Chp.38 Good Ending

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As (Yn) defeated Toffee, he goes finds his friends. He goes around the castle to see guards with his friends. As he approached to them, they all notice.

Marco: Guys look!

Star: (Yn)!!!

Star runs up to (Yn) with happiness and crying as well. She then jumps on (Yn) for a hug.

Star: *sobs* your alive!!

(Yn): Shhh... it's okay baby... it's okay... Toffee is gone, forever.

Star kissed (Yn) on his lips and there lips were connected.

Star: I'm so glad your not dead...again...hehe..

(Yn): Yea, luckily..

The gang walked up to (Yn) as well.

Marco: Hey (Yn) you okay?

(Yn): Yea.

Marco: Good, cause I don't wanna lose you again...

(Yn): Me neither bro.

They both hugged it out.

Jackie: We are so happy your still alive.

Janna: And taking out Toffee.

(Yn): Yea, now Mewni can live in peace.

Moon: (Yn)...

(Yn): Your highness.

Moon: I am very happy for you, taking out Toffee and saving our lives.

(Yn): Yea, I did for you guys, and Star especially.

Star hugs and kisses (Yn) as he said that.

River: Well then, let us fixed our castle and finished to crown you both love birds Queen and king.

Star: Alright let's do this!

-1 hour later-

After the guards and the civilians of Mewni worked hard on fixing the castle back, placing dead bodies of monsters on the river to take them where ever they go, the castle was fixed back and success. Later indies of the castle, the civilians and the guards were watching at Star and (Yn) That were about to be crowned Queen and King by Moon and River. The guys were watching them as well.

Marco: Man, look at them, there about to be the new king and queen.

Jackie: There are so cute together.

Tom: I feel good about Star and (Yn) being the new king and Queen, they will do a great job.

Janna: Yup.

As Star and (Yn) kneeled down, bow their heads and holding each other's hands, Moon and River were standing omg front of them, taking of their crowns and announced them as king and Queen.

Moon: And now that me and my husband have spoken into vows, I hear by to crown Star butterfly as the new queen of Mewni...

River: And I hear by to crown (Yn), as the new king of Mewni.

Moon and River places their crowns on Star and (Yn)'s head, they both got up and turned around a faced the people as they clapped and cheered for them.

Marco: Alright guys!

Jackie: Yay you too!

Ponyhead: *Sniffs* that's my bestfriend...

Kelly: Uhm...Ponyhead, are you crying?

Ponyhead: I'm not crying, your crying shut up!

Kelly: What?

Ponyhead: *sobs*

Kelly: Oh come here you.

Kelly hugs Ponyhead.

Tom: So proud of them.

Janna: Yea, and that could be us very soon.

Tom: *Blushes* hehe...

Star's POV

Star was waving at the people as he faces (Yn), his new king and future husband.

Star: (Yn)?

(Yn): Yes, my love?

Star: I just wanted to say... that ever since I met you, I always had that feeling that I would get to know you as friends, and we did, and ever since we became friends for these past months, you would always take care of me, feed me, and always there for me and I know for that moment I had a crush on you, and it's weird had a crush on me too and ever since we did became lovers, I became the most happiest girl to have you by my side, my everything, my boyfriend, and my king *giggles*.

(Yn): Hehe, and same goes to me Star, I am very lucky to have you as my girlfriend, my special one, and my queen.

Star: and I hope in the future, we can make Mewni even better with the two of us.

(Yn): Yea.

They both faced each other hugged, and connect their lips each other for a kiss as the crowd cheered and clapped louder.

-12 years later-

Mewni was still like before, but even better, the village had playground that were made by the guards for the little ones to play, they even made the houses bigger than before and more food for them to eat. Then, there was the castle. Inside the castle, was big and had a big picture of Star and (Yn) with their 3 little ones (wow, they did it this time). Then, the three little ones were running around like if they were being chased with laughter. The names were Alexz, Criz, and Amy, the three were 13 years old

Amy: Hurry up guys, dads gonna find us.

Alexz: Lets hide under the table.

Criz: good idea.

The three went under the table to hide.

(Yn): Ready your not, here I come.

(Yn), he was now grown a man and a happy father, he had a goetee and had tele clothes of a red shirt, khaki pants, and black shoes. He also had a scar on his eye, we never know what to him, but he took it.

