Cover art one: The Joker/Room 301

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This book has had a lot of changes through the writingprocess.

In the beginning it was a totally different story with a tottaly different cover. I redid this cover a few times.

I started with this. Note: I was eleven and I hadn't discovered Canva yet. 

This is an absolute terrible design. It is way to big. It is cool, but it is not that well made.

After two years I rewrote the story and I made a new cover. Which looks like this:

Made with Canva. This was my cover for a few months. It is a nice, only there is one big problem. It has absolutly nothing to do with the story itself, only the card is a Joker. I was seriously doubting the title and eventually I changed it to Room 301. The Joker is a nice title, but the marvel Joker stood in my way. So I changed it. 

And now it has this cover: 

The quality of the picture isn't really high, but that doesn't really matter. 

You can read the story on my page, only it is dutch. If there is enough animo for an English version I will think about translating it. So, let me know!


Everyday is the same. Wake up, dress up, eat something, cycle to school, follow classes and go home. But one day, everything changes. Amelie and her class are locked up. Someone is taking over her school and there is nothing they can do.

They play cruel games en undergo hard tests. One by one her classmates dissappear. No one knows how long this will last. No one knows how long they have to live.

Will it ever end?

In this story you will read about twenty-two students and one teacher. Some of their backstories and struggles. 

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