Ch.10 Evil Approaches

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(Yn) went outside to get his clothes, once he got em he went back to his room, then he put them.

(Yn): *Sighs calmly* much better.

(Yn) Went to get the swords from the ground and observes them, remembering his Master. Suddenly Star came by to (Yn)'s room.

Star: You OK?

(Yn): Yea...Just well...

Star: I know, you missed your Master.

(Yn): Yea.

Star: Dont worry, I'm sure he's up there, still remembers you, and you will remember him as well.

Star puts her hand on (Yn)'s shoulder.

(Yn): Thanks Star.

Star: Anytime.

They both look at each other for a moment, their eyes were connected to each other, their eyes were shining and their eye puppels were shiny as well, until Marco showed up.

Marco: Guys!

Star: M-Marco?!

(Yn): Ever heard of knocking?!!

Marco: Wh-What were you guys even doing???

Star: N-Nothing.

(Yn): Nothing at all, hehe.

Marco: Anyways, guys come quick I gotta show you something.

They all went rushing down the stairs and looked at the TV.

Marco: Look!

*In the TV*

News Reporter: Good evening Im Jerry, Breaking News! Echo Creek is being raided by a Monster that we don't know where he came from, but as to looks at it, he is damaging all cities at echo creek! Here's reporter Jessica at the echo creek high school.

Jessica (Reporter): Thank you jerry and I'm standing right here at the echo creek high school where the monster is terrorizing the school and to look at it he is not finished, weird are not sure where he came from and what is his deal?!

The monster jumped high to get the reported, Jessica her attention and then landed on the ground in front of her. The monster growls to make her scare.

Jessica: Ummmmmm... Guys?!!!

She stutters.

Jessica: Help me!

As she ran away from it.

Jessica: Please, send policies over here! The monster is trying to-

The TV scratches off and makes a beeping sound.

Star: A monster?!

Marco: Terrorizing echo creek?! And he's at our school?!!

Star: Oh no!! We have to stop him!!

(Yn): Do you guys know where he's at??!!

Star: Yes, just follow us!

(Yn): OK!

Star, Marco, and (Yn) ran out from the house to go to the echo creek high school.

*8 Minutes later*

The guys arrived at the school, which it was almost destroyed.

Marco: That bastard! He almost destroyed our school!

Star: Guys, Look!

They all look Jessica,earlier from TV, who is really hurt.

Marco: Its that lady from the news!

(Yn): Come on, let's help her!

The guys ran up to jessica to save her.

Marco: Ma'am Are you okay?!!

Jessica: Y-Yea, Ow, my arm, I think its broken.

Jessica was later down, badly hurt with her arm broken.

Star: Ma'am, have you seen the monster??

Jessica: Y-Yes, he's inside the school...

Marco: OK (Yn), you stay here with her until help comes. Star, your come with me to deal with this son of a bitch.

Star: Got it!

Marco: OK Star, Let's go!

Marco and Star went inside the school to look for the monster while (Yn) waits for help to come.

(Yn): Its going to be OK ma'am.

Jessica: P-Please, Be sure *sniffs* I h-have ki-kids.....

Suddenly, luck just came when the ambulance showed up.

(Yn): Look!

Two paramedics came rushing to save jessica.

Paramedic #1: Sir, what happen?!!

(Yn): She's hurt bad, she also has a broken arm.

Paramedic #2: OK OK, We'll take off this, police will come any minute to deal with this monster.

(Yn): OK......Oh shit, Star! Marco!

(Yn) realize that Star and Marco were in the school, looking for the monster, so he went to look for them.

Paramedic #1: Hey kid! Where you going?!!!

Paramedic #2 Get back here! Its too dangerous to go in.

(Yn) Kept ignoring them and went off to save Star and Marco.


Star and Marco were on the search find the monster.

Star: See anything?

Marco: Nope.

Star: Damn it, where can he be??

Marco: He has to be here somewhere??

Suddenly, a shadow past by Star and Marco, it look huge.

Star: Marco, Look!

Marco: I think its him!

The monster approaches forward from the dark, he appears to be big, having big arms, big fists, and sharp teeth. The monster roar loudly.

Monster: Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!

Star and Marco: Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!

Suddenly, (Yn) Heard the screams of Marco and Star.

(Yn): Star? Marco? Guys, where are you?!!

Marco and Star backed up slowly while the monster approaches them slowly as well.

Marco: Star. you ready?

Star: Totally ready!

Marco: OK, One....two....

Star: Three!!! Rainbow fist punch!

Star used rainbow fist punch on the monster and the monster was sent flying to the wall, which broke through it and was still sent flying outside and landed on the ground hard. The monster got up and was really mad.

Star: I think we go this guy really pissed.

Marco: You think so?

The monster punch Marco, sending him to the tree hard.

Star: Marco! Grrrrrrrrg, Narwal blast!

