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This is an incident which happened with me more than a decade ago, I was working in a Government Office at a clerical position. Those were the days, when mobile phones were commencing to be a necessity, as it had become affordable to common people. Back then, I purchased a mobile phone, however very few people had my number, which includes my relatives and my closest friends. Coming back to my story, I got a message on my phone from my distant relative, who had mentioned that, my cousin sister Mrs. Sable, had lost her husband Mr. Vivian, in a mishap. I was not in touch with her for years, and I seldom spoke to her, but I thought it was my moral responsibility to visit her, so that, to express my condolence. I seldom spoke to her, so I messaged her and expressed my condolence, also I mentioned that, I will visit her in few days. Surprisingly, I got a reply that, she was ready for a heartwarming welcome for me and requested me to stay for few days with her, I was quite perplexed but nevertheless the visit was planned. I unearthed some information about her from my far relatives that, Mr. Vivian was a Affluently Rich, he was a Stakeholder in many conglomerates, also he was an expert in financial trading, due to which he use to get a huge amount every month, which was beyond imagination. He had many palatial properties in his name and after all, my cousin Sable had got everything in her name legally. I was glad that, she at least had an excellent backup; also I came to know that, she herself had been trading in Share Market and earning huge amounts in speculations. I was happy, as she has enough money to last for her lifetime, and she is financially independent, and doesn't need any assistance.

I was about to face the fear of my lifetime.

I packed my luggage to visit her, she was staying at the outskirts of Mumbai, and it was a three hours journey to her place. I didn't know how to commence to talk to her? I was elder to her and during my childhood day, I was typically an Ambivert, but mostly I had a huge chunk Introvert nature blended in me, I was a kind of mundane and monotonous, although I was born in a big city, Mumbai, but my personality didn't reflect the trait of a person born in lavish city, I was not good at my academics and I had a dopey nature in me and, an obtuse person. My cousin, Mrs. Sable was an antonym of me. She was born in a small town in other state, but she was an Extrovert and full of fervent, she didn't had even a dinky of shyness, She reflected a perfect trait of a person from a Lavish City, and an excellent pupil in academics, also she was good in extracurricular activities, which earned her many accolades. She was gregarious and sociable, but she was an Epitome of slyness, brash and an adamant, which was blended with cunningness, providing her the fuel to have an edge over others. I was often compared to her in terms of academics due to which, I was jealous towards her, but I was a feeble minded person, so I found myself vulnerable to many criticisms. At that, time we had very meager interactions, I was somehow eager to talk to her, but by seeing her face where pride written over it, I was taken aback. She would never make an attempt to talk, but I was happy in my own world, and I didn't care about her. Coming back to my story, I was in a tourist cab, on my way to reach her house; I already got a gist of her address as she had messaged me on mobile. The roads towards her home was covered with elms and moss covered trees on opposite sides of the roads, which made a picturesque scene, I had a camera phone, so I unzipped the bag then clearing the lens with a soft cloth, I hold it, with my hand leaning on the window frame of cab and taking many picturesque scenes, and I took many photos which will be trapped in my album of memories.

I reached the House of my cousin, the cab stopped at the gate, I got down and paid the fare, the cab moved, getting smaller and smaller from my sight. The gate was huge an ajar, so I gave a gentle push to the gate and, it flung away from my way, its hinges made a creaky sound. I removed my shades over my eyes and hung it on my shirt. The Mansion was huge; it was tall, square brick house, which was of 2 storey's with large windows with its beautifully decorated frame, and a stone pillared porch, which was of pure classical style, there were two cars parked outside. This house reminds me of Classical English Style House of 17th Century, I entered the porch and rang the bell, the door was opened, and I saw a recognizable brilliant face coming, as the doors opened, and she came out and stood at the porch. Sable was happy to see me; she gave me a beautiful smile, which was beyond my expectation. She welcomed me, she had a dark shiny chestnut colored long hair with a fair skin with round face, and her green eyes were sparkling. She looked extremely beautiful. Sable said, "I am glad to see you brother, I didn't expect that, you will come to me, and of course, you look handsome and striking." I was gladden and replied "Thank You, I am too glad to see you after a long time; you definitely look more beautiful as I saw you in my childhood." Sable replied with a jittery expression on her face, "Please come in." I carried my bag and entered the Magnificent House, Sable continued, "I want you to be with me, I can't express how relieved, I am to see you after a long time." Sable didn't seem to be unpleasant as there was a death in family, and there was an unexplained gleam on her face also, I was feeling amused by her hospitality. The room was huge and in the middle there was a huge chandelier. The floor was of pale marble and a massive gilt-framed mirror which reflected the magnificent sides of the room. I looked around, and I was astonished to see such a beautiful and a magnificent room, I placed the bag down on the shining floor. Sable clapped loudly and, then from the far end of the room, a maid comes in, Sable orders her, "Torrie, take the luggage, and make delicious meals for the dinner, My Brother will stay here for days, and I don't want any shortcomings during his days of stay with us." Torrie acknowledges with her head lowered, and then she moved toward me and smiled, her hair was tied up, she was dressed in a knee-length black dress with a white apron, and she had worn black pumps, her head was covered with white braid cap. Torrie had dark black colored hairs, which can be glanced, as her hair locks escaped from the cap; she had beautiful hazel eyes with a fair skin. She smiled at me, and I gave her a smile too, she stooped and to pick my luggage, and when she lifted the bag, it was very light, and she said smilingly, "Welcome here Sir, I will be glad to assist you; your bag is very light." I exclaimed "Oh! I don't have much stuff packed, only my clothes and a mobile phone in my bag." Torrie smiled and she swung around with my luggage. She was directed by Sable to keep my luggage in the room at First Floor.

