Chapter 28

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The new parents and the mutant curiously looked at the neonate wrapped in a blue blanket when he was cooing at them. Dr. Hank McCoy thought of checking the little boy's health condition and turned to his parents.

" I suggest to have a newborn screening on this child, " the blue skinned mutant informed. " He seemed to be in a normal condition, but we are unaware of any congenital condition or some anomalies. "

Carol and her husband shared glances as they heard the former mutant scientist. Then, they turned to their newborn son who was still cooing and staring at his parents.

" What do you think? " the blonde Kree hybrid gave her spouse a suggesting look.

" Let's do this for Amnon, " the Kree Eternal determinedly spoke. " Well, we have to find out if he's perfectly healthy or not. "

" Good decision, then, " Hank nodded in agreement and replied. " With a simple blood test, the physician can check for rare genetic, hormone-related, and metabolic conditions that can cause serious health problems. Newborn screening lets them diagnose your child quickly and start treatment as soon as possible. "

" So, how long is this gonna take? " Carol asked and carried her son in her arms.

" It will take 24 hours or 1 to 2 days before leaving the hospital. So, if Little Amnon is perfectly healthy, then I might say he could join with you on your way home. "

" If not? "

" Well, it depends on how the attending pediatricians will consult for the best treatment and care which he will receive, " Hank replied and smiled back at the little boy who was still cooing and smiling. " Carol, Meir, I have a question though. "

" Yes? " the spouses answered in unison.

" Did Little Amnon have any abnormalities before he was born? Were there any instances that you experienced any exposures of harmful substances, accidents, or physical trauma? "

Carol remained silent and nervously gulped when she heard her friend's challenging question. Somehow, she remembered Dr. Anton was supposed to perscribe her some anti-Depressants which she never made any intake. The most critical thing in her nine-month gestation life was she became involved in some criminal activities back in the Rikers. Every time she caught and brutally punished any detractors, the pregnant half-Kree was feeling any tremendous discomfort and experiencing stress.

This time, Hank waited for her response and noticed her long silence when Amnon was still clinging to his mother. He cooed and called her attention as Carol instantly snapped out and turned to the two men infront of her. Methu-Selah understood what she was thinking and gently held his wife's left hand.

" I just did a terrible mistake, " she humbly admitted and heavily sighed. " While I was pregnant to Amnon, I had done such stressful ans things which I thought I could redeem myself from what I have done, but it's not helping me at all. "

" Was it after the St. Petersburg incident? " Hank queried.

" Yes. I joined the Rikers and started to hunt any people who are involved with HYDRA and the Black Tusk. I killed all the people back in New York."

" Goodness, " the hairy blue skinned mutant facepalmed to his dismay and turned to the Kree Eternal. " Meir, was this true? "

" Yes, I was really disappointed for wrong decision and action, " Methu-Selah seriously answered and looked at Carol and Amnon with a concern. " My wife had already known she was carrying our child inside the womb, but she was too stubborn in listening to me. She spent two months working with them as I was worried for their condition. Until that day, it was a HYDRA Agent who almost targeted at her, but I was able to spare her and the unborn child. "

" This is why I am worried about your son, " Hank replied and looking at the smiling baby. " He may appear healthy on the outside. Without realizing his real condition, we are uncertain if he could survive in a year or two. " Then, he turned to the half-Kree and sternly spoke, " I think you have gained a very important lesson for more than half a decade including of your child bearing. Carol, you are now a full-pledged mother for the second time. You have to let go of those things you and I had experienced. This is your new life. If you want to save the world, you should be very attentive and responsible enough in raising a child. "

Carol was getting more convicted than ever when she became speechless and heard the former X-Men member. She sadly bowed and sighed when Little Amnon cooed and reached his tiny left hand to his mother's smooth rosy face.

" I have learned in the hard way, Hank, " she sincerely replied, while carrying her son. " I enjoyed being an overpowered superheroine for several years like we used to save the world and fight evil. In the long run, I went overboard and became very offensive to all of you. You have witnessed many terrible things from me, until I received so many threats. Now, I realise things are getting the hardest for me if I remain in the Avengers. You guys are right. I will cherish my remaining years as a mother. I won't regret to permanently leave my life as Captain Marvel. I hope Amnon will never get sick and have any birth defects. I want to raise him as a normal person. I know you will help me. "

Methu-Selah gently placed his arm to his wife's back and kissed her cheeks. Then, he carefully touched his son's head and said, " He will remain healthy, Carol. He will. I will certainly help you in raising him. "

" Let's just hope he will be in perfect condition, " the mutant smiled at her. " I am glad you have learned from your mistakes, Mrs. Montmartre. "

" Thank you, Mr. UN Ambassador. "

" You're wel..." he paused and heard someone was knocking on the door. " It seems our friends have been waiting for us. "

" No worries, I'll get it, " the Kree Eternal immediately went to the door and opened it. Warren and his fellows entered the room when Methu-Selah closed the door and offered them some seats. They were pleased as they sat down.

" Hope, everything went well, " he assured and smiled.

" Hank is going to perform a newborn screening on Amnon anytime, before we leave this hospital, " Carol said.

