Cover art eight: Shadows

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This wasn't originally my idea, but I was allowed to write the story. I did write it, but it is not so good. I was twelve when I started to write the story. My writingstyle changed a lot since then.

But I did make a cover.

Note: It is not a werewolf story. Absolutely not.


Felan is a typical teenager. He has a girlfriend, Sasha. He takes her to a themepark. When they go in the carousel, Felan never comes back. He floats away, leavind Sasha behind. He ends up somewhere he's never been before.

He's chosen for a magical school, were they learn to communicate with their Shadows, their Inner Animal. 

But no one's really safe. He's one of the White Warriors, a dangerous job. It doesn't take long for him to realise, that his previous life is over.

As you might have noticed, I don't have a very good plan for this story. But I will make it better.

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