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(A/N Notes: Will I update this? If I have time and idea. If whoever reads this think it's a cool idea and wants to use it? Pick it up. It's simple and without a unique concept, well I prefer simple romance plots without any unique concept, so ok sure whatever)

Inside a classroom, the voice of the teacher explaining his subject could be heard alongside other noises, such as the tapping of a classmate's shoes, or the occasional whispering. Yet, the lesson continued without problems, with the students copying what was written on the blackboard as they listened to the teacher

Eventually, the teacher's explanation ended, and as he was about to continue his subject, the school bell rang

"Well, this will be all for today. Make to review and bring questions about any point that you didn't understand"


The class responded to the teacher in unison, as everyone began to pack their belongings, some were quick and neat, others were sloppy and slow. As for Nozawa Naoki, he was right in the middle being not too slow nor too quick in packing his belongings, but he was quite methodical in the way he packed his items, the heavier stuff closer to the back, and the lighter stuff closer to the front of his bag

Naoki was pretty average in his looks, and slightly taller than average, he had short dark brown hair, and black eyes, he also had somewhat noticeable dark circles under his eyes, in every way he was very similar to most of the boys in his school

After he packed all of his belongings, he checked his inside and below his desk and seat to see if he wasn't forgetting anything

<Time to go... Hm?>

But as he passed his bag shoulder strap over his head, he noticed that on the seat to his left... There was an umbrella laying under it. It has just been a few days since the start of classes, so Naoki wasn't remembering the name of the person who sat to his left and he was barely able to remember the person's face, but he knew that he could identify the owner of the umbrella if he saw the owner


With a sigh, Naoki lowered himself and picked up the umbrella, putting it under his arm as he made his way to the main entrance, with the hopes that he would pass by the owner of the umbrella on the way there

As he walked down the corridor, Naoki saw the other students some going to the entrance to go back home, others going to attend their clubs, and some just talking with their friends. But Naoki noticed that the owner of the umbrella wasn't there, so he continued to make his way to the shoe lockers


And there on the shoe lockers, he found the owner of the umbrella. It was a girl, the girl had a rather plain to cute look, long straight black hair, and a pair of round glasses, her height was above average but she was also rather flat, with her most remarkable feature being her rare ocean blue eyes. Her name was Hoshino Chihiro, and the owner of the umbrella under Naoki's arm

Having found the owner of the umbrella, Naoki walked towards her picking the umbrella under his arm, when he got sufficiently close to Chihiro, he pocked her shoulder with the umbrella


Chihiro turned to see who poked her, she initially made a confused face, but then she noticed Naoki holding her umbrella towards her

"Ah! Thank you, I was almost forgetting it"

"No worries"

Chihiro picked up her umbrella as she thanked Naoki, while he responded casually saying that it wasn't a problem. With that done, he went to his shoe lockers and changed to his outdoor shoes while Chihiro packed her umbrella inside her bag, having changed his shoes, Naoki then made his way back home. Chihiro also changed to her outdoor shoes and made her way back home as well

The next day

It was early morning, and the school was still mostly empty of students, aside from the few that had club activities this early on or were simply there for the sake of being there. Chihiro was there because it was easier to arrive earlier and wait in the classroom, she walked towards her shoe locker, then changed to her indoor shoes

Having done that, she made her way to her classroom, after a few minutes of walking, she opened the sliding door without making much noise, went to her seat, and sat down, once in her seat she began organizing her belongings on her desk

"... ... ... !"

Then only after she organized her desk, she noticed that there was someone seating beside her

"Ah! You're the one from yesterday"


Naoki stopped the music player on his phone as he took off his earphones while he turned to look towards Chihiro, he had a questioning face since he didn't properly hear what she had said to him

"Did say something?"

"I only said, that you were the one from yesterday. Once again, I thank you for bringing me my umbrella yesterday"

"No worries, it wasn't that much trouble anyways"

"I see... ... ... Hm?"

When their conversation ended, Chihiro took a few seconds to notice that she didn't know the boy's name

"By the way, what's your name?"

"Hm? Ah! It's Nozawa Naoki, and you are?"

"I'm Hoshino Chihiro, nice to meet you, Nozawa-kun"

"*Nods* Nice to meet you too, Hoshino-san"

They both made a short bow after greeting each other, and they turned back to face the blackboard. Naoki went back to hearing music with his earphones and reading a guide on his phone. While Chihiro took a book out of her bag and began reading it in silence

The two stayed like that, doing their own stuff without minding the other, as they kept doing their own stuff, time passed and the classroom slowly filled as their classmates began arriving and taking their seats, eventually, the teacher entered the classroom and the school bell rang signaling the start of the lessons of the day. The teacher began lecturing about his subject, and the students listened to his words and copied his annotations

As Naoki copied the blackboard, he accidentally dropped his eraser. Then as he inclined himself to pick it up, someone picked up his eraser faster than him

"*Whisper* Here"

"*Whisper* Thanks for that, Hoshino-san"

"*Whisper* No worries, Nozawa-kun. Fufu"

Chihiro copied the way he answered her earlier that morning, which made her chuckle in a low voice

"*Chuckles* Yeah, sure"

They both chuckled in low voices at their short interaction just now

(A/N Notes: Simplicity is a concept in itself, I guess)

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