The monster dodged the narwal blast and went straight to star, giving her a punch as well, sending her to the tree with Marco.

Marco: Shit...This Monster is gonna be a tough one to beat.

Star: Don't sweat it, we can take care of him like we do back then.

Marco: Heh, Your right Star.

Star: Now come on, let's take him out!

Star and Marco got up and together they fought the monster. Meanwhile, (Yn) was still in the school looking for them.

(Yn): Star! Marco! Where are you guys??! Damn it, hope they're Okay.

Suddenly, he heard a roar from outside.

(Yn): What the......Star!

(Yn) went running to find them, then he found a busted wall which led him outside to Star and Marco fighting the Monster.

(Yn): Guys!

Star: (Yn)!!

Marco: (Yn)!!

The monster grabbed Marco and tossed him to the wall.

(Yn): Marco! You OK?!!!

Marco: Y-Yea...Fuck!

Meanwhile Star was dealing the monster, Marco and (Yn) came by to help her.

Marco: This one is too strong.

(Yn): Oh come on Marco, I took out all the monsters 2 days ago when I saved you and your friends, you really think this one is really strong Psssshhhhh, please He ain't--

The monster gave him a punch, leading him to the wall and busted open. Then, (Yn) got up, and barely did him damage.

(Yn): Okay, He is going to be problem.

Star: Are you OK?!

(Yn): Yea, just a little scratch. Let's get him!

The guys charged to the Monster, but he was still to powerful, the monster gave Marco a kick to the face and a punch to the gut and grabbs him and tosses him, after that Star tries to blast him with a narwal blast, but the monster was too quick, so he quickly grabbed punch star and sends her to the tree.

(Yn): Guys! OK that's it! Its just you and me you Big fuck!

(Yn) closed his fists and starts running towards the monster giving him some few hard punches, but it barely did damage to the monster, he grabbed (Yn) from the neck and started punching him to his guts several times. After that, he kicks him in the gut, sending him flying to the air and falls down hard to the ground. Afterwards, (Yn) got up in pain holding his gut and blood pouring from his mouth.

(Yn): about round two...hehehe.

The Monster roars loudly, and charges up to (Yn) and swings a massive punch to him, but somehow (Yn) blocked it with one hand, the monster was struggling.

(Yn): You had your turn to give me some punches...Now, its my turn!

(Yn): Gives the monster a punch to the face and started punching him quickly to the monster's gut and then give him a backflip kick to the monster's chin, lands on his feet and used his arm to close a fist and gives the monster a massive and heavily punch to his gut. The monster got to his knees and was painfully hurt from that punch he just got from (Yn).

(Yn): HA! How you like that you fuck!

The monster looked at him angrily, but somehow, his eyes were red.

(Yn): okay, thats new...

The monster got up from his knees with he's eyes all and laughs evily

(Yn): What the-

The monster quickly punched (Yn) in the gut, making him open his mouth wide and acking. Then, he gave him an uppercut. Making him fall to the ground. Afterwards, the monster grabbed (Yn)'s legs and swinged him to the tree, making it break through it and the monster throws him up in the air and the monster junps up to (Yn) then gives him a hammerfist, sending him to the ground. Then the monster landed on him with his feet, like stomping him from mid-air. Making (Yn) spit more blood from his mouth, but somehow, the monster was going to speak.

Monster: How you like that punk!

(Yn): Arrrgh....y-you can talk?!!

Monster: Yes.

(Yn): Then why the-

The monster makes (Yn) stop talking by continuing stomping him.

Monster: Enough talk! Now tell me, are you the one that goes by the name of (Yn)?

(Yn): And if I say yes...

Monster: Hmm, then I am lucky to find you.

(Yn) was talking while in pain.

(Yn) wh-what is your d-deal with me anyways?!

Monster: I was sent by my master, my objective was you to be dead.

(Yn): Th-Then how come your master don't come and d-do it himself??!!

Monster: Hehe, its not like that, our master I took busy to deal with you, besides, he send me to give you a message.

(Yn): Wh-What message?!!!

Monster: That if I don't kill you, then he will come for you.

(Yn) spits on the monster to the face. making him more angry. The monster grabbed (Yn)'s neck.

Monster: That was a bad move boy! And now I guess my master doesn't need to come to kill you at all, cause I will kill you now!!!!

The monster was about to kill (yn) with a massive heavy punch that can go through to his chest, when suddenly a magical energy blasted to the monster's back.

(Yn): What the-

The monster look to his back to see who blasted him from his back, which appears to be Star, she was all beaten up from the monster as well, Marco was still knocked out.

Monster: Hehe, you must be Star Butterfly.

Star: Leave...(Yn)...alone!

Monster: Or what!

Star: Or I will make you in pain!

Monster: Hehe, don't make me laugh! As you can see I am about to kill your friend over her.

