Chapter 44

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Instantly waking up in the middle of the night, Amnon sat up from the bed and moved his head around. He was hearing noises from the outside and leaving from his bed. He looked at the window and got alarmed to see his parents fighting a humanoid female. The young Kree Eternal hybrid had to do something in order to stop them from disturbing the neighbors and thought of calling the people from the apartment first, before asking the police first. Amnon instantly left the family flat and quickly rushed towards the hallway and into the stairs. The other residents who were awake noticed and found him very odd.

The boy headed himself upstairs into the third floor and kept running into the hallway. He loudly banged his godfather's door as he was desperate to ask for help.

" Uncle Hank! " Amnon cried and incessantly knocked the door. " HELP!! WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY!! "

The door instantly opened and revealed a hulking and barefooted man in his late fifties to early sixties with prussian blue skin, wearing casual clothes. He was crossing his both arms and heavily sighing to see his younger family friend to his annoyance.

" Oh my stars and garters! Where's your manners, young man?! " Hank McCoy exclaimed and indignantly glared. " Why are you violently knocking on my door like some FBI Agents in America?! Do you even realize the neighbors will get disturbed?! "

" I'm so sorry, Uncle Hank, " Amnon anxiously spoke. " My parents are in trouble right now! I really need your help before I will call the cops! Please, we need to do something! "

The former mutant UN Ambassador to the United States and X-Man also heard the commotion from the outside and heavily sighed, looking at his godchild. Amnon waited for him to respond.

" I get what you mean, Amnon, " Hank nodded. " This is really an emergency. "

" How about Aunt Lila? "

" She'll be coming home in two days, " he answered. " For now, we have to get her associate to join us. "

" You mean Uncle Warren? "

" Right. "

The two men headed into the apartment's West Wing where they knew their ally had resided. Hank looked at Amnon and said, " This time, I'll knock. Understand? "

" Yes, sir, " Amnon obediently nodded.

The hulking blue skinned mutant gently knocked on the door as the young Kree hybrid curiously tilted his head, watched, and found him too unusual from a brute-looking gentleman. Suddenly, someone appeared from the doorway when it opened. A blonde bearded man curiously raised his eyebrows and held the doorknob.

" What are you guys doing in this time of the night? " he asked.

" Mr. Evans, our young friend here is telling us that his parents are having a conflict in real time, " Hank politely answered. " He needs our help before he calls the authorities. "

" Carol? Old Methu?! " Warren exclaimed in shock and mentioned the names of Amnon's parents. " Oh, crud!! Seriously?! "

" Uncle Warren, I just saw them fighting an android, " Amnon added and pointed at the window.

Hank, Warren, and Amnon watched the commotion from the third floor's window. They were worried to see the couple kept pursuing the female android with a silvery metallic skin. Amnon was worried for his parents and observed how their opponent was able to strike down his mother. His father on the hand remained in his pink skin form and kept targeting using his bright blue cosmic photon blasts. The lady LMD was able to dodge his attacks.

" Dammit! " Warren indignantly muttered and angrily clenched his fists. " HYDRA must be after your mother, Kid. Now, your father may be also in big trouble. "

Amnon glanced at his two older family friends and anxiously begged, " Uncle Hank, Uncle Warren, I don't have powers, yet! Please do something! "

" We will, Amnon, " Hank determinedly replied. " But you have to help your parents to stay away from her and return to your flat. "

" I will do it and keep myself safe. "

" Good. "

Just outside the apartment, Methu-Selah kept defending his wife who was beaten by an android who could easily scan their hand to hand combat attacks. Carol stood beside her husband, heavily panted, and looked exhausted. Her bruises on her face and forearms were visible when anyone would see it.

" Now, I understand why you have been so anxious, " the Kree Eternal in his pink skin form seriously replied and continued radiating his both hands with a blue photon energy.

" She has been chasing and stalking me back in the Metro this afternoon, " his wife wearily replied and looked at the LMD.

" TARGET must be EXECUTED, " a female mechanical voice emotionlessly spoke and rushed in an instantaneous speed, approaching to the blonde Kree hybrid lady.

" CAROL! " Methu-Selah instantly brought down his wife and covered her for her safety. Suddenly, the female LMD struck him down by kicking his spinal cord and giving him a fatal blow. The ancient Kree was still protecting his other half and moaned in pain. Suddenly, he radiated his entire body and transformed into his blue skinned form with a long silvery white hair.

