School For Spirit Calling... yay?

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Every organization had it's price... every price had a larger gimmick... and every gimmick was useless no matter how unique unless it proved it's worth.

That's how Koba judged the world, it was something his father had always explained to him. 

The Avengers.. The Omniyoji Clan.. The Yakuza... they were all worthless because as far as he was concerned.. they were yet to prove their worth.

Nobody had the right to rule Japan except the Demons who ruled it since the beginning.

There he stood, looking down upon the city through bullet proof windows.. next to his oak desk.. sipping a glass of wine... dressed in a neat suit of a business man.. his neat dark hair upon his handsome face that could swoon any woman, win any heart in a job interview.. a face that had been one of the contributing factors, other than his mind.. in landing him as the head of X-Corp.

A company, which unknown to the rest of Japan, that was primarily run by Yokai. 

A paper lantern, orange in color.. but much more sentient than it's appearance as a non-living object would suggest, floated down next to Koba..

"Hood..hasss moved.." said the lantern in a hissing sputtering voice that sounded like a flickering flame. "Reportsss.. saysss she fought an Omniyogi in a park... lotsss of property damage..."

"Well.. arrange for the Omniyogi's body to be obtained before those idiots at the Academy or in the Avengers get a hold of it.." said Koba smoothly and calmly.

"Ssshee survived.." hissed the lantern.

"What?" said Koba, surprise mildly curling his voice. "How?"

"Assssistance... from the daughter of Spider-Man... Ssspider-Girl.."

"That recent nobody?" said Koba. "Though I suppose underestimating girl possessing the powers of one of the Avengers is not a small thing. Where is this Spider-Girl now?"

"Ssshee hasss been obtained by the Academy... quite an interessssting scenario... don't you think?"

"Ahhh.. yes... this is going to be quite a strange scenario indeed." said Koba. "Continue to keep an eye on that miscreant Spider-Brat.."

"If.. sssshee ssstepss out of line?"

"Then you have my full permission to... well.. how do the Americans say it?... Wash the Spider out.."


"Urrrrghhh.. " May opened her eyes gingerly. There was a shadow in front of her face.. she couldn't quite make out.. something with blonde hair.. and twin tails?

She blinked a little more.. trying to peer through the lenses of her mask..

Wait a second.. she wasn't wearing lenses... 

Wh-where was her mask?

May opened her eyes fully.  It was the punk girl.. Maria.. only now she wasn't dressed in her punk outfit..

Instead she was wearing a white kimono with golden edges, and one of those ringed spirit staffs lying at her side.

"My my.. you're in big trouble Spider-Doof." said Maria. Her English accent was most definitely had a hint of scottish in it.. or was it irish?  "By god you've gone and done your mummy proud and fought off an S-Class yokai.. and that means the Academy is interested in you."

May leaped out of bed, with fright, and scrambled across the wooden floor until she had backed into a screen door. "Wh-where the hell-!? Wha!?"

 "Oh look." said Maria with a smirk. "You're just as jittery as that tarantula me dad caught back in the garden.. what a fitting set of powers for such a silly cowardly girl!"

May looked at herself, finding that she was in her underwear. "Where are my clothes!?"

"Well.. sorry..  you weren't wearing anything else under that tight little suit of yours... so we had to make do." said Maria with a shrug. "Are you going to stop being jittery? Or are you going to calm your bitch ass Spider legs?"

Wow... rude.

"I don't usually let people know what's under the mask." said May. "So excuse me if I find this situation disturbing."

"MAAAARIIIIIAAAAAAA!!!" Nemu burst into the room, shoving the screen door open, flames in her eyes. "What the HELL have I told you about harassing her!?"

"I'm not harassing her... much." said Maria sticking out her tongue. "Whatever.. if you insist on giving her the grand tour.. I won't stop you."

Maria gave a little harrumph, and walked off out of the room. 

"Sorry about her.. she's supposed to be the class representative but she's always been like a pain." said Nemu.

"Class repre-.. okay what kind of kooky wild dream am I having? Is a talking zebra on a walking chair going to show up somewhere?" said May. "God I watch too much Phineas and Ferb.."

"You're at the Omnijogi Academy." said Nemu apologetically. "Tokyo chapter.. and.. I'm sorry.. but I had to report every detail of every mission.. and as soon as the Director heard you were involved... he ordered me to bring you in.."

"What does he want?" May muttered.

"Well.. to force you into becoming a student of the Omniyogi Academy.." said Nemu.

"..." May blinked. "Oh.. really? And he thinks he can 'make' me join because?"

"Because we know your identity now.." Nemu squeaked, looking guiltier by the second.

May took the deep breath... then..

"WHAT THE HELL NEMU!?" May roared, grabbing Nemu's shoulders and shaking her furiously. "WHAT THE FRIGGIN HEEEELLL!?"

"Excuse me.." The screen door slid open.. and a bald monk wearing the same outfit as Nemu and Maria peeked in. "The Director will see you two now.."

"H-here.. put these on.." said Nemu, giving May some Omniyogi clothes. "Don't worry about your suit, we'll give that back to you.."

