Part 2: The tree

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Evelyn looked up and realized for the first time that it was almost dark. "We will have to sleep here. If we try to find our way in the dark we could risk getting even more lost."

"Where are we supposed to sleep?"

"On the ground, where else is there? We could gather some pine needles and sleep on top of them, and use leaves as a blanket."

"That doesn't sound too comfortable"

"Well, what else do you suggest, Mr. wise-guy?"

James started to speak, then glanced at the quickly-sinking sun and decided against it. "Fine"

The twins attempted to make the cold, hard ground at least somewhat comfortable, without much luck. An owl hooted in the distance, and the wind picked up again. Everything was shrouded in a gloomy dark grey color.

"Do you think someone should keep watch? In case there are wild animals or something?" Asked James, looking around uneasily.

"Yeah, I guess so. I can take the first watch if you want."

"Okay, just wake me up when you're tired."



Evelyn jerked awake to the sound of crickets and birds chirping. She looked around, confused and alarmed, until she remembered the previous night. Sunlight streamed through the thick leaves and small critters ran to and fro. It was almost peaceful, compared to last night, but something still felt off. James groaned in his sleep, and then rolled over and sat up, brushing pine needles and leaves out of his curly hair.

"My bones hurt," he complained.


James glanced around, then stood up suddenly.

"Evelyn...where is the twisty tree?"

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