3. As they met

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The sun rose to a hectic morning at the Basu house. Mohini was on top of her nerves, as the Sharma's were coming in for dinner. She wasnt at all happy with the group Moloy chose for catering and preparations. Thus she wanted to observe each move of the servants. Her stressful mind calmed down in a blink, as she saw her baby boy, descending down the stairs.

"Onu! Ah, my baby.." Mohini strode towards her son and gently kissed on his forehead. "Good morning, Mom." Anurag greeted his mother, heart warmed by her gesture. "How much of work will you do? Just take some rest, Mom." Anurag wrapped a hand around his mother's shoulder and dragged her to a couch.

"Onu! I cannot sit. You know that Dad's friends are arriving for lunch. I have so much work!" Mohini tried to get up. "Lunch?! I thought it was a dinner?" Said Anurag, confused with the plan. He surely saw Mohini rolling her eyes. "Your father wanted them to spend more time here. So they'll come by lunch, and will stay over until dinner." She left a huge sigh, in frustration. "So please, have your breakfast and choose something to wear okay? And please, do me a favor and do the same for Anupam as well. I dont want him to mess around in front of the Royals." Anurag just gave a nod. Sometimes he doesn't understand how his Mother manages to get stress over everything. He shook his head to clear his mind and walked to the kitchen to grab a coffee. He was in no mood to have a full breakfast, cuz his stomach was giving him rumbles since he woke up. As if, something big was going to happen. Something, is going to change his life.

*ring*. A bell rang by Rajesh was enough for the servant at the door to enter in the same instant. "Is the car ready? And please check if Priyu is done. Escort Shekar and wife in a separate car, and Priyu in another. That's the Rajkot traditions." Rajesh instructed the servant in one breath, yet very calmly. Only to receive a nod in return from the servant, who headed to command his Master's wish immediately.

Prerna put the last piercing on her left year and straightened herself. She gave one last look and breath a sigh of relief. Her figure was perfectly seen in a beautiful Pakistani dress, which was navy blue in colour, adorned with a pattern of silver foil. She carefully draped a matching red dupatta, and pinned it securely.
A knock on the door and the butler entered. "We're ready for you, Your Highness." He bowed and informed. Prerna gave a nod and let him escort her to the portico, and got in to the car ready for her.

Anurag stood at the balcony outside his room, which overlooked at their grand living area downstairs. It was grandly decorated with a combination of glass and pastel florals. As the front door opened, he saw his parents hurrying to welcome the guests. Anurag quickly descending the stairs to join them.

"Ah!" Was Moloy's response as soon as Rajesh and Veena appeared at the door. He quickly tried to bow down, only to be held by Rajesh. "What are you doing! I swear I'll—." Rajesh quickly straightened his friend to his feet. Both the men laughed and hugged each other to death! Teary eyes they were, their pure friendship portrayed even in the smallest gesture. Veena gave a warm smile, however, Mohini was all busy checking out Veena, who seemed more simply dressed, than she anticipated. Mohini thought as Royals, they will be wearing most expensive designer dresses with heavy jewelry. But rather both Veena and Suman, were simply dressed, with minimal accessories.

"Namasté." Mohini's trance broke as Veena greeted her. She quickly controlled herself and forced a smile, and greeted her back. Rajesh introduced Suman and his daughter-in-law. "Oh. I thought she was Prerna, haha! Where is she?" Moloy asked, searching through.
"Hehe. Priyu is on her way, her car must be near now." Rajesh explained. Just then, a girl appeared behind the family, with the warmest smile.

"Aha! There you are!" Moloy could not help himself from saying. Prerna greeted him and gave a little hug, as taking blessings were not allowed for a Royal. She has vivid memories of Moloy from her childhood. He was one of her favorites, so Prerna didnt wanted to make him feel lesser.

Her eyes then darted to the rest of the family, and Alas! Anurag and her eyes locked, with equal shocks invading both of their minds. Prerna broke the trance, by giving a warm smile, which was quickly returned by Anurag. Though secretively done, but Moloy didnt fail to capture this glimpse.

"Finally you all are here! Please come in!" Moloy escorted them to the loving area. Prerna stood behind, close to Shekar, while Anurag was right behind her. As everyone settled, Moly and Rajesh started off with their old chapters.

"I am so glad to have met you, finally, Mrs. Basu!" Veena grinned wide and gently squeezed Mohini's hands on her lap. "Same here. In fact, I was complaining to Moloy, that in our 30 years of marriage, he have never met me with the Sharmas. He always alone goes to see you." Mohini said, convincing herself to be nice. She doesnt yet know the family, thus she cannot judge. "Ah, What always happens is, with great difficulty, after so many years both me and Rajesh manage to take out time for ourselves. So we always wants to spend time alone, you know?  Man to man." Moloy cracked his usual jokes, which in turn made everyone laugh.

"And Prerna! Thats Anurag, Mohini and Moloy's only son. Almost of your age." Rajesh introduced the two of them, as Anurag and Prerna exchanged a glance. "I've seen him in college." Said Prerna, with a smile. Anurag gave a nod and returned the same warmth.
"And I'm Anupam!" The spiky guy on the opposite couch extended his hands to Prerna. Nivedita jumped in annoyance, but quickly framed it, trying to hide her expressions. "I'm Nivedita, Anupam is my husband." She shook Prerna's hand. "Technically, you'll be his wife." Uttered Prerna, little irked by the way Nivedita tried to show down Anupam. Its in her nature. Prerna can never stand against any injustice. Explains why she chose law. But the come back was indigestible for Nivedita, who burned from inside. At then and there, she had formed her opinion about Prerna, arrogant and greedy. The reason she convinced herself was, because Prerna was royal, she wants show every other person down.

