Cover art thirty two: The Forgotten Skye

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So, for those of you who have read: The Last Echo, there is going to be another story. About Echo this time.

I wasn't planning on writing another part, but so many people asked me to. I couldn't resist it. So, in about two months from now, there will be a new story!

I already got a cover and I decided to show y'all the cover and give you a little sneakpeak.

If you haven't read the Last Echo, please do so, because it the story would make a whole lot more sense if you did.

Anyways, you already know the title. Are you curious about the cover yet? 

Here it is.

The artist who drew this picture, is the same artits who drew the picture of The Last Echo. 

So, what is the book about?

Echo, of course, you already knew that. There was one thing I did not end in the previous book and that was (spoiler alert by the way) Icas Cranz. (I think that is a spoiler, not entirely sure.)

I didn't like this loose end, thus I went on with this. 


Echelle Summers, a sporty girl. She loves surfing and has a large friendgroup. She is a gossip girl and status is everyhing. She likes parties and she goes to a lot of them. One bottle too much and she ends up in a coma. 

Ashton Clavane, a lone wolf. He has a taste for music and plays violin. Bullied by Echelles group for simply being different. No one who he can rely on.

Echo, a soul. Done with her life, ready to start over, but it everything goes South when she finally gets back. Having weird dreams and seeing things she doens't recognize. 

She makes a journey to get to know herself and her dreams. She gains and loses. She loves and hates. She lives and dies.

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