I swung towards Sable and spoke with a huge smile, "Your house is beautiful, I had never seen such a house even in the city." Sable gave me a smile like a crescent moon, but soon her lips contracted and with a gloomy voice she replied, "My Husband, Vivian had left this legacy for me." She couldn't speak further as her eyes turned watery and hot tears rolled down her cheeks. I was taken aback, and with a sad tone I replied, "I am sorry Sable your loss." I walked towards her and caressing her head, I asked in a low tone, "How did this happen?" She replied with a choked tone, "He had gone to city for his business trip, and his car was dashed by an over speeding truck." Her voice was choked due to water blocking her throat; she cleared her throat hard, I wiped her tears. She answered, "This was a part of my life, but now you had come, so I will not feel lonely." I paused for a moment and said, "Yes dear, I will be there..." I was about the say about, my very few days of stay, but I ate up my words.

Sable had informed me that, my room is at First Floor; I hold the banister and headed towards the room by skipping some steps. When I reached the passage, I felt a cold shiver running down my spine, inspite of wearing a leather jacket over my shirt. I looked back and forth to see, whether there is any fan or air condition in the passage, but there was none apart from the small ceiling lights. I shrugged and went towards my room. I opened the room at the left, it was kept very tidy, the room was large and beautiful, it had a bed covered with valence which was embedded with peacock and bushy rose design, the room had a washroom in it, I went towards window and parted the curtains to glance outside, but I didn't open the window, fearing for insects sneaking inside the room. It was going to be dusk, the sun light had fading from the sky turning dim, and I saw the sun revolving its giant wheel down slowly to welcome the stars, which was about the glitter. Suddenly I felt someone standing at the door as, I saw the reflection on window, I swirl back and saw Torrie standing, she didn't had the braided cap, and her dark black silky hair was untied, which was coming down beyond shoulder. I asked gently, "Hi, Why are you standing? Come in". Torrie hesitatingly came in and asked, "How may, I assist you? DO you need some refreshments?" I smiled and spoke, "Not as of now, I will have my dinner and crawl on the bed." Her fair face glittered. I asked, "For how many years you had been working with Cousin Sable." Torrie replied, "For five years." I interrupted, "So You might be glad working with a wonderful women like my sister." Torrie's face turned gloomy like a setting sun and her lips turned narrow, I read the expression on her face, but I didn't find right to ask her in spite of being curious. She replied with a gloomy voice, "Yes, I am." Then she exclaimed "OH! I need to do some chores, I am sorry Sir, See you at dinner." She raced out of the room; I heard her hard footsteps running downwards. I was surprised but nevertheless, I was exhausted due to long journey and went to freshen up.

I never knew that, Torrie had been living in fear, it took me a long haul to realize, but it will be too late.