The afternoon breeze entered through the windows of the dinning room of Basu mansion. The cluttering of the cutleries and the aroma of the food was heavenly. There were so many left overs, and the servants were busy, cleaning the table. Both the families descended to rest for a while before an evening tea, except for the parents.

As they were seated on the grand couches placed on the huge terrace of the mansion, Mohini saw Moloy gesturing a message to Rajesh, and so did Veena.
"Alright, Moloy. Why dont you spit it out?" She asked, not able to stand her curiosity. Veena in return let out a hearty laugh. "Amazing how we manage to catch them around always, isn't it?" She said to Mohini. Rajesh also laughed this time.

"Alright, let's spill out the beans, shall we?" Rajesh rubbed his hands together and made himself ready. The ladies were of course curious as at peak. "This is something Moloy and I have always dreamt of. And I think there is no better timing to execute this dream, and make our bonds more closer and stronger. We have always been the pillar for each other, supporting each other, and we want that to be between out families for ever."

"What does this mean?" Veena asked this time. "Meaning that.. we have decided to.. get Anu and Prerna married!" Moloy exhaled the news, along with Rajesh, who was grinning wide!

Mohini held a hand to her chest, due to the sudden shock she received. Her Anu, was already of age to get married? As reality started to sink in, she tried to get a grip of herself. "B-but.." her sentence was broken by Veena, who grabbed her into a tight hug! She laughed with happiness and held Mohini's hands in hers.
"I'm so so happy!! I've—I dont know what to say! We-we'll be in-laws! Mohini.. I-I can never think of a better family to give my daughter's hand to!" Teary eyed, Veena hugged Mohini again. Who slowly returned the hug, forcing a smile. Both the men did the same, excitement doubled.

Prerna, the curious little cat, walked out her room, to look around the mansion. It was modern, unlike theirs. Walls were bright and colourful, however, the frames at the end of the hallway grabbed her attention. She strode towards and observed them, only to find a girl she wasn't introduced to this afternoon, in one of them.

"Thats Tapur. The youngest." She was a bit shook by the voice. Anurag stood behind her and then moved next to her. "She's in Delhi, for a short trip, so you didnt get to see her." He detailed.
Prerna was a bit awed as how he knew what she was exactly thinking. "I see." She smiled and responded, observing the pictures again. All of them portrayed the immense love between each and every member of the family.
"Thank you for y—." "No its, alright." She was again cut down by Anurag immediately. Prerna couldnt help but crook an eyebrow, to which Anurag chuckled. Prerna also laughed, strands of blush now visible on her cheeks.

"Anu! Dinner is ready." Nivedita informed, she purposefully didnt call out Prerna, although she knew its rude for her status. Anurag quickly tried to wave it off.
"Please.." he showed the way for Prerna. Prerna wanted to rebut the formality, but she decided it was to early. They have just met properly. She nodded and walked down the hallway, but behind Nivedita.

Moloy cleared his throat to grab the attention of the members at the dinner table. Immediate response was received.

"As we all know, Rajesh and I have the dearest friendships ever since our childhood. So its clear that we have dreams, and wishes, we wanted to be granted. And so do we want this bond of ours, to be treasured forever. To generations.." everyone listened to him carefully. While Veena and Mohini observed their respective children.
"So we have decided.. if the two agrees.. to fix the marriage of Anu and Prerna!" Rajesh muttered in agreement, with a huge grin!

Both Anurag and Prerna was shocked with the decision! Their minds pooled with questions, mazes, and other plannings, dreams and their future desires.

Uncomfortably, the two looked at each other, and comprehended that either of them were too polite to rebut or disagree with the decision. Especially because of the excitement of the families. The awkwardness kept them silent, awaiting the others for their say.

"Anu? Do you agree with this alliance?" Mohini hesitantly asked. She herself wasnt sure if she should let this go ahead or not.
"Yes, Anu! No need to say yes, if you dont want to!" Retorted Nivedita, who was too shocked and obviously not fascinated with the news. Moloy eyed to his daughter, annoyed with her disrespectful response.

"Ah, no! N-no!" Anurag responded, as he also felt Nivedita being too rude. But the next second he realized it was the wrong response. Uncomfortably he took a look at Prerna, who fidgeted nervously in her seat.
"I'm fine with it.." added Anurag softly, but audible enough for the rest. Prerna's eyes widened.

"Dear? Priyu?" Veena caressed on her daughter's back, for her response. Prerna could not help but gave a nod.

Almost the whole room broke into applauds and smiles! Even Mohini couldnt help a grin, and squeezing Veena's hands. Anurag and Prerna's eyes met, both immediately understood the other's compulsion.

At then, one of the securities informed Prerna of a phone call for her. She nodded and got up from her seat, thankful that it was a way to escape the situation.

As she got up, she felt her dhupatta trapped somewhere. Slowly she turned around to see it stuck in Anurag's watch, who sat at the table. For known reason, their heartbeat increased and both were remained on an eye lock.

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