Chp.26 The Nightmare

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In Star's room, Star and Marco were sitting on chairs looking and taking care of (Yn), he was at the bed, layed down, tucked in with the blanket.

Star: Mmmm, I hope he's okay.

Marco: Dont worry Star, he'll be fine.

Star: You think so?

Marco: Trust me, he'll wake up in any minute.

Star: okay...

Star gets off from the chair and walks towards to (Yn) to check on him. She had her arms on the bed, her face on the bed and sitting down.

Star: Its going to be Okay (Yn), I promise you that.

Star kissed (Yn) in the lips.

(Yn)'s Pov

(Yn) was still unconscious when somehow, a scene was going close to (Yn)'s eyes and once he opened his eyes, he was in a place nothing but all white.

(Yn): Wh-Where am I?? .... Wait a minute..!

(Yn) suddenly realizes that he has been there before, like it look so familiar from that last dream he had with Glossaryck.

(Yn): I've been here before...!

Suddenly, a magical spell book came torwards (Yn).

(Yn): Yea, this book...there was a little dude inside...Glossaryck!

(Yn) opened the spell book, and what he found was Glossaruck...crying.

Glossaryck: *Wines and Sobs* Oh Solaria....

(Yn): Um...Glossaryck???

Glossaryck: Huh...Hey...! Im not crying your crying!

(Yn): What??

Glossaryck: Oh ...nevermind...

(Yn): You okay??

Glossaryck: No! Im not okay! I heard Solaria was killed by Toffee years ago *sobs*!

(Yn): y-yea...she was....wait?!! How do you know my mother?!!?

Glossaryck: *sniffs* I was her magic instructor...I taught her how to manage using her wand, but somehow I didn't know she was dead for now, I just barely noticed!

(Yn): Oh...

Glossaryck: So yea...*sniffs*

(Yn): So why am I here again?????

Glossaryck: Oh right...your here bec-

Suddenly, a bang made Glossaryck stop talking and everything was turning black and red slowly.

(Yn): Glossaryck?! What's going on!?!!

Glossaryck: Oh no, this is really bad!

Suddenly, Glossaryck started fading away slowly.

(Yn): G-Glossaryck?!!

Glossaryck: Dont worry (Yn), Ill be fine...

(Yn): abut your fading away!!

Glossaryck: I know...but you can still find me.

(Yn): What!?? Where!??

Glossaryck: In Star's spell book...

After that, Glossaryck faded away. Suddenly, he hears a evil echo laugh.

(Yn): Who's there...!!??

???: Hehehe.

Suddenly, someone approach to him, walking slowly and once he approached, it was Toffee.

(Yn): YOU!!!

Toffee: Hello, (Yn).

(Yn): The hell you doing here!??!!

Toffee: Oh you know, just dropping by here to a visit... on your dream.

(Yn): Yes I know that, but I'm saying what are you doing here!? Why are you even here!??!! Or ... how did you get here and how you know I'm dreaming!??

Toffee: Don't worry about, just to let you know that terror is coming.

(Yn): Terror?!

Toffee: Yes... what I mean is that there will be destruction, violence, gore, and my favorite....killing.

(Yn): Nrrg, That's nothing! Everything your saying is not true! If I'm dreaming, then everything your saying won't happens!

Toffee: Oh really?

Toffee suddenly ran up to (Yn) as quickly as possible and punched him in his gut. (Yn) started acking.

Meanwhile, Star and Marco were at the bed with (Yn), when they noticed that he was having a nightmare.

Marco: Star!?

Star: What??

Marco: Something's happening to (Yn), he's sweating and having a hard time sleeping.

Star: What!!?

They both went to check on (Yn) on the bed. He was moving his head, sweating and looked like if he was going wake up.

Star: (Yn)!?! (Yn) wake up.

Back to (Yn)

(Yn) was still acking and dropped down to the ground on knees, holding his gut.

Toffee: As you can see...I'm not only coming for mewni, I'm not going for Moon, and I'm especially not going for your friends... I'm coming...for you!

(Yn): Nrrg... what??!!

Toffee got closer to (Yn), whispering to his ear saying....

Toffee: Because...I'm not going to be slated by... the great....warrior!

Suddenly Toffee raised his hand and somehow his hand turned into a sword and stabbed (Yn) in the gut, making him scream in pain and waking up and the same time.

(Yn): No!

Star: Oh my gosh (Yn)!! What happened??! Are you okay!!??

(Yn): Y-Yea...I'm ... fine.

Marco: You sure? Cause you were having a bad dream.

(Yn): I...I had a nightmare about...Toffee..!

Star: Toffee!?

(Yn): Yes, I don't know if I should believe him or not, but he said he is coming for you guys, your mom, mewni... and especially me!

Star: But, that's impossible, Toffee is dead!

(Yn): Wh-What!!?

Star: Yea, I killed him!

(Yn): Y-You did??!!

End of Chapter.

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