News about update

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Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu..

Dear readers I apologize for the lack of response and for the delay in the update ..
I have only one one answer to all your questions. ''Life'' .yes
That's the only valid reason ..

Life has been really hectic and busy with studies and guests and many more things

I would appreciate your prayers for all those in troubles and needs and for every single humain being.

The fact about plagiarism ,it has started yet again here on other website .
I can't just take down my book for everyone of you has waited long enough for the update i know .

So ,the next chapter which I will publish hopefully soon will be private..only the people who follow me will be able to read it .
I know I really hate to do it, sometimes you like your own silent book to read but this was a better idea than taking down the book.
You can gladly unfollow after reading the chapter I won't mind .

Now about the update
Dear readers it's almost ready just the last part is left it would be done soon to IN shaa ALLAH but the main problem is my laptop Is at my aunt's place. Soo please pray that I can get it soon so I can complete it and update it ..

The place is quite far away otherwise I could've bought it a long time ago.

Coming to an end thank you for your patience ,and know that I really want to update it asap just please pray I am able to do so .

The day of hajj is very near please make full use of these days before it and earn as much rewards as you can .

And please remember me and everyone in your precious prayers .

May ALLAH bless you all with His infinite blessings Ameen

You are the most precious gem in my life sweetheart!

Coming soon IN shaa ALLAH;-)

And for your patience I am warning you beforehand it's going to be the longest chapter I have ever written :-)

Allah hafiz

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