I unzipped my bag to check for the clothing stuff to change after shower, it was growing darker outside, I switched on the light, and it displayed the attraction of the room as it was huge and tidy. I went to washroom for a shower and after being ready; I looked at the mirror for tiding my hair. I saw an oak rocking chair; I plopped on the chair and leaned my head back on the chair, moving it back and forth, relinquishing the memories of my childhood, it seemed that, they were revolving in my brains about, how I kept aloof from Sable? And about her pride written face, which had no world for emotions. I wondered about the drastic conversion in Sable, now she is more interactive towards me and her pleasant nature, in spite of losing her Husband. "God give her courage and let everything in her life become sorted." I muttered to myself. I looked at the wall clock over the bed, it was 19.30 hours and suddenly, I saw a shadow on the passage reflecting due to ceiling lights at passage, I rose slowly from the chair. It was Torrie standing at door frame, she smiled, revealing her gleaming teeth, informing me that, the dinner is ready and then, she raced to kitchen. I rubbed my hands and moved swiftly out of room. The dinner was mouth watering and delicious, Sable and I had a lot of conversation over the dinner and, even after dinner we sat on the large beautiful couch talking. I was surprised, that, she is now talking too much with me, I gave a few yawns, but she still kept chattering. Then after some time our talks were concluded, we said good night to each other, and I darted to my room. I reached my room with full content of my heart due to delicious meals and, of course we had talked to each other after a long time. I switched off the light, but the moon light still shone in the room, I was about to crawl on my bed, then all of sudden I heard a soft voice, "Good Night Sir." I swirled towards the direction of the sound, I saw a dark figure standing at the door frame, I felt the shivers run down my spine, and a lump in my stomach, the figure moved a step ahead.

The Moon Light lit on the face and it was Torrie, I sighed relief and exclaimed, "Oh! You just stalked me Torrie, my heart had just busted out of my mouth." Torrie looked over her shoulders and moved ahead, she looked nervous and fumbled, "I want to tell you something about what is happening in this house. Moments ago you asked me, about how do it feel in this house?" I curiously asked, "Torrie, What are you talking about?" Torrie said her story, "It was about 2 years ago, I had a senior servant called Nina, she had been with Sable for last 15 Years. One Night, I heard a strange horrifying sound at the hall; I woke up and tiptoed towards the Hall. There was something, which stalked me, It was dark shadow altering into the, smoky columns of evil faces which had no eyes and only dark pit, they were wailing and howling, The face was covered with sores and blood oozing from their faces which made them look filthy. I felt nausea in my stomach and I was frozen, I couldn't move. The faces move back and forth, thus slithering towards me and all of the sudden, Nina shouted at me, "Run Torrie, go inside the room." The dark column stopped and rushed towards Nina. I yelled, "Nina Run please, Come, Run." But Nina was frozen and the dark evil columns ate the flesh, bones and drank blood. I came back to my senses and, I raced towards my room and shut the door behind me. The next day Sable Madam, informed me that, she had resigned from the job as she wanted to move to her native place, but I knew this was not true and, when I went to the spot, where Nina was killed the previous night, I found a piece of bone lying there." Torrie was shivering as she concluded her story, and she crossed her arms around her body to stop shivering.

I didn't talk as Torrie's face grew pale, I studied her face and didn't know what to answer in this situation, the sweat began to flow from my brow, as her story made me fear, but I hid it and replied, "Torrie may be it was an awful dream, and sometimes it seems real." She blurted out, "No, No Sir, I can't ignore it as a bad dream." Torrie realized that, she had blurted out, she kept her right hand over her mouth, realizing her mistake, and then she said in low voice "I am sorry Sir, I deeply apologize to blurt out, unfortunately it was a reality, which had happened, but I want You to promise me that, whatever happens, please don't come out of the room at night, Please sir, please." I saw the trepidation over her face, but I didn't have any gist about, what to say? But to feel her relaxed, I replied with a smile, "Ok Madam, I will not come out, you shall have my word till eternity." My smile didn't make any variation to her face, but she made a forged smile and, replied, "Please Sir, don't call me Madam." I spoke back, "You need to call my name, instead of Sir." She glimmered and, she took my name and said "Ok, I will not take your name in front of Sable Madam, I gotta have a sound sleep, as Madam will wake up before 7.30 so I need to hurry up to bed, and please don't confer this with Madam about my experience." I replied, "I will not, you have my word." She smiled and said, "Good Night." She turned around, and rushed out, closing the door of the room.

