A Prologue of 3 Brothers: Part 1

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Ok this is going to be my actual first attempt on actually writing something, so it's not really going to be much, hope that okay

With that out of the way, let's begin


*House of the brothers*

It's midday right now, on the side of a house. we see three people, One was a very huge man, packing luggage onto a trailer, One was leaning on the wall of the shed, reading a book, And the last seemed to be working on a car of some kind

???: Aaaand there goes the last touches!

Said one of the brothers, as he slid from underneath the vehicle

???: IT'S DONE!

Rodney, Amateur Artificer, Tiny Guy, Huge Spaz

Rodney: What do you guys think!?

Rodney said proudly too the other two, revealing a very unstable looking vehicle which looks like it could fall apart any second

The one who was reading looked up at it in shock

???: That's our way of transportation? It's a metal deathtrap! That thing will kill us before we reach Union!

Rodney: C'mon Maxy! Have some faith! My buildings haven't failed us yet!

???: Must I have to remind you of the incident involving the last time? When you tried to fix the toaster? The house almost caught ablaze!?

Maxwell, Self Proclaimed Professional Occultist, Sorta Gentlemanly, Sorta Pompous Jag

Rodney: C'mon Max, it was a one time thing! Besides this baby should get us their in a day or two tops! Besides, it beats walking.

Maxwell: sigh I really hope we don't miss the Airship. Luis, is our luggage packed?

The huge man turned to his brother, giving him a thumbs up while nodding

Luis, Ex-Bounty Hunter, Silent Giant, Caring Brother

Maxwell: sigh, Very well then. Let's go, we don't want to be later than we already are

Rodney: Aw yeah! This is happening!

The youngest brother said, sliding over the hood of the vehicle as the brothers enter the vehicle.

Rodney: Alrighty, Union Academy here we come!

He reaches to the key, ready to turn on the car


*Sputter* *sputter* *sputter*

Only for the car to not respond, making a concerning noise

Rodney: Huh? That's not supposed to happen.

Maxwell: What's wrong?

Rodney: I dunno, it's no-

As the explosion conceded, only the frame of the car was intact, leaving the brothers covered in soot and ashes

Maxwell: ...On second thought, I think I'll teleport us there.

Rodney: Yea, good idea.


Admit it, you this is April fools joke didn't you? Well it's not! I know it's like short but I'm just starting out since I'm really self-conscious about writing but I plan on doing it more!

But that's all for now I hope you guys enjoyed until next time have a good night!

And Happy April fools!

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