The mission continues

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Intro begins

Y/n in his full armor on top of a building looking over the city of Japan where UA is near. Then Julie alerts him on a crime in progress and he takes out his weapon and runs to it. The next scene switches to UA where some of the pro heroes wonder who is this mysterious vigilante and wonder what is his quirk if he has one. Next appears Y/n along with Julie in their HQ with holograms doing some upgrading to his gear and weapons. Then two villains one with hands all over and another with a purple mist all over with big a Nomu. Last it shows Y/n charging against the Nomu as the two collide a bright light over takes them.

Intro ends

Now that Y/n and Julie got after their shock they start to try to make reason to what they are seeing and figure out their next move. Julie told him that she will try and access to the satellite and get into the internet and learn what is going on here. She told him to just head to the hall to get something to eat from the food processor and a drink. As well try to relax. He nodded and went there and soon he pressed a few choices and out came out was his tray with orange chicken with some white rice with Veggies,dessert vanilla pudding and a soda. Since this is the first time eating something that wasn't a MRE or standard mess hall food. He has heard from some soldiers during the war how the food from some fast food are way better than the MRE. He wanted to try it. Since he wants to takes something different than eating food filled to the brim with preservatives. As he got his tray he went down to the table and began to eat. When he put the orange chicken he was amaze how tasty it was. He also like the rest if the food and drank the soda was good as well. He chuckle after he finish his meal in thinking how Deja would reacted if she saw him eat that. She would say something about how having the balance bs etc.

Y/n: Either way. How did we get here? Did we went to another reality or went back in time. Either seems plausible but that doesn't answer everything. If it is, is there a way to get home. If it isn't possible then what happens to us.

As Y/n though about it,he was a soldier a Spartan trained to be one of the best soldiers humanity ever made. All he knew was war and battles. A lot of though ran through him as he got up and placed his tray into the conveyor belt that sent it to be washed. He put on his helmet and soon heard julie's voice come through the coms.

Julie: Y/n I have everything I can get about earth. Come to the Bridge so I can give you the rundown of it.

Y/n: Understood, I'm ony way.

Julie: Alright and believe me. Once you have heard everything I have found it'll leave you speechless.

In the Bridge 5 minutes later.

Y/n has arrived at the bridge and Julie popped out and soon the debrief began.

Julie: Y/n, as you know Earth is different from the one we know. But it didn't end here. It turns out there is a different year and get this. There is real super heros. We might be in a different reality or something else.

She then shows his a few pictures of a few heroes. Under his helmet Y/n looked shocked. He saw some have some tight that are a bit revealing for some females and others have "Unique" features like some taking on appearances of animals etc. There one catches his eye a blond guy who is big and buffed with a big smile.

Y/n: Julie who is the big guy?

Julie: That is All Might the number one hero of the world the Symbol of Peace. His quirk is one for all.

Y/n: Quirk?

Julie explain that Quirks are unique powers or abilities. As well their history of how one baby became illuminated and that's as the first ever quirk as soon many appear after. Each one unique and its been said that there is many which those who have animal traits have. As well explaining the top heroes and who they were.

Y/n: This is a little overwhelming.

Julie: You're telling me. As well get this that being a hero is a professional career.

Y/n: Really?

Julie: It is. With 80% of the world having quirks there is a lot of then. As well there are many villains many are as dangerous as the last ones. With many possible powers you know how there are those who aren't that well.

Y/n nodded as he can tell that there are those who will use their power to hurt or do anything their dark desires want.

Y/n: So is there anything else you can get from the internet.

Julie: Nothing much but there are still some things that made me worried.

Y/n: Like what?

Julie: Y/n, you know with most of the word having quirks the the rest who are quirkless are treated like second class citizens or like trash. As well that there are many crimes the pros don't reach in time or don't answer. Many of these 'Heroes'only do it for the fame or fortune that comes with it. As well push their power hungry agenda to be more famous than others. As well some of the Villains and gang activities have made me concern like the Yakuza.

Y/n only stared at her taking it all in and he kinda knew what she is going for.

Y/n: You want us to put a stop to it aren't you?

Julie smiled at Y/n since they can read each other and think what each other might say or do.

Julie: Yes, as well to give hope to those who don't have power that you don't need it to become a hero.

Y/n: Julie you know I'm no hero. I'm just a soldier doing his duty nothing more.

Julie: I knew you were going to say that. Y/n, you and John are considered the greatest heroes of humanity. You gave hope to those who though it was all lost. You inspired many with your courage and selflessness. If that doesn't show that you are a hero then nothing will.

Y/n took in what she said and walked over to look out over earth. Even though he didn't want to admit it but Julie is right. The many threats that this Earth is facing shouldn't be ignore. He is still a Spartan and his mission to protect humanity from any threat foreign or domestic is still on and even though this ain't the earth he knew. He will still protect and serve. He then recalled the images of the countless civilians who were mercilessly killed during the war. Y/n won't let it happen here not as long he still lives.

Y/n: You know Julie if we begin we will be targeted by both villains and heroes and those who want to get us,you know.

Julie: I know but when that has ever stopped us,or you from doing what is right. You don't need to kill them just hurt them badly.

Y/n: Julie you know that is going to be tricky since most of our gear is for killing not subduing.

Julie: That can be fix easily. Adapt and overcome and win is what you were trained for right Y/n.

Y/n: I was. Let's get to work. The mission continues.

Julie: Yep and we have a lot of work do Y/n.

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