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Prerna had always believed greying hair signified wisdom, that a toned, muscular body equalled patience and perseverance and a moody character almost, always meant a haunted past.

See, she had always been found with her nose in a book and as the years went on she learnt to read between the lines and understand the words that weren't spoken or written down.

Maybe that meant she was more understanding, perhaps it explained her cheerful disposition and her kind smile, then again, maybe that was just how she had always been.

She had always been a warrior at heart, brave and steadfast in her beliefs. The books had certainly helped with that, they were an escape. She devoured knowledge, pages and pages of it, her thirst for new words and different lands was never quenched, that was the best part of a story- it allowed you to travel to a new place, live another life and embrace characters like you knew them, at times like you were them.

Prerna expected that was why she was so keen to understand the mysterious man who fell into her library dressed in a shirt stained with fresh blood, bruises littering his skin the colour of the galaxy above the sky and a voice as enigmatic as she imagined her favourite male characters to have.

He was an adventure that was for sure, one she couldn't wait to go on, it was the moment she had been waiting on for a lifetime, the moment she had fantasised about for all her life; the moment where the hero met the heroine, the moment where it all begun.



Prerna looked up from her book, brows furrowing and chocolate orbs swirling with confusion at the constant banging on the door "Sorry, we're closed" she shouted out as she rose to her feet.

The banging continued, this time with a bigger impact as the lock dropped to the floor, the doors flew open and with it a man; tall, dark and handsome with a certain charm about him, even with a gaping wound on his chest and bloodshot eyes he still stood like he owned the room, like he owned her.

Rushing forward she caught him seconds before he hit the ground, his head lulled to the side on her shoulder, before she knew it she was tripping back, her head slamming into the ground and his body resting atop hers.

The man's eyes shot open and with a speed she had never witnessed before, he held a knife to her throat, the blade an inch away from cutting her skin "You're going to help me, then you pretend this never happened, we understood?" His gruff voice echoed around the library.

She nodded quickly "Sure, but maybe we should deal with that first" she pointed behind him to the two masked men with guns pointed their way. 

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