I crawled on my bed pulling the quilt over my head and closed my eyes, seeing only darkness around me. I went to slumber and, all of sudden I was woken up; I looked around the room, crammed by the moon light. It was around 2.30 that, time, I heard light footsteps near the room and sound of whispering, I slide the quilt and tiptoed towards the door, I stooped and fixed my ear to the door. I could hear whispering at the passage as if someone is reading in an unknown language. My mind was spinning with the thoughts about, what Torrie had told me that, the dark columns ate her flesh bones and drank her blood. I felt the words drumming in my ears. I whispered to myself, "May be it's an unpleasant dream of Torrie, but she will not tell a lie without any reason." I heard footsteps and whispering simultaneously outside my room, and I hold the knob to open the door, then I remembered the promise, I gave to Torrie that, I will not come out. I was in tantrums as I was curious to know about the whispering outside my room, but I had no choice, I was decisive to go to bed at last and thought as of nothing had been happened. I hopped on the bed, pulling my quilt and closed my eyes hard. I didn't knew when I went to sleep, then I heard a loud tingling noise which shattered my peaceful slumber, I sat up and looked towards the noise and it was my Mobile Phone which rested on the cabinet at the left side of bed, whose alarm was set at 7.00 am, giving me a siren to wake up, I pushed the alarm off, I stretched and yawned. I swung the quilt aside and got down from the bed; I parted the curtain and opened the windows, leaning on the sill. A fresh gust of winds blew over my face decimating my tiredness left over due to the adventure of last night. I thought of Torrie, who gave her chilling account. "She spoke out her flummoxing account; I don't know how she stayed here for five long years?" I thought to myself, then I started doing some light exercise, and stretching of body at Yoga Posture, after that I went to freshen up, and pulled over a shirt and trousers. I was feeling refreshed, and gushed out of the room, inspecting the house, I was walking to and fro, the large mansion, I saw Torrie down arranging breakfast plates, and she had the braided cap on her head. I moved down towards table, she looked at me and asked, "Good Morning, Had a Nice Sleep?" I gladly replied "Well, I had..." I was about to tell her about her bewildering stories, which crumbled my sleep, but I thought if Sable would overhear this then, she would give Torrie a lettering, So I didn't speak, and then I questioned "Do you any Prayer Room?" Torrie's luminous face turned pale, her lips contracted with narrowing eyes, and she replied fumblingly, "I...I am afraid, we don't have in this mansion, I am Sorry Sir." She swung around to go. I exclaimed, "Wait!" And I wedged her palm involuntarily; she turned towards me with her eyes lowered, and looking at my hand clutching her palm. I realized my gaffe; I loosened her hands quickly and said "I am sorry, by mistake..." She interrupts looking at me, "It's OK." She looked glossed, and she tucked the lock of her hair behind her left ears, which was tendering her cheeks, and then she stepped back and replied, "Your Sister is an atheist, she don't believe in God." I scornfully smiled and replied, "So, She believes in the column of dark evil souls and goblins." And, all of the sudden her glossy face turned hard, then; I realized my error, how mortified I was? And I replied in a low tone, "I...I... Am sorry, if I hurt you, I didn't mean anything. Please, don't feel offended." Her face became like setting sun, widening her eyes in fear, her lips trembled and replied, "Sir, Please don't tell me sorry, perhaps you can pray anywhere you can wish, God is Omnipresent and, your prayer will be answered regardless of where you pray. I am sorry Sir, I have to go." then she turned and gushed towards kitchen, her footsteps were heavily scuffing on the floor. I turned towards the table to uncover the lids of the bowls, there were Tortillas, Egg Gravy and Salads, and I sat down waiting for Sable to come.

She comes in the hall, and we both had our breakfast with merry, this was a first occurrence where we sat on a breakfast and, having our conversation. I was startled by her hospitality and then after finishing our breakfast, suddenly her mobile phone rung, she talked to her counterpart and, she was talking about the Stock Market Speculations; I rose from the seat and went towards the washbasin to clear my hands. Sable went to her room talking on phone, I decided to move outside the room and, strolling in the garden, the sun rays made the garden looked splendid, there were many weeping willows and rose bushes covering the garden, also there were ivy's coiled on iron wrought trellis which made it difficult to notice. I looked at the other side, there was a Patio floored with cobbles with a large polished table and sofas surrounding three sides of table, I stood watching at the skies where birds flew freely. All of the sudden, I felt a cold hand clasp on my left shoulder. I felt the cold shivers down my spine and my hair on the nape of my neck stood pointed, I looked back and it was Sable. She asked, "Did I startle you?" I nodded my head and answered, "No." Sable gave a tough look at me, unearthing my childhood and converse about my nature, how I was a timid guy before and about my childhood accounts. I thought to myself, "She remember all the bits of my childhood, maybe she will scorn me. Nevertheless an Atheist always outwits everyone." I kept on smiling and acknowledging her talks. She told me, that how changed I have become, from a timid boy to now a Suave Man, but she still make out that, I still have wariness in me. Of Course, she is an expert in face reading also, Sable then altered her topic to something unusual, slowly and steadily she talked to me about Mythical things, Goblins, Disembodied Spirits and many weird spirits hovering in the darker world. I felt Goosebumps in my body, my heartfelt like pounding and, it will spat out of my mouth spilling the blood over the ground and I felt anxious.

