Chp.24 Solaria Butterfly

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After hearing the shocking news about Solaria being the mother of (Yn), Star and Marco were shocked as well.

Star: Wait?! That queen, Solaria person is (Yn)'s Son?!!!

Moon: Yes, Indeed.

Marco: Wh-What?!!!! But that's not impossible?!!

Moon: What do you mean Marco??

Marco: Well, We know (Yn) for months but he has never told us having a mother that is a queen, and he doesn't even know he had a mother, I mean he told us that he was raised by his Master.

Moon: Master?!

Star: Yea, Master Zoro!

Moon: *sighs* oh no....

(Yn): (Yn), please don't tell me Master Zoro is...

(Yn): Dead...yes...w-wait?! You know Master Zoro??!

Moon: Yes, I know Zoro.

(Yn): Really?! But, I'm really confused, If my mom is...Solaria, then how I end up with Zoro???

Moon walks slowly to the window and looks outside.

Moon: Sweetie, there is something you have to know, and it is a long story.

(Yn): Please, tell me your highness.

(Yn), Star and Marco gathered to get her and sat down at the floor to hear Moon tell the story.

*Moon's Flashback and While talking*

It was 18 years ago, Solaria Butterfly was a a Carver Monster, she was a monster slayer that likes to kill monsters, she was one of the bravest and ferocious warrior I have ever met, she was my predecessor, meaning that she was my guardian. She lived with me and River at the castle, and  Solaria had a beautiful child with her and that child ... was you. You were only 2 years young and Solaria was really happy to have you as her son. She would always take care of you, feed you, play with you, and also love you, but sometimes, you can be a bit ferocious, *giggles* so I guess you and her had in common. Everything was going perfect between you and her, but until one day, a terrible crisis came, the monsters were inquiring the village of mewni. The monsters were attacking the village, and capturing innocent people and kids as well. Solaria didn't want that to happen, So she, River and I had to deal with them, she kept you at the castle safe were she can know you are safe and not hurt. We ran outside to see monsters terrorizing the village.

Moon: Damn it, What now?! Why are these monsters terrorizing the village?!

Solaria: I don't know, but I know for a fact that they will be slayed!

River: We need to know how to get rid of them!

Solaria: Easy, just follow my lead!

Moon: Solaria wait!!

Solaria went charging to the monsters for an attack and then the Monsters already know that she was coming to their direction. The monsters ignored attacking the village and focused on taking out Solaria. There were like 15 monsters charging to Solaria but Solaria jumped as High as she can can for an attack to the monsters. Then she took out her wand and it turned into a lighting sword and swinged at the monsters. She swinged the sword to the monsters cutting their arms and head. She did a couple of tricks on her own sleeves to take them down. But then, a monster grabbed by her leg and slam her to the ground making her release her sword. She was at the ground hurt, the monster was ready to strike her down, but then she was saved by Moon. Moon turned herself to a butterfly somehow and used her magic to blast the monster to save Solaria, River on the other hand used his bare hands to take down the monsters. After that the monsters were taken down. Solaria got up.

Solaria: Oh man, thanks for saving me guys.

Moon: No problem Solaria.

River: I told you we need a plan!

Solaria: *Grins* easy there old man.

Suddenly, a monster crawled towards to Solaria and them, he was in pain.

Moon: Solaria, behind you!

Solaria turned around and sees the monster crawling up against her.

Monster: *Coughs* havent won yet *Coughs 3x*

Solaria: What???! The hell you talking about?!!

Monster: You see *Cough* there is one monster left you haven't...taken out...

Moon: What are you talking about?!

River: Yea.

Monster: Hehe, I'm talking about a monster, who was our liege, a monster so smart and strong, you can't even easily kill him.... *Coughs and wheeze* ....

Solaria: Who is it??! Tell me, WHO!!?

Solaria had her foot on the Monster face, the monster recently laugh to tell her who was the monster.

Monster: Hehe, the name of that monster is.....Toffee!

Moon: T-Toffee?!! Oh no...

River: Oh no...

Solaria: Toffee?! Where is he?!!

Monster: Hehe, why, he's at the castle of course, he said he was looking for "someone" hehe....

Solaria: My son!! Nrrrrg, you son of a BITCH!!!

Solaria was so mad he stomp the monster's face and it was squashed. Then, Solaria went rushing to go get (Yn).