(Yn): now where would these little rascals hide? Behind the curtains? Hmm.

Then he heard giggles coming from the table.

(Yn): Hmmmm.

(Yn) walked to the table, he kneels down and looked under to find his kids.

(Yn): Gotcha!

Alexz: Run!

The kids got out of the table and ran.

(Yn): Come here you.

They all were running back and forth, back and forth until (Yn) got tired.

(Yn): *Pants 3x* oh man, um kids, your dad needs ... a break... oh man these little runners are sure fast.

The kids ran and jumped on (Yn) with happiness, making him trip to the ground.

Alexz: Your so slow dad.

Criz: Are we that fast?

(Yn): Yea you are my fast ones, especially my little angel right here.

Amy: Yay, I'm the fastest!

Criz: No your not, race to you to the room.

Alexz: until I get there first!

The three ran up to the room, as (Yn) gets up with laughter as he sees his Queen, Star. She was eating a pink dress, just like Like her mother's dress but in different color this time.

Star: How are the kids?

(Yn): Fun, like always.

Star: *giggles* yup

Star hugs (Yn) and kisses him from the lips.

(Yn): How was work?

Star: Eh, like always, writing down laws of the Our castle you, go my mother does it.

(Yn): I hear ya babe...

A guard approached to them.

(Yn): Your majesty, you have visitors.

And there come by their friends, Marco and Jackie.

Marco: Hey guys.

(Yn): Marco, glad you came by.

Jackie: Hey guys.

Star: Oh hey Jackie, how are guys?

Jackie: Real good, thanks for asking.

Marco was wearing glasses, he had a shirt of it saying, worlds best dad, black pants and brown shoes. Jackie had her same hair color style, but tied up, pony tail style and has a light mini blue mini shirt, with blue shirt jeans and sandals.

(Yn): What about your little kid?

Marco: Oh Carlos? Carlos.

Carlos: Coming.

Marco and Janna's son, Carlos, was the age of 13, just like (Yn)'s. Carlos had a blue shirt, black shorts and brown shoes.

(Yn): Hey Carlos.

Star: Hi there Carlitos.

Carlos: Hi uncle (Yn), Hi auntie Star

Then came Tom and Janna.

Tom: Hey there!

(Yn): Tom.

Star: Janna.

Marco: Hey, Mr. Angry Dad.

Tom: Really...

Jackie: Hey Janna.

Janna: Hey guys.

Star: So glad you guys came too

Tom had a all black suit with a tie and black pants as well as Janna, with an all black dress.

Star: Really looking good Janna.

Janna: Thanks, you too Star.

Star: Thank you. And your daughter? How is she?

Janna: oh she's good, Stacy.

Stacy: Coming mommy.

Stacy, the daughter of Janna and Tom, was running towards her parents. She was wearing a black skirt with a skull on it and black shoes.

Tom: Come here sweetie.

Stacy grabbed toms hand.

Janna: Now, what do you say?

Stacy: Hi uncle (Yn), Hi auntie Star.

(Yn): Hey there Stacy.

Star: Hi my little Stacy, kids come please.

Star called out her kids to come down to meet the gang. As they do, they got to their parents where they were with the gang.

Star: Look who came.

Alexz: Carlos, Stacy.

Criz: Sup Guys.

Amy: Hey guys.

Carlos: Hey guys.

Amy: Sup.

Alexz: Lets go outside and play tag.

The kids went outside to play as the others stayed in the castle watching there kids having fun, as the others watch there kids having fun.

Marco: Man, how did we get here?

(Yn): You tell me bro.

Suddenly, Ponyhead and Kelly showed up as well, Ponyhead was wearing a skirt around her neck, because well, she only has a head...and no  body. Anyways, and Kelly was wearing a stripes shirt, pink and blue and blue pants.

Ponyhead: Hey Girl!

Star: Ponyhead! Kelly!

Star ran up to Ponyhead and Kelly for a hug.

Star: So glad your girls came.

Ponyhead: Aw you know, we really wanted to spend time with you guys, just like old days.

Kelly: Yea, I brought snack.

Jackie: Nice.

Marco: Lets fight in then.

Kelly brought a Huge bag, filled with delicious snacks. They sat on the table and enjoy themselves to eat.