Star: If you kill him, I'll have to kill you first.

The monster let (Yn) go and was focus on Star, the monster went charging to Star but suddenly, Star jumped high when it made the monster stop and looking at her in the air. Star somehow was turning into a yellow bright butterfly with actual wings, the monster was just standing there, not knowing what is Star doing. Once Star turns into a butterfly, her wand recently started to glow brighter and she shot a full energy power from her wand, going towards the monster, the blast was so big, it went through the monsters chest and was screaming in pain.

Monster: Aaaaaaaaaargh!!! This ain't how it suppose to eeeeeeeeeend!!!!!!

Afterwards, the monster fully exploded into pieces. After that, Star was back to herself and fell down to the ground. Meanwhile, (Yn) got up from the ground.

(Yn): Oh man...w-wait? Why i don't feel like I'm in pain, I just got beaten up badly by that monster.

(Yn) checked himself to see if their were any wound he had from that fight. Somehow, he didn't had none.

(Yn): W-Weird...

Star: (Y

(Yn): Star!

(Yn) went rushing to Star to save her.

(Yn): Star! Are you okay?!!

Star: Y-Yea, just a bit wounds....

(Yn): Don't worry Ill heal you up

(Yn) put her hands on Star's stomach and was healing her with his spell, afterwards, Star was healed already.

Star: Wow! I feel better!

(Yn): I know you do.

Star hugs (Yn) tightly.

Star: Thanks.

(Yn): Anytime...uh, where's Marco.

Star: Oh Crap! Where is he?!

Marco: G-Guys...

(Yn): He's over there!

Star and (Yn) rush to save Marco.

Star: Marco!

Marco: Star, (Yn)....wait, where's the monster??

Star: Don't worry, I took him out already.

Marco: N-Nice...

(Yn): Don't worry buddy, I heal you up.

(Yn) started to heal Marco up, afterwards, Marco was healed already.

Marco: Hehe, much better thanks bro.

(Yn): Anytime.

Marco: So, what was the monster's deal coming here on earth??

Star: I don't know.

(Yn): I know.

Star and Marco: Huh???

(Yn): The monster came to earth, looking for me, he came for an objective, and it was to kill me, he was sent by his 'Master'.

Marco: Master???

Star: Killing you??? But why???

(Yn): I'm not sure, no idea why though.

Star: Well, if this is going to still happen, we have to be ready.

Marco: Yea and besides, we have to know who is the one who sent this monster to destroy half of echo creek and came to kill (Yn) only.

Star: Don't worry (Yn), if anything happens to you, we are here for you, and ...especially me.

(Yn): Hehe, thanks Star.

Star gave (Yn) another hug and (Yn) as well.

(Yn): You know, I'm starting to like you guys.

Marco: Really?

Star: Really!

(Yn): Yea, I mean you guys care about me, you let me stay and sleep at your house, and you guys are like the coolest person I ever met.

Marco: Aw come on man don't make me cry.

Star: Aww, (Yn).

Star hugs (Yn) and leans her head on (Yn)'s chest, making him blush.

(Yn): Hehe.

Star: OK, I think we should head home.

Marco: what about the damages? And the pieces of the monster's body??

(Yn): Eh, they'll clean it up.

Star: Yea.

Marco: .... Eh, you right.

Star: OK guys let's go home.

The guys went off home. Meanwhile at Ludo's castle, Toffee was at the chair sitting down, looking at this portal where he can see to other dimensions, it looks like the portal that he was seeing lead to the fight with the monster against Star, Marco, and (Yn). Toffee saw everything and was not happy.

Toffee: Hmm, that punk must have been getting better at fighting. And that monster was the only one I had, *sigh* now where am I going to do.

Ludo: Um...toffee?

Toffee: What is it Ludo?

Ludo: I think I have an Idea.

Toffee: And your idea is...

Ludo: Well I mean, this idea will take me too long to do it but it is out only chance.

Toffee: Just say it.

Ludo: OK, there's this monster who worked with me before, but he was captured by the guards of mewni and locked him up for good for eternity. This monster was one of my favorites, he was aggressive, strong, violent, and really competitive.

Toffee: Is he more aggressive than tan (Yn)?

Ludo: Oh yeas, And I think this one can really take out (Yn), especially Star and Marco.

Toffee: Hmm, I'm liking what your saying, but how are we going to get him out of jail?

Ludo: Hehehe, no worries my lord, I have a plan.

Toffee gets up from his chair.

Toffee: Good, if this plans work to get your monster out of jail, we can send him to earth to take out (Yn) and his friends, and we can use him to take over mewni.

Ludo: Yes Yes YES! and we can rule mewni!

Toffee: That's what I just said.

Ludo: Oh right, sorry.

Toffee: Now, lets starting heading to mewni...Hehehe

End of chapter

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