Solaria: That bastard will be dead if he touches him!

Moon: Solaria wait!!!

River: Solaria!!!

Meanwhile at the castle, (Yn) was a young baby, 2 years young, he was just laying on the bed covered when a dark shadow approached towards him, it was a lizard and that lizard was toffee.

Toffee: My, you are a cute one.

Toffee picked (Yn) up and holds him for a while when Solaria, Moon and River showed up.

Solaria: Hey!!

Toffee: Oh, we have visitors.

Moon: Toffee!

Toffee: Moon, my you have grown already.

Moon: What are you doing here?!

Solaria: And why you have my son?! Put him down!

Toffee: I'm afraid I won't let you do that.

Solaria went marching towards toffee.

Toffee: Ah ah ah, one more step and your son will be killed.

Solaria: Nrrrg, what do you want and why are you here?!

Toffee: Hmm, glad you asked, you see my men and I weren't here to terrorized the village of mewni. Well, we did but we had a reason to do it.

River: And what is that reason?!

Toffee: Looking for this baby.

Solaria: What?!!!

Moon: What!!!?

River: What!?!!!

Solaria: Why the hell you want my baby for??!!!!

Toffee: I'm not finished yet...Like I said, we came here for him for a reason. The reason why is that my witch monster can know some riddles that can happen to someone in the future and I was curious about what would happen to me in the future. So she used her spell to do riddles to know what will happen to me and and she said " You will be slayed by the hands of a young, ferocious, and brave warrior" and I thought to myself, it will never happen unless I find him and kill it. So, she told me that this "warrior" had to be in mean I and told me that he is related to... Solaria the monster carver and now I found him, the young warrior.

Solaria: That is totally bullshit! Why would you think my son will be that kind of person that is going to slay you?! He's just a baby!

Toffee: I know, but once he grows up then he will slay me and I won't let that happen.

Moon: Toffee, whatever you do don't hurt the baby.

Toffee: Hmm, why would I hurt him, all I want is to kill it.

Solaria: You bastard!!! 

Solaria jumped towards toffee, letting (Yn) go.

Toffee: So, Its going to be like that Huh?!

Solaria: I won't let you kill my baby!

Toffee: I will, after I kill you first!

Toffee and Solaria began to fight each other. Toffee was too unstoppable that he dodged everything punch Solaria throws at him. She especially used her sword to take him out, still dodged every swing she took. Then, He grabbed her from the waist with his tail and throws her to the wall.

Moon: Solaria, River check on her I'll take care of Toffee!

River: Yes honey!

Moon step forward to go against toffee.

Toffee: Moon.

Moon: Toffee!

Toffee: My you have grown.

Moon: Enough talk! I demand you to leave or I will take you out!

Toffee: You really wanna get killed, just like ... your mother.

Moon got angry when toffee brought up her mom.

Moon: You bastard!

Moon: Turned herself into a butterfly and started blasting spells on Toffee. Toffee dodged every blast as well.

Moon: Do not talk about my mother!

Toffee: Hmm, why not, oh I know why? Because you don't wanna mention how I killed her!

Moon: Raaaagh!

Moon started blasting spells at toffee angrily making Toffee get hit a few times. Then Moon charged to toffee, grabs him and slams him to the wall.

Moon: You take that back!

Toffee: Hmm, its true and she has no idea she has it coming...

Moon gave Toffee a few punches to the face and Toffee blocked the last one.

Toffee: OK, enough playing around! Its time to get serious!

Toffee kick Moon in the gut to release him and somehow he started blasting spells as well. The blast went straight to Moon's face.

Toffee: Hmm, Unpredictable, do you think your magic can defeat me?

Moon: Nrrhg...

Moon was in pain.

Meanwhile, river was helping Solaria.

River: Solaria, are you okay?!

Solaria: Y-Yes, Im fine... River look!

They both look at Moon, she was trouble dealing with Toffee.

River: Moon, He's gonna pay for this!

River went charging to Toffee.

Solaria: Wait, River No!

River continues to charge towards Toffee. Then, river jumped and gave him a massive punch to Toffee in the face, but it did no affect, so River tried to punch him several to Toffee, still no affect and Toffee gave three massive punches to him, the last onw send him straight hit to the wall.

Moon: R-River...!

