenthood. "

" I see..." she nodded. " It seems you have a tough life. "

" Right. "

" It's a long story, Lila, " the Kree Eternal spoke.

" So this apartment, it's a safehouse right? A dormitory for mutants, " Warren said to Lila.

" Yes, of course, " she smiled. " Xavier asked me to manage this safehouse against those baddies who would intrude us. No worries, I can manage my singing career and this job at the same time."

He nodded at Lila before proceeding to his next question, " Good, how well guarded is this place? "

" Well... The residents are mutants who are vigilant. So, it is well guarded. "

" All right then, I assume they will be a tour of this whole place? "

" Yes, of course. "

Warren looked back at Carol and her husband, " Ready to head inside the apartment?"

" Yes, we're going, " Carol turned to her husband as he understood and nodded.

The three followed Lila inside the apartment so she could give him the tour. There were some people who were awake and preparing themselves for work and school. They heard some people murmuring in French. It was like an ordinary morning ritual.

" How long this apartment has been around for? " Warren asked.

" Ever since I moved here fifteen years ago, " Lila said.

" Oh, I'm from Montana it's a quiet place."

" Well, I'm originally from England, mate. "

" Ah, England I've been there it's a nice country. "

" Of course, " Lila smiled. " You can live peacefully there. "

" Well, I might meet another friend too, " Methu-Selah smiled.

" You mean, you met Gladius here? " Carol asked.

" Of course, the mutant from Remnant. He just moved to France with his wife after his children graduated from their studies. "

Warren turned his head at Methu-Selah and asked, " Who is this Gladius? "

" He is my friend from the Republic of Remnant, " he replied. " A mutant just like you. "

A long haired man appeared and smiled, " Hey! Meir, Carol! You guys are here! "

" It's good to see you again, my friend! " Methu-Selah gently patted his friend's back.

" Gladius, this is our new friend, Warren, " Carol turned to him.

" Hi, the name's Gladius Fernal, " he introduced himself to Warren. " Nice to meet you. "

The other mutant crossed his arms and nodded at Gladius. " Good to meet Gladius, I'm Warren Evans."

" Likewise. I heard the issue about Carol's problems 5 years ago and then now in Russia. It's a good choice you brought them here. "

" I don't normally ask this, but what's your mutant powers, Gladius."

" Purging Light, " Gladius answered. " I fought monsters in my country. Then, HYDRA Agents, and some baddies when I got to America and here. They get burned or blinded afterwards. "

" Hmm, my mutant powers is that I'm able to turn any electronics into a bomb."

" Interesting, I guess we can get along, " he grinned. " Anyways, Lila asked me to assist you here. My wife Aqune is a nurse in the hospital here in Paris. Perhaps, she can assist Carol's pregnancy when the time comes. "

" Thanks..." Carol smiled.

" So, yeah I forgot to mention, I'm a freelance private investigator and translator for a living. "

" I know a private investigator is not a easy job." Warren said.

" Yeah, specially criminal cases and HYDRA related issues. Sometimes, I talk with the police and lawyers to provide court evidence. For Carol's case in Russia, it's INTERPOL and SHIELD related. That's a difficult trouble she got there. That's no ordinary case to solve unless a big-shot lawyer could help. "

" Sadly, not a lawyer nor a career in any business. Do you have any lawyers in mind that can help you? "

" Well, Jen tried to defend my case, but I ended as not guilty. Then, Tony asked me to leave my affiliations just to stay away from further public scrutiny, " Carol answered.

" Damn..." Gladius sighed. " Then, you're still carrying a child when it happened. "

" Yes, I had my son with me for a month. "

" Warren, before we got here, " Methu-Selah spoke. " I felt being insulted in the faculty. Carol got involved with a criminal faction two months ago. Now, we are in exile, so, it's better that we are here. I could get a new job. "

Warren nodded at Methu-Selah, "I agree, we're more safer here than in the United States. You know the Green Poison Virus and those things happening there. "

" Yes. Our baby will arrive anytime soon, " the Kree Eternal touched his wife's pregnant bump.

" It's our firstborn son, " Carol sincerely smiled and gently rubbed her large abdomen.

" With your wife safe now I must ask, do you have any allies or friends that are being hunted like Carol? If so we should bring them here too."

" Well, there is one friend who likes to visit me on my son's birthday, " she replied and held her tummy.

" Hmm, does this friend have a name? " Warren said.

" Yes, it's Miles Slader. "

" Should we find this Miles Slader and convince him to come here for his safety, Carol? "

" Well, he can come here and visit us, " she said.

" Yeah, all races are welcome here, " Gladius added. " As long as they don't hurt each other. "

" I know, just got here but I'm willing to lend a hand if you have any jobs for me." Warren said to Gladius.

" Sure, it's a pleasure as well. You can help. "

He nodded at Gladius, " Thanks, what you need help with? "

" Well, you guys can live here and help maintain the house. "

" No offense, Gladius. I got hunted down by HYDRA don't think I'll be useful as a janitor. We need to stop this organization."

" Hey, no worries! " he smiled and gently patted the newcomer's back. " You can get a job here! "

" Well, what kind of jobs you have? "

" You can be an electrician, janitor, and some maintenance jobs. At least, you know how to speak French or English."

" Well, I used to be a miner before I became an assassin for hire. So I guess I'll take one of the maintenance jobs."

" Sure thing, you can get along with anyone here, since Lila's in-charge, " he smiled and then he turned to the Kree couple. " Well, you can see more life coming ahead. "

" Good, hell! I can consider this a long due break from everything. Believe I deserve anyways, " Warren said and chuckled.

" Yeah, you're gonna see a kid running along with them. "

" What you mean? " he curiously asked.

" We have a former Interpol Red Notice woman who is going to give birth anytime soon, " Gladius pointed at the half-Kree woman talking to her spouse and softly chuckled. " I'm pretty sure they will have a kid who will be running and jumping in this place. "

" Yeah, Carol needs to rest, " Warren smiled and understood. " Hopefully, we don't get any HYDRA or Interpol agents in Paris until her child grows up. "

" Well, she's free now. Don't worry. "

" When can I start my maintenance job? " Warren changed the topic and asked.

" Just tell, Lila. "

" Got it. "

The three entered the apartment where they already took their rooms.Warren settled into his room taking out all of his belongings and set it on the table. Gladius had set off to work. The two headed as Carol thought of going somewhere else before giving birth. Methu-Selah smiled and noticed his wife.

" You're curious of going around Paris? " he asked and gave her a suggestive look.

" Yeah, " she smiled back and kissed his cheek. " Well, I guess this is our new home. "

" Right, " he nodded and held his wife's left hand. " For the meantime, why don't we take a rest. We just came from a long trip. "

" Oh, right. At least, no one's gonna hunt us here, until our baby arrives. "

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