Sky Eyes

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Decided to do a 'reply' poem. So, this is basically Moriko answering Dexter's, "Shooting For a Star."

First time trying a ballad. Is it alright?


O, lovely boy with bright sky eyes
My dear, my heart, my beau
Our love is not absurd or imposible
Why do you deem us as so?

How can I make those blue eyes truly see
When they hid behind lids, or turn away
And look upon other sights, other beauties
What is it those sky eyes wish to convey?

Am I merely a fool, a girl of naivety
To assume you feel the same, merely
Because you smile and laugh with me
And share my joys, and comfort my misery?

But alas, your heart beats for someone else
Your eyes sparkle and shine for another
She makes you so happy, so much joy
While I'm merely, just the other

My ruby eyes wish to shut, to deny
How happy you are when you tell tales of her
How those eyes gleam with elation and pride
So I look away, an action my heart prefers

Maybe I was a fool, to think you share my love
But alas, I am a fool, but I am not blind
I'll go away and hide, stepping aside
I'll still love you, even when I'll be left behind

"Painful, this thing called love is
You can't control it yet we feel it so strongly
And at times we can not say, merely silent
As your sky eyes meet red ruby."

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