Chapter 1

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„What's that?!", Sandra asked and tore the piece of paper out of the hand of her best friend.

„Hey! Give it back!", Nori shouted and tried to get the paper back, but Sandra was quite too fast.

Again and again she read some words.

„Oh! A poem?"


„For whom?"

„First, it's not a poem and second... give it back!"

„Only if you tell me, for whom it is!"

After that Nori took a quick look at the poster over her bed, where you could see the singer of her favorite band.

„Ah! Now I understand! It's a song! A song for your crush!", Sandra spoke.

That's why Nori blushed.

„Ha! It's true!"

Nori said nothing.

„Hey, Nori! Are you okay? I just wanted to tease you a little!", Sandra opposed.

„Just because we share a flat with each other now, it doesn't mean, that you can do anything with me!", it broke out of Nori.

„I'm sorry! I shouldn't have read it", Sandra said and gave the piece of paper back to her best friend.

„But... I think it's really good... your song."

„Really?!", Nori asked and got sparkling eyes.

„Yes... and... what are you up to with it?"

„What do you mean?!"

„Well, will you sing your song to your Josh one day or what?"

„Sing?! Me?!", Nori countered.

„You're right. I did hear you in the shower. Maybe it isn't such a good idea."


„Calm down!"

„Yes, you're right", Nori said and looked down.

„Listen! How long will this go on?", Sandra wanted to know.

„What do you mean?", Nori countered.

„You've got a crush on this guy for years! I mean... he's your wallpaper on your cellphone, on your PC, your MP3 player..."

„Yeah! Okay! I'm into him! Are you satisfied now?!"

„No. I'm not. When we went to school until lately, there have been some boys who were into you."

„What? ... Really?!"

„Yes! ... But you only had eyes for your Josh!"

„My Josh?!"

„Yes! On how many of his concerts have you been yet?"

Suddenly Nori became very quiet.

„Wait a second... does that mean... you have never been on one of his concerts before?"

Nori didn't need to answer. Sandra did already know that it was true.

„I don't understand. You've got a crush on him for years and haven't been even on one single concert? How shall he ever know that you exist, if he never get sight of you?!"

„Um... I-I..."

„Are you scared that he doesn't like you as much as you like him?"

She hit the mark. How does she do that?!

„You know what?! This has an end now!", Sandra decided and took her laptop.

„What are you up to?", Nori wanted to know.

„We will go to the next concert of the Mudbuds! If you want it, or not!"

„Of course I want!"



She swallowed.

„It will be fine! I'm with you! ... Ooh! Look! They even give a concert at Valentine's Day! I just have to push this button..."


„I'm just kidding! We'll take this concert, a few days earlier! And... done!"

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