A few seconds later, May found herself being led through what looked like some sort of Japanese dojo. There were people outside in a square-like garden past several screen doors, flower arranging.. others, sitting on mats and muttering what sounded like nonsense, as paper tags with kanji on them floated and glowed before their eyes.

Strange animals seemed to inhabit the place too.

Past what appeared to be an old fashioned kitchen.. May saw a white fox with nine tails run by silently, it's paws making no noise.. and a massive elk was seen grazing nearby, it's eyes glowing slightly blue.

"And I thought Pokemon was just a phase.." May muttered. 

"Those are Yokai.. the ones that agree to the Omniyogi laws anyways." said Nemu. "Each sect and chapter are tasked with laying down laws so that Spirits and Humans can learn to live peacefully together without conflict.. we are the secret police that manage the spiritual aspects of Japan... you and your Avengers primarily deal with monsters of the physical world.."

"No... not really.. I mean.. Doctor Strange for one thing isn't much on the physical.." May muttered.  "And have you MET Ghost Rider? I saw him zooming through Bronx once.. Dad warned me to stay away when we were Web Slinging together.. best not to mess with Blaze when he's all soul hunting.."

"We deal with the more.. secretive aspects of the spirits." said Nemu. "Not all spirits like to appear in fantastic puffs of flames and fireworks like Dormammu or Zarathos. Actually, most spirits want to be left alone... but their methods of working in secrecy can sometimes be a little.. er.. inexperienced.. "

"So what? This is like the spirit version of Men in Black?" said May.

"Actually.. yes, you could say that.. even spirits can be hired as Omniyogis.. given that they pass our Academy.." said Nemu. "Oh.. here we are."

Nemu opened a door into a pleasant looking office. There was a tv.. a large book case filled with ancient looking leather bound books.. a mahogany desk that would probably make King Yenma from Dragon Ball Z Abridged drool with envy, several large statues of the Buddha, probably more for decorative purposes than religious given their aesthetic placements.. and finally, behind the desk, there was a large fireplace, with a Omniyogi staff made of pure gold hanging over the thing like a sword would.

A white haired aged man who stood tall and strong, wearing a gray suit, and possessing a wispy mustache stood up and smiled. "Greetings Spider-Girl."

"Howdy Ras Al Ghul." May said. "Nice digs.."

"Ahh.." the man chuckled. "I see you're as quippy as your father.. not bad. Allow me to welcome you.. I am Director Shen.. I.. am not actually Japanese.. I'm Chinese.. but my family has run the Omniyogis in Japan for centuries."

"When you say welcome.." said May suspiciously. "Do you mean forcing me into your little spirit taming club against my will?"

"I see Nemu has told you.. she is a good girl, but she fails to grasp the importance of having you on board." said Shen.  "You see.. Omniyogis are restricted to Japan only.. however... Spirits are a global problem."

May tilted her head, glaring at Shen. "your point Mr. Ghost Buster?"

"Yokai exist all over the world.. and cause troubles in every continent." said Shen. "Causing numerous problems that many outside of Japan are not fully aware of. Not even Doctor Strange, or the Avengers are completely aware of the issues. They are assigned to deal with massive fate of the world threats.. not the common task of keeping a Kappa from pulling a child into a well."

"And what's this got to do with me?" May asked.

"Publicity.. it's only just recently that the Omniyogi have started becoming far more public in their doings.. in an attempt to bring awareness to existing peacefully with Yokai." said Shen. "However, we've always been quickly overshadowed by the Avengers.  Why worry about the common household Tengu when Thanos is out there wrecking things..  so nobody knows to call us should a REAL Yokai threat emerge.. even Strange can't be everywhere at once.... but that's when our focus groups realized..  it's not just about the realness of the threat.. it's also... about gimmicks... "

"Oh.. crap.." May muttered, she could see where this was going. 

"Heroes all have gimmicks, flashy costumes.. catch phrases. Even Stark recognizes this, and for that reason he paints his armor in those goofy red and yellow colors.. and calls himself Iron Man, rather than just being known as... Tony Stark.. in a suit." Shen continued. "That is what captures the children's minds.. Captain America wouldn't be nearly as popular, if he just called himself Captain Steve Rogers, and ran around in an ordinary military uniform."

"Well then.. make yourself a goofy costume and become Omniyogi Man then." said May. 

"Your sarcasm is noted." said Shen. "But, we've had our eye on you ever since you first emerged in New York.. Spider-Girl. A young girl.. young enough to train at our Academy.. the daughter of a world famous Avenger Icon.. you can become the new face of Omniyogis everywhere... masked of course.."

May made to give an angry retort, but she had to admit, the old man had a very good point.  Ever since the Daily Bugle fell, Spider-Man had become a famous American legend.. kids dressed as him for Halloween,  Posters and comics of him were sold at conventions, etc. etc.. even though his kid wasn't that well known yet.. eventually she would be..  and having their own personal Spidey-Omniyogi around would earn publicity and status for this place.. 