" Newborn Screening? " Warren curiously repeated the word and turned to the baby boy. " He looks perfectly healthy. Why is that? Is he going to check if he has powers or illnesses? "

" Well, mostly, it's very important to find his true condition, " Methu-Selah answered.

" Okay, " he nodded. " So, do you think your son will get powers when he's still an infant? "

Methu-Selah and Carol looked at Amnon who was still curiously cooing at his parents. Then, he turned to his visitors and seemed wondering what they were saying. Tier, Ethan, Umiko, and Rahne murmured when they got intrigued of the child's health status. Hank thought not to answer the question and waited for the spouses to speak up.

" Well, Carol and I decided to raise him as a normal young man, " the Kree Eternal replied. " When he reaches adulthood, we will let him find out for himself. "

" Hmmm, do you think that's a good idea? " Warren asked and got concern with the child. " Wouldn't Amnon get angry to the both of you if he finds out he's part alien or has powers early on? "

" As long as he starts asking questions, we have the right to answer those. He's too young to develop them. "

" Alright, if you think it's the best option. "

" True, " he nodded.

" Guess what's left now to do is just rest and enjoy the day, " Warren understood and leaned his back on the chair.

" Right, maybe we should ask questions? " Tier suggested.

" Yeah, that would be best, Tier. "

" I heard you need more, " Hank smiled and turned to his fellow mutants. " Go on, I know you deserve to ask. "

" Yeah, I have a question, " Warren took an initiative to ask. " Why do we keep on supporting Krakoa? Not to mention I found a crate full of firearms stamped with a UN insignia inside the jet we used to fly to Paris. "

" Wait, how come? "

" I don't know. Was there any UN soldiers you were unaware of? Do they have a reason to travel to Krakoa? "

The blonde mutant's question made the UN official alarmed. Hank and his fellow representatives were opposed to the war in Krakoa. Carol and the others heard the conversation as they got concerned. The hairy blue mutant heavily sighed and crossed his arms as he looked seriously.

" The UN Armed Forces were about to strike any of those rebels who attacked against any of the civilians, " the mutant UN official explained. " Honestly, I never assigned those people going to war. Secondly, I support Krakoa for the innocents. Few months ago, I have a miscommunication and misunderstanding with the Secretary-General about the terror attacks, but he never listened to me what danger would happen there. Originally, I intended to request for a peace and recovery process, but he rejected it. "

" So, that's why you tried to convince him to stop deploying the Armed Forces? " Rahne surmised as she understood.

" Yes, Krakoa is now becoming complicated, even the other officials asked me not to go there for additional relief and rescue. I'm sorry if I never told this to your earlier. "

" I want to give more of a burden, Hank, " Warren sighed and raised his right hand in interjection. " I heard rumours of mutants recently who just want to straight up in destroying Krakoa. "

" Don't tell me, it's Magneto or any of his followers, " the mutant UN Official spoke. " I'm tired of fighting another mutant for such senseless war. "

" Well, Magneto wants to take over Krakoa. These rumors said mutants want to destroy the nation. "

" Goodness. "

" I'm not sure it's just rumors, " Warren spoke. " We don't know if it's true or not, but it doesn't hurt anyone if someone investigates them. "

" Well, I guess it's upto me who could raise this concern to the Secretary-General, " Hank answered and nodded. " I hope he would listen to me once more. "

" For everyone sakes, he'd better not be stubborn and not listen. "

" Exactly. Since this former German senator is too egoistic and stubborn, all he cares about is his achievements and self-image, not everyone's welfare. "

" Don't tell me, his ancestors were part of the Nazis, " Methu-Selah joked and laughed.

" I hope not, Meir, " the mutant slightly smiled and chuckled.

" Same here, especially Hydra, " Warren sighed. " I hate Nazis. "

The topic changed when Carol finished breastfeeding her son. She sat up on the bed and carried him. Amnon cooed and smiled at his mother as the others turned to them.

" Are you guys supposed to talk some lighter things here? " she asked. " This kid is too young to hear issues. "

" Maybe he might consider joining the politics when he's older! " Hank joked.

" I think being a lawyer would be an ideal field of work for him. We don't want to mess up his future! " Warren also joked and gently held the little boy's right hand, shaking it. " Well, Mr. Attorney, you will have more cases to do in the future. Can you handle them? "

Amnon widened his smile and laughed as he heard his visitor talking to him. The others were pleased to see his adorable face.

" Oh, yes, " Rahne smiled. " I believe the former Ms. Marvel has to raise a lawyer son. Surely, this lad has more years to be in the side of the law. "

" Right, " Carol smiled and remembered what her friend and husband had predicted about Amnon's future before his birth.

" I wonder what your sons would be doing, Rahne, " Warren asked. " I hope they're not members of the X-Men. "

" Well, they do have their own destiny, " the scarlet haired mutant replied and turned to Tier and Ethan who were talking to each other along with Umiko. " If they want a family of their own, then I'm glad to spoil my grandchildren. "

" Right, " Warren nodded and turned to Methu-Selah before speaking to him. " Do you know anything about their future? "

Methu-Selah looked at the young mutants and replied, " Let's say she's right. Perhaps, Tier and Umiko will get married and have children. As for Ethan, I guess you will live in France until your retirement. I assume you have a French lady? "

" Well..." Ethan blushed harder and smiled when he blurted. " Yeah...I admit... I have a girlfriend. "

" You what?! " Rahne exclaimed to her surprise.

