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They arrived in Jon's home. The Winterfell Castle.

Weiss found it very strange with the coldness of the weather despite being used to living in Atlas, the northernmost kingdom in Remnant.

They were greater by a lot of stares from the people. Embarrassed, Weiss look forward and followed Jon.

"Jon, may I ask you a question?" Jon nodded. "Do you normally experience this much cold in your kingdom." She said.

"Winterfell is always cold being in the North and all, beyond Winterfell is the Wall, beyond that is endless winter. And Winter is Coming." He said in a strained voice.

Weiss shivered. But it wasn't the cold that's affecting her. The words Jon mentioned, Winter is Coming, they seem to carry a burden with it.

All of a sudden, Jon took off running and Weiss had to catch up with him. Luckily, with months of training her speed, she was able to follow his pace. As soon as Jon stopped, she saw that Jon was talking to three boys.

One man has long, dirty, brown hair and with a heavily furred cloak draped over his shoulders with a serious expression in his face. The second man, which Weiss assumed that he is around seventeen, had short, curly, brown hair. His clothing matched the first man. The last was barely a adolescent, with long brown hair and bangs that partially covered his eyes. Among the three, his face wore a carefree but serious expression.

Weiss cleared her throat, "Um... May I know where's the nearest airship back to Vale?"

"One does not address the King of Winterfell beginning with an "um." Said the first man.

"Forgive me, but I ran into this poor lady while on the way home. And she needs medical treatment for her leg." Jon interrupted.

"Excuse me, but did you forget my name is Weiss Schnee and not poor lady?!!!" Weiss complained. "And who is this old man anyway?" She exclaimed, pointing to the first man.

"Hey, how dare you treat my father with disrespect?!" Said the second man.

"Now Now children, they is plenty of time to bicker with each other." Said the first man. "Why don't we introduce ourselves to this young lady over here?" He suggested.

"Hi. I'm Bran." said the kid.

"I'm Robb." said the second man.

"Weiss Schnee, " said Jon. "May I introduce you to Lord Eddard Stark, Father of the Stark Children, Ruler of Winterfell."

"Well, Lady Schnee, it is a pleasure to meet you. I hope your stay here will be valuable." said Eddard. Then he called out, "Sansa, will you please escort the young Schnee to the infirmary?"

A girl, around the age of fourteen, came out. She wore a dark-colored dress with a cloak draped on her shoulders in contrast to her bright orange hair.

" Lady Schnee, this is my eldest daughter Sansa Stark. She will take you to the infirmary to heal your wounds." said Eddard.

Sansa gave a graceful curtsy. "It is grateful for you to drop by in Winterfell." "Shall we go then? " she said. Weiss nodded her head.

Looking back Weiss took a glimpse of Eddard with his children.

"You two have to be ashamed of yourselves. Especially you, Robb. Even a bastard knows better to exhibit formal introductions." said Eddard as he dragged Robb and Bran by the ear. Robb and Bran groaning in agony while Jon laughing behind them.

"Oh, don't worry. Father can be kind of strict to us but he is a good man." said Sansa, seeing Weiss' perplexed face.

"I can relate." Said Weiss.


At the infirmary, Weiss cannot stop thinking . "Will I ever go back to Beacon?, Will I ever see Ruby, Blake and Yang?, Will I ever see Neptune?"

"Hello, but are you okay?" Sansa asked. "Sorry, but you look worried, by the look on your face."

"It's okay." replied Weiss. "Just thinking about my family and home."

"I see. My father used to fight in the war." said Sansa. "I'd remember when he used to tell me stories every night. Stories about the war, dragons, The Mad King, the Targaryen Conquests and the Seven Kingdoms."

Weiss  had no idea what she is exactly talking about but she nodded. "My father does the same, only with stories about financial problems. You see, my father owns a dust shop back home." She said.

"Dust Shop?" Sansa questioned.

"A mineral where we get our powers." said Weiss. "Like my sword. " She said, bringing out Myrtenaster. "In this case, this is multi-dust rapier." She said. Sansa looked at her blankly.

"You know what, never mind about that." She was about to put the sword back when Sansa piped up." Can you show me how it works?"

Weiss started to protest about her leg but Sansa cut her off. "Your leg will be fine," She reassured. "With enough water and rest."

"Alright. But you have to promise me that you'll never tell anyone about this. Not a single soul. She warned. Sansa nodded.

Weiss positioned her sword in front of her then began to perform. Her glyphs began to spin and she danced to the way the glyphs appear from one another.

Her Myrtenaster shifted its dust compartment and she produced a irregular ice sculpture. Sansa watched with amazement in her eyes.

Weiss then positioned her sword pointing to the floor. She tried to use her Summoning Glyphs with a great amount of effort and concentration but alas, the glyph simply disappeared.

Weiss let her disappointment show. " I'm sorry about the last one. I still have difficulty doing that."

Sansa's face was a mixture of awe and fear. "Wow," She finally said. "I've never seen anything like that before," "It's amazing." She exclaimed. Weiss felt her face flush saying "It's nothing."

"My sister, Arya always wanted a sword. But mom and I are against that idea." ""I mean, we're women."" She would say. ""And women don't play with pointy swords.""

Sansa paused for a moment. "Arya, didn't look happy about it and was stuck in doing stuff women are supposed to do, like weaving." She said. "Did your parents allowed you to wield a sword?" She asked.

"I don't really remember but I remembered standing up to them saying that I want to be a Huntress because being a Schnee, it is my duty and honor to uphold my family name by fighting against the Grimm, the creatures of darkness." She said.

"You sound like my mother, she would say family, duty and honor are the most important words to remember being a Tully," "Even after marrying my father, she still uphold these words." She said.

"That's very dutiful, for your mom." Weiss commented.

Suddenly, the door burst open and girl, around twelve, appeared. She had dark brown hair and a dress with pants and boots underneath.

"Arya, what are you doing? You were supposed to be at Septa Mordane's" Sansa exclaimed.

"I got bored." said the girl named Arya.

"Weiss Schnee, this is Arya, Arya, this is Weiss." said Sansa.

"I love your sword." said Arya. Weiss thanked her.

Then another girl entered, Weiss hadn't noticed her there until she looks familiar.

"Weiss, is that you?" said the girl. Weiss' heart swelled with joy.

Ruby Rose is alive.

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