Moon was still in pain after the blasts of energy Toffee gaved her. Now Toffee was focused on (Yn), which he was in the floor crying of the disaster it was happening.

Toffee: Now, were was I, Oh yea
...attempting to kill you!

Toffee grabbed a dagger from his pocket and raised to attempt killing (Yn), but then...something tragic just happened. Instead of killing (Yn), he was saved by his mother Solaria, she somehow got in Toffee's way to kill (Yn) by sacrifice her body to save her son. Solaria was acking and choking when Toffee stabbed her in the chest and also in her heart. Then, Toffee pulled the dagger out from her chest and Solaria falls down from the ground, dead.

Moon: SOLARIA!!!

Toffee: Hmm, well that should to the trick.

Moon was shocked and upset to see solaria get killed by Toffee. So she got up and was raged so much she created a big ball of energy and blasted Toffee, sending him from the window and falling down all the way to the ground. After that, Moon went running to Solaria, which she was really hurt. Moon had her knees on the ground and holding Solaria.

Moon: Solaria!

Solaria: Ack...M-Moon...I-I had n-no choice....but to....s-save my son...

Moon was in tears to hear Solaria in pain and suffering and losing to much blood.

Moon: *Sniffs* did the right choice to save your child....

Solaria: Wh-Where!

Moon: River! Where's the child?!

River grabbed (Yn).

River: I have him... Here.

River gaved Solaria her son, (Yn). She was grabbing him and tells him her final words.

Solaria: Baby....I-I just wanted to let you...know...that mommy.....*sniffs* mommy will always love y-you...and once....once you grow up...Y-You will become big ....and strong like me, your mommy... *sniffs and sobs* M-Moon...

Moon: Y-Yes...?!

Solaria: P-Please...take of.....(Yn)...

After that, Solaria sadly past away still holding (Yn).

Moon: N-No...*sniffs*

River: Honey, Its okay....Solaria had the right choice to save his child...

Moon: Y-Yea...but...

Suddenly, Moon and River heard a roar, coming from outside. They both checked outside when they found out that Toffee was still alive.


Toffee: Started climbing the wall to get to Moon, River and (Yn).

Moon: Oh no! What are we going to do River!??! If we keep this baby, Toffee will still be after him!

River: I don't know what to say honey, but we have to give someone the child...

Moon: Wh-What?! River, what are you...

River: Moon, if we keep the child, he will still be coming for him and still terrorizing the village! But, if we can give this child to someone that can take care of him really good, feed him, and raise him well. That way Toffee wont know where he is at.

Moon: I...I...

River: Moon, trust me, and besides we will find him soon when he grows up.

Moon thought about it for a second and gave out her answer.

Moon: O-Okay... Take care of Toffee while I'll go somewhere far to leave the child to someone to take care of him.

River: Got it! And Moon....

Moon: Yes...?

River: Be careful.

Moon: You too honey.

Moon grabbed (Yn), turned herself a butterfly and went to another window and flew off. While in the air, she was flying as far as she came to look for someone to take care of (Yn) really well, then she started speaking with him.

Moon: Oh (Yn)...I do t have to do this but its for your safety...

The baby, (Yn), was all quiet, looking at moon with a happy face. 3 minutes later, Moon found a house that was in the forest. She glide down and landed on her feet, she slowly walked to the door step and put (Yn) down on the door steps. Moon looks at the door which had a named on it

Moon: Zoro.

She started writing something from a piece of paper she had from her pockets, knocks on the door and runs off hiding behind the trees. Once the door opened, it was noticed that the person who lives in that house was no other than Master Zoro. He was so young, he had a goatee, and had a long hair tied up like a ponytail. Once he opened the door, he didn't know who knocked the door.

Master Zoro: Hello??? Who knocked at my door???

Then he realized he heard giggles. He looked down and sees a baby. who it was (Yn).

Master Zoro: Goodness Gracious!

He picks him up and noticed that there was a note on him.

Master Zoro: What's this???

The note said "Please take care of him real good." He looked both ways to now who dropped him off in his house. Moon was still watching, hiding behind the trees.

Master Zoro: Don't worry little one, I will take care of you real good. Trust me, having me, will be the best years of your life.

Master Zoro got inside of his house and closed his door.

Moon: See you real soon...(Yn).

End of chapter.

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