" Nani?! " Umiko added.

" How come?! " his brother raised his voice.

" Yeah..."

" Sounds like good future after all of your sons, Rahne, " the blonde mutant smiled and assured her as he was relieved of not hearing a bad outcome in the future.

" I guess so, " she chuckled and turned to her sons.

" Sir, how did you pursue a girl into a serious commitment? " Ethan curiously asked the Kree Eternal.

" I have three words of advice: Respect, Dedication, and Love, " Methu-Selah smiled and gently patted the young mutant's back. " If you sincerely follow and act them, then you will be an effective lover! "

" I will, thanks! "

" I don't think I should know my future, " Warren said. " Eventhough, it wouldn't be so bad dying in protecting or making amends for my past mistakes. "

" Well, you have a chance to make it happen. It's upto you. "

" Fair point, I guess I don't mind a glimpse of my future. "

" Well, anyways, " Hank broke his silence and smiled. " I missed those days which are simpler and less complicated. "

" Same here, " Carol nodded while carrying her son. " Will we ever get it back? "

" I'm sure you will, " Warren assured. " But we're going to need a lot more allies and friends though. "

" Having a son will surely connect a bridge to those people we have lost, " Methu-Selah smiled and put his arms to his wife. " Amnon is surely pleased to see more old friends coming. "

" Well, he is surely our little bundle of joy, " she kissed the little boy's forehead and then to her husband.

" Well, I don't want to ruin the positive moment, " Warren said and turned to the UN official. " Is there anymore mutants who left the X-Men and pursuing a different line of work like yourself, Hank? "

" I think there are some, " Hank answered and scratched his chin. " As for me, I entered science to international politics after working with the X-Men, Avengers, and SWORD. Surprisingly, I got nominated by the President as the American Representative to the United Nations, three years ago. Before that, I devoted my time working for the World Health Organization and teaching at the university. Being a part-time scientist and human rights activist made my way there aside from being a hero. But for the other mutants, some have struggles to get a normal employment after the X-Men. "

" Hmm, do they think any other mutants would be interesting in coming to Paris? "

" Well, it will be a good one, if they decide to stay here. Anyway, is there another old friend who I can visit? "

" There is another fellow, Lila Cheney, " Warren replied. " She is still helping run a mutant safe haven here. "

" Oh, how convenient! " the mutant UN Official happily beamed and both clasped his hands. " This is so great! So, do you still live with her until now? "

" Carol, Methu-Selah, I mean Meir and I are still living in the safe haven. Then soon, Ethan, Tier, Umiko and Rahne will live there as well. "

" Wait, is that Meir's Kree name? " Hank asked.

" Yes. How do you know about the Kree? "

" Mar-Vell used to be part of the Avengers before, " the blue mutant sadly sighed. " He was my friend as he introduced me to his greatest grand uncle. "

" He's my greatest grandnephew, " Methu-Selah added. " He never had a chance to meet Amnon. "

" I'm sorry to hear that. He must have been a good person. "

" Yes, indeed, " Carol replied. " He's the one who helped me activated my powers in the Psyche-Magnitron accident. "

" Wait, your powers were dormant? "

" Yes, I'm half-Kree. "

" Hmm, so similar to mutant powers which doesn't manifest until the right moment. "

" Speaking of that, " Hank snapped his fingers and turned to the baby's parents when he looked intently at the little boy and seemed like talking to him. " I am thinking of Amnon Joseph Montmartre will be inheriting a dominant Kree gene from his parents' side. That's what I need to confirm for his newborn screening in twenty-four hours. "

" Do the Kree get the same powers or is it randomized like mutants? "

" Most of the Kree have regenerative ability, flight, superspeed, and strength, " Methu-Selah explained. " But for a special case like me, my wife, and the late Mar-Vell, we attain extra powers by other means. "

" Well, at least you can control your powers unlike some mutants. "

" It was uncontrollable at first, " Carol answered. " But if Amnon grows up, he has to find his. "

" Who knows? Maybe, he can easily get the hang of his powers, " Warren said to Carol before turning to Ethan and his family. " How well can you control your powers? "

" It took few years for me to control it, " Ethan chuckled and shrugged.

" A few years?! I assume you can control your powers better now? For me, I can control them. It's somewhat decent. "

" Yeah, I was struggling, okay? Anyways, this kid has a long way to find his. "

" Do you think your powers are a burden, Ethan? "

" At first, " Ethan replied and laughed. " But now, I get used to it! "

" You can transform into a wolf, right?! " Warren snickered. " Crazy, how a mutant can get a power you can think of. The concept of my power are more complex than anyone else, I admit. "

" Yes, my girlfriend got scared to see me at first! She totally screamed to death when she saw me how I transformed during a full moon! It was so hilarious! "

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