Chapter 9

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Agents Williams, Knightfall, and Halsey were still studying the incident reports which Team Rainbow from Russia and Interpol had given them two weeks ago. They have something to do with Carol Danvers-Montmartre or Captain Marvel's terror in St. Petersburg. They saw the video which she and the Avengers fought a group of HYDRA Agents on the streets near the abandoned building.

The dark haired Inhuman SHIELD Agent made a fast-forward move to the video. The three saw the half-Kree woman fighting alone and destroying the nearby buildings as the civilians got terrified in seeing and running away from her. Christopher widened his eyes in shock and sensed something was not right in the playback. Halsey and Williams curiously looked at him.

" Seriously? " the green-haired man raised his voice. " This is not right! "

" So, you're doubting at the video, " Halsey replied. " Then what about it? "

" Carol must be fighting someone here. This must be a trick by an entity. "

" Knightfall, you're getting too ridiculous..." Williams sternly spoke while returning the playback. " You're seeing Montmartre destroying those structures. In our terms, she's now branded as 0-8-4. "

" Well, if you look closely on the video, " Knightfall zoomed in the clip as the two saw a shadow fighting against the half-Kree woman. " You're seeing a shadow or a void taking her down. "

" Man, what do you mean by that? " Halsey asked.

" An entity out of this world, I'm afraid it's pushing off her limits to take it down. "

Paul Williams raised his eyebrows in doubt and adjusted the eyeglasses on his face. He stammered at the video and sighed. His two companions curiously turned to him.

" If there were an entity stalking on her, " the Inhuman replied. " How is that possible? "

" That seems very puzzling guys, " Halsey shrugged. " I may go on a hunt against it. I believe someone is also on the hunt for her. "

" Crawford..." the two men said in unison.

" But Min and the others were there, where is that crocodile? " Williams asked.

" He's waiting for  the right timing to take her down, " Christopher replied. 

 " So, what are we gonna do now? " Chris Halsey asked as Williams stopped the video clip. 

" We'll just have to wait for the SHIELD Director's decision along with Mr. Stark, " the bespectacled dark-haired Inhuman answered. " We have to gather more evidences against Montmartre. " 

" Do you think that's unfair for her since she's away for her honeymoon? " Christopher Knightfall asked and found his colleague's statement was ridiculous. 

" She had committed another mistake, Knightfall, just like she did before. There will be no more chances for her. Her heroic days will be over, so to speak. "

Halsey and Knightfall exchanged glances as they couldn't believe Paul's deep passion for hatred to Captain Marvel. They couldn't comprehend how angry he was ever since five years ago. Now, they were hearing and seeing his stern and dark face. For Carol, she would face a lot of charges upon her return to Earth or even a dismissal to her Avengers and Alpha Flight. 

  " That would be very tough for her, " the other dark-haired man commented. " She's gonna face too much problems when she returns. "

Christopher Knightfall remained silent and crossed his arms. He remembered his visit with Methu-Selah and predicted of the half-Kree woman's future and dilemma she has. Somehow, he had an idea of what would be her life after she faced so much consequences she did. He looked at the images on the holographic table that featured her face. He felt pity to see what would happen to her anytime soon.

   " Knightfall? Hey! " Williams called his fellow SHIELD Agent's attention as the green-haired man instantly turned his head to him. " Is there something wrong? " 

" at all, " he nervously smiled. " I'm just looking for some pictures. " 

" I see... " 

" Guys, I'm just curious, " Halsey broke his silence. " What are those things which HYDRA took from that building? " 

   The two men closely looked at the equipment and the van. The images had changed the topic as they seemed puzzled. They were extraterrestrial items which Technet kept them in that place, however his sons failed to retrieve them because of those meddling HYDRA Agents. 

" Those are really perplexing, " Williams commented. " HYDRA is always after those out of this world objects. "

" Yeah, " Halsey nodded. 

" Whatever they are building from them, they might be using for the future, " Knightfall added. 

" How come? How is that possible? " 

" They're going to use them against us, like they're building a future against heroes. " 

The two remained speechless and surprised as they couldn't realize what HYDRA was planning and working ahead. They were thinking of what would years from now. 

  (Kree-Lar City, Planet Hala, Pama System, Large Magellanic Cloud)

Methu-Selah instantly woke up from his sleep after experiencing a nightmare he had. He looked at his wife as she was leaning her head on his chest. He heavily sighed and gently put his arms around her. In that dream, he saw his wife was being taken by unknown dark figures as she couldn't break free. She was crying for help as the Kree Eternal tried to reach his hand on hers, however he failed, watching Carol getting abducted.

This time, his mind was racing in anxiety and fear of losing his wife in the hands of someone else. He softly sighed, kissed her cheeks, and touched her face as she was peacefully sleeping beside him. Was that dream a prediction or an illusion? He couldn't get over thinking of it while looking at his wife. 

  " Carol, you're going to be separated from me for some reasons, " he telepathically spoke to her. " But I will do anything to keep you safe from those people who hate you, I won't let you down. I'm always there for you, no matter what. " 

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