Witnessing his father's protective act and transformation, Amnon gasped in shock and enlargened his eyes. Hank and Warren noticed the commotion when they got outside.

" Mom! Dad! " the younger Kree Eternal hybrid boy called his parents' attention.

Hearing the boy's voice, the female LMD looked intently at the child and scanned him using her red mechanical pupils. She finished detecting and readied herself to attack him.




Amnon nervously gulped in fear and saw her coming towards him. Methu-Selah and Carol noticed that android menace, quickly flew to their son, and grabbed him away to his safety. Warren took out his rod and emitted his electrical energy coming from his body. Hank instantly jumped behind the LMD and tightly grabbing her away from the boy and his family. She moved her head and scanned her muscular opponent, trying to break away from his clutches.

" Warren, try to electricute this one and let the spouses end her! " Hank imperatively exclaimed and kept hindering the female LMD.

" Got it! " Warren nodded and hit the android's head, transferring his high voltage strikes to her.

The female LMD was shaking and beginning to feel a low circuit which she was about to malfunction and explode. Hank instantly jumped away from her and stood beside his fellow mutant. Amnon watched the attacker becoming to malfunction slowly. Methu-Selah and his wife exchanged glances when they decided to give the android a quick ending. The spouses instantly flew and hovered above the LMD, formed their combinued photon blasts, and sent to her fatal explosion. The other two mutants immediately rushed away from a fiery doom. Finally, Mrs. Montmartre's android stalker had turned into a dismantled and burned pieces of metallic junk. The remains were scattered on the streets.

The spouses had descended from the sky and stood beside their son who sighed in relief. Hank was anxious when he saw some scattered mechanical parts. Warren ceased using his powers and smiled.

" What a mess! " the former UN Ambassador commented and sighed.

" No worries, Hank, " the blonde mutant chuckled and joked. " At least, it's over. Let the garbage crew clean up that LMD crap. "

" What I am worried about is Amnon's parents, particularly his mother, " he replied. " We both knew that Mrs. Montmartre had caused a lot of controversies before, but this time she used her powers along with her husband! I'm afraid she will be a center of attention by the media or any authorities. "

" I guess, you're right, " Warren nodded and looked at the Montmartre family from a distance. " Still, she had a chance to redeem herself as a heroine which she was used to be, thanks to her husband and son. Now, her main focus is her own family. "

" It's her decision to remain as a private life after all the troubles she made. I hope she's responsible for her acts. "

" Yeah, we'll just let her be. "

Watching from a distance, a dark-skinned man with dreadlocks and a colorful hat watched the incident and glared at the Kree Eternal's family and the two mutant men. He stepped on the LMD's discarded and burnt leg and angrily grunted. Suddenly, he heard his phone ringing with a key of C chorus of an 80's reggae chorus.

Pass the Dutchie 'pon the left hand side...
Pass the Dutchie 'pon the left hand side...
It a go bun (give me the music, make me jump and prance)...
It a go dung, ya know? (Give me the music, make me rockin' at the dance)...

The man finished the lively ringtone, picked up the call and spoke with a heavy Carribean accent, " Allo, boss? "

" How's Jane? " another male voice with an American accent asked.

" Dead as a Dodo, my boss man! Mr. Blue man and Mrs. Glowsticks finished her for good along with their two mutant homies, " the Jamaican answered and watched the people returning into the apartment.

" Dang it! Remix! " the caller angrily growled. " You could have intervened it! You should have brought Crawford along with you! "

" But Boss Man, I'm not ready to take them down like the croc man does? " Remix shrugged and nervously chuckled. " He is still eager to take down Mrs. Glowsticks! He should do this job not me! "

" You may be a mutant and a HYDRA Agent, but your laid back attitude makes you too lazy! "

" Chill, my boss man! I will get her someday along with her family. Yet, I got intrigued of why Jane is pursuing with that boy. "

" Remix, I have news for you, " the man seriously said. " Pursue him not only his mother and father. That's how you will find the kid's secret. Got it? "

" Sure thing, boss man. I will, " Remix evilly grinned and nodded in affirmation.


(Warren Evans belongs to BjornGamR27 aka Drifter 27)
(Remix and J.A.N.E. belong to Valorithsaga aka thepsychosisknights)
(Pass the Dutchie performed by Musical Youth)

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