Chapter 37

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Preparing for a nice cold water bath, Carol Danvers cladded in a long pink bathrobe and checked the water in her bath tub. She waited for it to be in full water. The half-Kree blonde was aware of the time that she was needed as Ms. Marvel at the meeting in the Avengers Tower before evening. She peeked at the doorway and checked at the clock's shorthand directly pointing at two.

She sighed in relief and happily thought, " I'm just in time to have a nice bath before going anywhere later. "

Carol was about to dip her feet and remove her bathrobe when she was ready to sink herself into the tub full of water. Suddenly, she suspiciously moved her head around and used her seventh sense, feeling like she was being watched.

" Danvers...." a deep and sinister voice echoed in her mind and chuckled. " I am watching what you're doing! It seems you're all set after your lovely and peaceful relaxation. Later on, the tables will turn for you! "

Carol heard the voice, angrily glared at nowhere, and telepathically asked, " Who the hell are you?! Why don't you show you up?! "

The male voice maniacally laughed in her mind and answered, " Well, it's better to give you a dramatic entrance before coming to the Avengers! How's that sound?! "

Without any notice, the door was opened with a loud blast when Carol instantly closed the faucet. She got startled to see two well built men with strangely colored skin and long hair. The first man was a rosy-skinned one with a bright aura on his body. His partner was wearing a metallic blue armor with cybernetic forearms. They were both evilly grinning at her and making her more uncomfortable to deal with.

Carol instantly illuminated her body, transforming into Ms. Marvel. She was cladded in a dark leotard with a yellow lightning bolt and a red sash wrapping around her waists. Her both fists were ignited with a bright yellow light, preparing to blast the two intruders.

" What do you two want?! " she indignantly asked.

" Very simple, " the pink-skinned man instantly replied and smirked. " My partner and I have reckoned about the feud between the mutants and the Avengers. Neither we belong to the X-Men nor the Inhuman Royal Family, we want to track down people whom we consider as threats like you! "

" Who the hell are you?! "

" My bad, we haven't introduce ourselves. The name's Psynapse and this is my partner Barrage. We're here to ruin and bring you into your instant failure to demise! "

Barrage darkly chuckled and transformed his forearms into a laser cannon. He was instantly blasting Carol down and sending her flying into the wall. She created a large crack and formed a hole. The objects on the wall instantly fell down. Carol moaned in pain and slowly stood up from where she got pushed by a powerful blast. She became more furious than ever and quickly flew to her first attacker, giving him another powerful blast. Barrage instantly fell down as he received an equivalent blow from the half-Kree woman.

Psynapse was unhappy at his partner's failure and grumbling. Then, he angrily glared at Ms. Marvel and radiated his pinkish aura from his head, giving her some mental blasts. Carol immediately dodged by hovering and flying. Then, she responded with a barrage of golden yellow photon blasts on her both fists. The Inhuman-Mutant ducked and avoided the other blasts. He was thinking of another way to subdue her. Then, he looked at Barrage as he was slowly gaining consciousness, groaning, and sitting up. The two Inhuman-mutant hybrid men were still evading from the half-Kree woman's destructive radiant strikes.

" Now, what?! " Barrage asked and gave his partner a suggestive look. " If I fight her, she's unstoppable. We have to make Ms. Marvel down! "

" I am thinking of making her subdued and dead in a couple of minutes, then, we'll leave this place, " Psynapse grinned and watched Ms. Marvel continuing her radiant strikes.

" You mean..."

" Yes. "

" Why?! "

" It's not the right time to banter her. I know she's upto something important, but time will come to haunt her. "

Barrage nodded and understood what his partner meant. Psynapse stood up and ignored the continuous photon blasts, confronting Carol Danvers or Ms. Marvel. He was devilishly grinning and walking over to her.

" Are you about to give up? " she indignantly asked and ceased her strikes.

" You know, Ms. Marvel. I guess this is not the right time to deal with you for good, " Psynapse answered and shrugged.

" Why are you guys here?! "

" We are here to interfere with your business with the X-Men and other fighters, " he explained. " I guess we will let you experience..."

" What?! "

Psynapse instantly touched the half-Kree heroine's forehead and made her fell onto the floor. Carol suddenly closed her eyes and felt leaving her unconscious body. She widened her eyes in shock as she remained in Astral projection state. The two men helplessly watched her luminous soul and murmured, leaving her apartment unit.

" Why are you guys doing this?! " she heatedly exclaimed. " Hey, we're not done here! Come back!! "

As the two nuisance hybrid men left the premises, Carol returned to her body when she felt her heart beating and raging blood cells rushing into her veins. She slowly opened her eyes and managed to sit-up. The half-Kree Avenger looked at the time when she saw the clock's shorthand pointing at five and longhand at three. She got startled when she missed three hours and fifteen minutes during her astral state.

" What on Hala have I been doing for three hours?! " she heavily sighed and thought. " Those freaks disturbed and wasted my peaceful time in the bathroom! I'd better to go the Avengers Tower. I can't waste some damn time for that meeting! "


As the bright hot sun was watching over the clear blue skies, the people flocked at the hotel's outdoor pool and garden. The Montmartre family spent dipping and swimming at the cold and clear blue water of the pool. Amnon was diving underwater and spying around the people's legs like a great white shark seeking for its prey. His parents were looking for him and eyeing under the water.

" Methie, have you seen our son? " Carol asked with a concern. " He might get..."