However, she had never heard of this Omniyogi whatsit before.. not till now.. and for all she knew, it could just be  a phony summer camp for Super Villains trying to brain wash her.  And she had obligations.. Tony had sent her here to begin the setup for the new Avengers Japan Headquarters.. that was far more important then Kappas lurking in wells... whatever Fraternities were pulling kids down wells though sounded kinda sick. 

"Thanks, but no thanks." said May. "I'm nobody's mascot. Plus I already have a boss who flies around in a billion dollar suit of armor, who was nice enough to give me this gig in Japan.."

"You surprise me Spider-Girl." said Shen. "Spider-Man was always known for looking out for the little guy.. for staying close to the ground.."

"I do that." said May. "And rest assured, if you have any spirit troubles, then I'll help out.. as long as it's for the good of others.. but I choose who I ultimately work for.. and ultimately I work for the people who my dad, the original Spidey, knows he can trust.."

"And how far will he trust you when he learns that you have spilled your entire secret identity all over the world.. and his own as well by default..?" said Shen. "Mayday Parker.."

May froze, feeling her blood turn ice cold.

"Ahh.. quite an amusing nickname.." said Shen. "I believe your mother came up with it? And you were named after your Great Aunt am I right?"

Shen leaned forward as he sat down at the desk, clasping his hands together. "Become our banner... and we shall keep your secrets."

May gritted her teeth and clenched her fists.. but she didn't say anything.

"I'll take that as a sign that you accept our deal then.." said Shen. "Your classes will begin tomorrow at 6 am sharp.. don't worry.. the school Stark unwittingly signed you up for.. is in fact our Academy in disguise.. we've thought of everything..  and rest assured this won't interfere with your duties at the Avengers Japan Headquarters.."

"you planned all out huh?" May muttered. "you plan that little Red Riding Hood attack too?"

"That was just an accident.." said Shen. "But rest assured.. How.. far our hands can reach under the table.. are very impressive indeed.. "

May left the office shaking with fury, as Nemu looked even more guilty than ever. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't want this.. " Nemu said. "Really I didn't.. I didn't even know you were Spider-Girl when you came to our dorm.. I thought you were like Kotori-san who was one of the Norm Students.."


"Students who come to our Academy and don't take our Omniyogi curriculum.. and aren't even aware of the school's real nature." said Nemu. "How did the Director even got Mr. Stark to get you here without him knowing.. I don't even know.."

"He's dangerous.." May muttered. "I can tell just by looking at him.. there's something more to him than his 'for the good of the little guy' act.."

"Oh! it's not an act I assure you.. he is very passionate about equality and order between spirits and humans." said Nemu. "Unfortunately, it's this passion that makes him overly ambitious and gives him ideas like this one..  in fact, many Omniyogi are against going more public, and want to work in the shadows... some of them got angry when Steven Strange and the Director formally met, and Strange agreed to give us public authority to tape seal off areas like normal police.."

"Huh.. I see.." May muttered. "Well Mr. Stark isn't going to be happy about this.. eventually he's going to know.."

"Oh he does.. and he's not happy at all." said Nemu. "he was here an hour ago, yelling at the director.. but eventually he had to cave in to the fact that it's your choice.. and given that the director has this blackmail over your head..."

"Yeeeeeeaaaahh.. essentially we're caught in an unavoidable situation.." May muttered. "If I ever find a way to do it legally, I swear I will punch your director in the face.. and given my muscle power.. that will probably kill him.. and I don't think I'd mind that."

(Deadpool: (puts down phone on which the Wattpad app is open) "HA! As if your writer would actually LET you kill him.. would she? Hmm.. this is a fan fic.. anything could happen.. OH OH!! Ship me with Twilight Prankster! DOOOO IT!")

"Well.." said Nemu, opening the door to the main hall, showing the outside of the place. "Here's our ride."

As it turned out, the Omniyogi headquarters was in a large wilderness area shrouded by trees, with one long dirt path going into the forest.. on which a rusty old car was parked.

Maria was at the driver's seat, back in her punk clothes, honking the horn. "Come on mates! Get in already or I'm leaving without ya."

"ALRIGHT!! JUST SHUT UP!!" roared Nemu, who immediately returned to her smile and said to May. "isn't she a nice girl.. I just lover her."

May stared. "Uh... yeah... sure."

Before they could get in the car, a monk handed May her backpack. 

"Your suit's inside.. " said the monk. "You are to carry it at all times.. in case a mission comes up."

"Whatever." May muttered. "Can I depend on you for the cleaning bill then? Don't mix with whites, the red gets on a lot of stuff."

The monk scowled at May, who stuck out her tongue at him. "Aww come on.. you're going to be seeing a lot me now Stan Ma Man, so the quips are going to fly right off my tongue like Falcon standing on a sea urchin.. Can I call you Stan?"

"Just be at school tomorrow.." grunted the monk before shoving May into the car and slamming the door shut. 

May chuckled as Maria began to drive down the dirt road. "Well.. if I can't do what I want.. at least I can be a smart mouth and make it difficult for all these jerks.."

"Mate.. I like you already." said Maria with a small smile.

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