Coverart Fifty-three and fifty-four - His Story and her story.

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Oh! I know what the next one is. I bet it is her story. Cover is done. If it's not her story than, well here is the cover anyways.

This one is for dolfijntje15 her covercontest. Finale!

First assignment: His Story.

Title: His Story.

Sub: I didn't do one, since the title of the series was almost a sub and I didn't want to pack it.

Serietitle: Love letters to an empty heart.

Author: Alixandra de Vries.

Second Assignment. At least I think it will be the second one. Her story.

Title: Her story

Serietitle: Love letters to an empty heart.

Author: Alixandra de Vries

That's it. 

At least I hoped. I was close, but it was kinda naive to think that it would be that easy. It was sort of the same assignment, but the genre was different. Fantasy this time. I didn't want to change the picture. Lateron I will tell you why. So I had to work with what I already had. I decided to add a tattoo.

Here it is.

I used this one.

It stands for the top warrior of the elves. You start with the circle in the middle and as you move yourself up in the hiearchy, you gina the arrows, moons and the last circles. 

Now the reason I wanted this picture and not another one. 

I used this picture. One picture I cut in half. That's why I wanted this girl and not another one. 

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