Into the Unknown

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The UNSC have been through hell and many lives were lost through the Human covenant war. As brave men and women who fought to try to stop the covenant war machine but no luck and many words are glassed and billion of live both civilian and military were killed during the three decade war as well fought the flood and stop galactic genocide by preventing the halo array from firing with help from the those who got out to the covenant. Now humanity can rebuild and be stronger than before. Though this victory help end the war. They will never forget those who journeyed into the howling dark and did not return. For their decision required courage beyond measure. As they were the ones who took a stand and fought for those who can't. They fought for the most important right. The right to live, and they will never forget those who gave them hope in their darkest hours. Like two Spartans who help end the war. Humanity own these two Spartans a debt that can never be repaid, for they never gave up and fought till the very end and ensured that they along with every sentient being in the galaxy survive. Chief and Spartan-076 or Y/n have been fighting through countless covenant forces and inspire those who lost faith. As well accomplish the impossible. Y/n was always consider to be one of the best Spartans for he is a fighter, and someone who can you can count on and who will never let anyone behind if he can. Though he doesn't remember his past or his family. The reason why he was picked was because of his unique genes that made him taller and more stronger and faster than other kids his age as well he is more resilient to damage.

He is an expert martial artists and weapons specialist along with other varieties that were taught to him during the Spartan II program. During the Human covenant war he has received the rank of Strike commander. He's been in many tough situations where it seem he wouldn't make it but he always does. This has made him into a idol and in some cases a hero to the civilians he saves. He never like the fame but he didn't let it bother him as he continued to fight and do his duty as a soldier nothing more. During some time he was given an AI who was Julie.

They went through the rest of the battles during the war. They face the flood and ended the threat of the halo array firing and finish the battle with the flood. Though after the ark they weren't seen again many would say they are dead or are MIA. Though after a but if time passed that doesn't seem to be the case for in a unknown sector of space in a planet there Y/n was there on the medical bed. Once he woke up he got up and began to walk around where he is. When he was walking around he felt different like he got a bit more taller and more built. As well his scars seem to have faded but not a lot. Still he wonder how he got there and as he took a closer look at his surroundings he can see that it's some forerunner structure. As well seeing the Huragok going around doing work in repairs. Though he has seen a sentinel approach him and soon a screen open and Julie appeared.

Julie: Hey Y/n. It's good to see you awake.

Y/n: Hey Julie where are we?

Julie: We are in one of the most advance forerunner Military and R&D facilities that were hidden during their war with the flood. As well the history is amazing. Come let's me show you the new improved MJOLNIR.

Y/n: Alright lead the way.

As she was guiding him to the location she explain how he was given new set of augmentations though she did had to tweak them to fit his human biology. Now his previous stats have been amplify by 6x. Once they got there and he began to put it on the under layer has new crystals to store more data. As he finish placing his helmet on. She also explain that she is now not have to worry about dying after seven years and now she is a forerunner Military and intelligence AI class.

The armor has been replated with forerunner metals that can take a beating. She then explain a few of the interesting features.

Julie:One was the ability to manipulate and shape the Energy Shield systems. This is to use the Shield System for more than just overall protection, the Shields could be used to form solid gauntlets, walls, as well as other shapes, I've even tested that you can direct enough energy to form a make shift parachute. This would work well with the second feature which is atmospheric insertion systems, that feature will allow you to drop into the atmosphere without using a SOEIV or any orbital pods that help.

Y/n: What is powering this armor?

Julie: There is a hybrid power plant system with both fusion and plasma technology, this would increase the overall power capacity of the combat skin to be at least 11 times the normal power output than your old Model. I also decided to create a special feature of a special propulsion system that will allow you to fly for short periods by using the hybrid power plant to fuel some jump systems that use anti-gravity field generators to move you around the battlefield if needed to go from one place to the next. I've also increased the amount of memory crystal weave to make any AI like myself if any were in the suit to have more room and processing power as well without compromising the suit's overall build and weight. As well you received a new implant that is more effective than your Spartan grade.

Y/n was impressed with it as he got her chip and put it on the back if his helmet. He got a bit cold in the back as the sign that she is in.

Julie: It's good to be home. Ready to see our ride home.

Y/n: We got a ship?

Julie: Yep and it's all geared up with weapons I know you'll love as well the vehicles UNSC and covenant inspired weapons and vehicles. As well other important things a real ship needs.

As they go to the ship bay he was shock to see it. The ship is 2.5 km long and Julie was right it had everything from the med bay to a shooting range.

As well the vehicles there was shock to him as he set foot inside the ship. The majority he recognize but some must be the newer models as well a number of forerunner machines and Huragok were there working on the vehicles and making sure everything is running as expected. The hall was the right size and had a food processors. As well the captains quarters were a bit to much for his liking but it seems Julie spared no expense to make it as comfy for him as possible she said. Once the tour was over and store's at the ships bridge and place Julie in the system everything was green and began to get out of the atmosphere of the shield world.

Julie: I can bet a lot of ONI would love to get their hands on this and your armor as well.

Y/n: Agree but I hope everything is going fine for them. I hope John and Cortana are alright.

Julie: I'm sure their fine Y/n. Let's go home.

He nodded and before they had a chance to use the slipspace. A bright light appeared to have taken them and one it died out there was nothing but a single sight of the ship in space. Though a voice was heard before the ship disappeared and it said to Y/n before he was knocked out and vanished.

??: Y/n your time here has come to an end. You are needed somewhere else. Where they need a warrior like you to stop the forces that feed on chaos. You will light their darkest hour. As well to live a life that you ever had a chance to. I will be watching over you and wishing you the best of luck Y/n. Noble Warrior.

A/n: I know this is a crazy idea and this first chapter might be a bit rushed. But I never seen a Halo/MyHeroAcademia story. I want to see if I can do it and hope you guys like the idea and see how this goes.

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