" Drowned? " her husband chuckled and used his Kree Cosmic Awareness. " I don't think he would experience that. He's used to spend underwater for a couple of minutes..."

Suddenly, Methu-Selah and Carol were started as they felt their legs were being pulled and grabbed. Under the pool's water, Amnon grinned and snickered, forming little bubbles from his nose and mouth. The Kree Eternal and his wife saw their son's antics and laughed.

" All right, little merman! " Carol chuckled. " Stop making your attacks underwater, time to show yourself on the surface! "

The young Kree Eternal hybrid swam above the surface, popping his head and making deep inhale. Then, he loudly laughed at his surprise antics to his parents.

" Guess what, I saw people's legs! " Amnon happily exclaimed. " I should have made another trick to surprise the both of you! "

" Amnon Joseph Danvers-Montmartre, you'd better behave yourself, " his father seriously said. " You might find some people under and over the water who get disturbed with your tricks. "

" It may be funny for you and us, " she interjected. " Not to them. You know what I mean. "

" Sorry...." the boy bowed in shame and sighed.

Just then, he received a large splash from his father when Amnon became wetter than ever. Carol laughed at her child and husband and watched their water play.

" Dad!! " Amnon exclaimed.

" I'm making you grounded in a humorous way! " Methu-Selah grinned and waved his arms over the water, making a great splash to his son.

" Oh, yeah?! Let's wage war of the waves! " Amnon chuckled and splashed his father back.

" Make me, Son! "

" I will be the King of the Waves and overthrow you very soon! "

" The real King of the Waves shall never give up the throne in depths of the ocean, EVER! "

The father and son kept exchanging water strikes within the swimming pool and laughing. Ignoring the other people coming into the pool, Carol felt pleased at her two precious gentlemen and smiled. After all the years fighting and experiencing issues, she had achieved what she really wanted, having a family. She watched them making a barrage of splashes to each other and thought of joining them when she took a deep breath and dove below the pool. Methu-Selah and Amnon paused their water fight, noticed some bubbles coming beneath the water, and shared glances.

" Dad? " Amnon called his father's attention and nervously asked. " Where's Mom? "

" Son, please expect a big..." the Kree Eternal paused.

Just between them, a massive splash was pushing them when Carol instantly extended her arms and popped her head. The other people got surprised at her attack when she was loudly laughing. Her husband and son's hair and face have become the wettest and widened their eyes to their surprise. The half-Kree woman intently smiled at her two gentlemen.

" Mom! What the heck?! " Amnon raised his voice.

" She has annoyingly hindered our attacks, " Methu-Selah interjected and then laughed.

" Well, the Queen of the Waves have ended your war for good! " she maliciously yelped and exclaimed with a smooth English accent. " Absolutely, you savage blokes should behave yourselves! Don't you dare to dethrone a queen like me! "

" Then, make us! " the father and son spoke in unison and dared her.

Carol evilly smirked and readied herself in making an intense wave on the pool to attack her spouse and little boy. Suddenly, she paused and felt being observed this time. It was the same experience which she had witnessed several years ago as Ms. Marvel. She sensed someone on the hotel's outdoor garden and pool area using her seventh sense. Her husband also used his Kree Cosmic Awareness and sensed suspicious beings. Amnon looked at his parents with concern and curiously tilted his head.

" Methie...I..." Carol paused and restlessly moved her head to and fro.

" I know, Carol. I know, " he said. " Are they spying on you? "

" Those same intruders again, they're here. I'm worried of Amnon might get involved with them. "

" We'd better return to the hotel room and have early dinner from there. It may be daunting to remain here. "

" Right. "

" Mom, Dad, what's going on?! " the young Kree Eternal hybrid boy called their attention. " What are you guys talking about? "

" Amnon, it's getting late, " his mother smiled and answered. " We'd better get going. Your father and I decided to have dinner in the hotel room. "

" But I want to stay here for a couple of minutes, " he replied.

" Son, the pool will be closed until 6:00 PM, " the Kree Eternal interjected. " We have to make it into the room before sundown. "

Amnon was still not convinced at his parents' reminders and doubtfully raising his eyebrows. Then, he heavily sighed as he had no choice, but to obey them, instead of arguing and reasoning. The family left the pool and dried up using their towels. They immediately left the outdoor area and headed into the hotel lobby and the elevator. Entering the elevator and pressing the buttons, Carol remained uneasy as she heard the same male voice again in her mind.

" Hello there, Ms. Marvel aka Captain Marvel! It's better to call you, Mrs. Montmartre, " the sinister voice greeted her telepathically. " I have been waiting for you after two decades! It looks like you have traded your heroic deeds into a humble family life! My, what a pleasant improvement, you have there! Yet, you have been in so much things! "

" What do you want, Psynapse?! Why did you bother me this time?! " she angrily replied and looked at her spouse and child with concern. " Are you going to involve my family into your tricks like you did to me?! "

" Just wait and see, Mrs. Montmartre! You will surely like what I have been plotting! "

" You'd better stay away from my family! You freak! "

" I shall see you soon! "

The echo had ended with a psychotic laughter when Carol angrily clenched her fists and frowned. Her husband understood her disposition, but Amnon was still clueless of what was going on with his mother.

" Mom, are you okay? " her son curiously asked.

Carol sighed and falsely smiled, " I'm okay, Kid. It's nothing. "

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