Marco: My, this food is good kelly.

Jackie: Yea, you totally killed it.

Kelly: Thanks guys, hey where are your kids?

(Yn): Oh, they're outside playing, I'll go get them if they wanna eat as well.

(Yn) got up and went to look for the kids. As he went outside, he heard a scream, that sounded like his daughter.

(Yn): Amy?! Amy!

(Yn) ran as fast as he can to see what's happening. As he got to Amy and the kids, (Yn) sees her screaming....over for her dress being cover with mud.

(Yn): Amy, are you-

Amy: My dress! You knuckle heads ruined my dress.

Criz: Sorry, geez

Alexz: Our parents will clean it, don't be such a baby.

Amy: Why you!

(Yn): Kids.

Amy: Daddy.!

Amy ran up to him and hugged him.

(Yn): What's wring pumpkin?

Stacy: Amy is mad because Criz and Alexz were throwing mud and accidentally throw mud at Amy's dress.

(Yn): Criz, Alexz...what did I said about playing with mud, your gonna end up getting in trouble by throwing mud to someone else.

Criz: Sorry Dad.

Alexz: Yea, sorry, we were just having fun.

Criz and Alexz felt guilty about getting in trouble as they put there heads down.

(Yn): I know my sons, but that could lead you two into trouble, come here.

(Yn) gave his sons a hug.

Alexz: Sorry again dad.

Criz: Yea..

(Yn): It's okay sons, I accept your apology-...Wait! Where's Carlos?

Carlos: I'm up here.

(Yn) looked up to see Carlos sitting on the tree.

(Yn): Carlos! What are you doing!

Carlos: Can you you help me getting me down?

(Yn): *sighs* okay, just jump and I'll grab you.

Carlos: Okay.. Woah!

The branch were Carlos was sitting broke, ending up Carlos to fall, as (Yn) ran quickly to catch Carlos and he did.

(Yn): I got you, you okay?

Carlos: Yea...that was fun.

(Yn): ...Okay that was kinda fun, but if I wasn't here, you would end up being hurt.

Carlos: Sorry uncle.

(Yn): It's okay, now you guys go inside, Kelly brought food for all of us.

Stacy: Oh yea! Last one is a rotten egg!

Amy: Hey not fair!

Criz: You were barely in front of us.

Alexz: Get back here!

Carlos: Guuys, Wait for me!

The kids ran to the castle as (Yn) watched them.

(Yn): Hehe, kids...

Solaria: I know right.

(Yn) suddenly was surprise to hear that voice he has heard before, he turns around and see her mom, Solaria, as his vision of a ghost.

(Yn): Mom!

Solaria: Hello my son.

(Yn): So glad your here

Solaria: Oh I'm not here alone.

Behind her, Master Zoro popped up as well.

(Yn): Master Zoro!

Master Zoro: My student, you really grown quiet big and strong.

(Yn): Heh, well I put my effort in it.

Solaria: I'm so happy to see my son as the king of Mewni.

(Yn): Thanks Mom, wish you guys were...still alive.

Master Zoro: It is Okay (Yn), but Remember, we will always be with you no matter what.

Solaria and Master Zoro started to fade slowly.

(Yn): You Guys... your fading?!

Solaria: It's okay my son, we have to go. Until we meet again my child.

And so...they faded completely.

(Yn): Until we meet again, Mom and Master.

Star: Honey?

Star suddenly appears behind (Yn)

(Yn): Oh Star, hey...

Star: You okay?

(Yn): Yea, just catching some air.

Star: Oh...but there's tears...on your something wrong?

(Yn): *sigh* well...

Star: Sweetie, I know what's wrong, you still miss your mom and Master.

(Yn): Y-Yea *sniffs*

Star approached to him and hugs him.

Star: Aw, Babe it's okay, we all feel about missing our love ones, and it can be hard too, but don't worry, I'm sure they will be there for you no matter what, and that I can tell.

(Yn): Heh, yea I guess your right.

(Yn) kisses star on her cheek.

Star: Alright, let's go back inside.

(Yn): Sure, lets go.

The prince and the princess lived together as a happy family, (Yn) will always remember his love ones and surely he will, as he and Star lived happily with there friends, and children.



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