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I ran my hands through my hair a few times and stood up.

"Ohhh no... NO NO NO NO!" I yelled. I turned around and ran my fingers through my hair, like I thought it would help. It didn't though.

"What's wrong, Mars, what's wrong?" Felicity asked me. I could feel my face paling. That crazy man was going to do it, he really had gone crazy.

"He's crazy, absolutely crazy." I said. I turned around over and over, trying to sort my thoughts, but it didn't help. All I got was mixed thoughts and dizzy.

"Mars, what's going on!" Felicity yelled at me, but I could barley hear her.

"He's going to do it, he's going to do it!" I yelled. Someone knocked on the door.

I stopped thinking. All I could think about was the fact that he was crazy enough to do that.

The door flew open.

"Mars, what's wrong!" Felicity yelled at me.

"You're scaring the crap out of us!" Dally yelled at me. Black dots started appearing in my vision. I hit my head agents the wall. Someone picked me up and threw me on the bed roughly. Probably Dally. Someone squeezed my hand and kept telling me to calm down, probably Felicity.

"Mars, what's going on." Felicity asked softly.

"He's going to do it." I whispered.

"What's it?" Felicity asked.

"He's sending people in space." I started.

"Yeah..." Felicity said, asking for more. She seemed even more confused now.

"To live in space." I coughed out. "Forever."

Silence. No one said anything. But I wasn't done yet. No the crazy man had more plans.

"He's going to have like one planet a country, and the main 'country' is planet Earth and that's where all the 'rulers' are going to be at. And he wants..." I trailed off, too embarrassed to say any more.

"He wants you to be the ruler." Felicity finished. I started breathing quicker just at the sound of the words that she spoke.

"Why's that so bad?" Dally asked. Both Felicity and I glared at him.

"Because we'll be in space, starting a new version of humans while Mars will be chained up here more in jail than not." Felicity snapped.

"Yeah, but if he's a ruler than he can put a stop to it all." Dally insisted. I laughed at he way he was thinking. I laughed until I ran out of air from my lungs, and my lungs burned for more air. "What's wrong with that?" Dally asked. I started laughing again for a solid minute or so.

"If I become ruler, I'll become my fathers puppet all over again." I said.

"So why doesn't your father just take over the world and become a ruler and push you to the dust. No fence." Dally said.

"They need a new face." I said simple as day. Dally said nothing. Nether did Felicity. There wasn't much to tell.

"Suppose we need to tell everyone else." I said.

"Yeah." Dally and Felicity said at the same time.

"Let's go, might as well crush their hopes and dreams in the morning." Dally said.


Author's Note

I really don't have anything to say. Make sure you follow the author I guess 1DaughterOfPoseidon I (person on this account) just edit and place this book in contests. I write the author's notes usually too.

Word Count: 562

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