Sable read my face and said, "I think you are feeling perplexed or dreaded like you use to be in your childhood", I smiled and said nothing. Her face turned hard, and she said that, to come with me, she clutched my hand and motioned me to come with her. She took me to Second Floor of her house, to a room, which she informed me that, it was her study room. She gave a gentle push to the door and it opened wide seeming to obey her. It was a large room; there was a window on the right side of where the curtains were opened for letting the light in. On the Left side there a huge ledge divided in three parts horizontally packed with books of different subjects, I couldn't read as there spine were worn out, also there were books written in unknown languages. It was her study room, I was astonished to see it; Sable looked at me and said "You wanna read those books." I replied hesitantly "No, Thanks Sister." And I smiled, She nodded biting her lower lips, "No worries Bro, I have a surprise for you." She replied with a smile. There was a polished table and two large oak chairs on the opposite sides of the table. She motioned me to sit, I obeyed her and, she sat opposite to me, she pulled a drawer and, took a pack of cards. She unpacked the cards and told me that, it is a Tarot Card and it will tell you about the future, She continued saying that, it will tell you, whether you will have a life of chastity or you will be tied in bond of marriage, whether it will be love or arranged, Her gleaming eyes turned hard, her facial expression seemed to be malevolence.

She shuffled the cards expertly staring at me and cut the cards into three piles, placing on the deck. She ordered me, "Pick any one of the cards" I took a card, and it was a dagger with the droplets of the blood shedding from its tip. I showed the card to show her. She raised a brow and tilted her head left, "You are about to face hurdles ahead but you will be successful." She said harshly. I felt the cold shiver in that, room in spite of hot weather. I sighed and asked her, "Is it precise?" She gave me a callous look, "Yes it is, I had been doing all my life, since my early teenage days and, I can bet this very house on It.", replied Sable with a harsh voice. She voiced me to shuffle the cards, my heart beat surged and sweat came running through my brow, I felt liked darkness groping around my eyes, When I touched the cards to shuffle, it felt as if it was skidding between my fingers and I didn't had any control over my hands, it was voluntarily shuffling the cards on its own. A shrilling cold voice felt in my ear, "Cut it into three piles." I did as informed by Sable, and then she took a card the glanced at it. The hard eyes of Sable shone and her face was brightened. She showed her card it was a heap of Coins, and on it rested a big treasure box which was spilled with gold ornaments. She smiled and said with a sweet voice, "Thank you brother, I had sealed my fate, it's a Money card." All of the sudden, I heard a chiming sound; she took the mobile from her pocket. She rose up and went towards window chattering on the phone. I glanced over the card with full of perplexity, I had heard about tarot but never in my life, had I felt so horrified by a tangible thing like these cards resting over the table. I didn't have the audacity to pick those in my hand, and thought, "How astute my cousin is? NO doubt, Torrie was suspicious about this house."

Sable came towards me and informed me that, she was happy as she had won a speculation, which fetched billions in stock market and the, amount will be endorsed to her bank account. I smiled and stood to give her a hearty Congratulation and told her that, her ambitions are coming true and she shook my hands, but her hands felt icy cold; she told me that, these are the powers of tarot and other entities. I was suddenly shocked by her words; it reminded me of Torrie's dreaded words, "the dark evil columns ate the flesh bones and drank blood." We retired to our rooms, I was feeling bored at home so I went outside to have a stroll at nearby markets, I bought vegetable, meat and fruits and went back home. Sable was surprised, she told me that, I would have ordered, Torrie to bring these, but I replied that, I was staying here, so I have my part to do. She smiled at me and, informed that, tomorrow evening we have a ball at Mrs. Lily's house which was meters away from our house, she was a good friend of my cousin Sable. I lacked the interest to go for a ball, but my refusal for the ball will hammer Sable, I exclaimed to myself in a low voice, "Oh boy! I am not a party animal."

After the scrumptious dinner, I went to my room; I opened the window so that, the cool breeze can come in. I sat on the study table besides the door switching on the table lamp and writing my book. I glanced at my watch, it was thirty minutes past ten, I heard a knock on the door, and I looked at the door. The door was opened ajar, a voice whispered, and it was Torrie, I told her to come inside. She entered my room, and she looked around in the room was asking about my day with Sable. I was a bit worried that, Why she is very much concerned about it? But I didn't ask her directly, as my blurting would hurt her. I stood and told her that, we just had a chat; I went towards the open window, parting the curtains, and turned around walking some steps towards her. She stepped forward, and came to the middle of room; Torrie crossed her hands across her body, and said, "Have you been to Madam's study room. Haven't You?" I was surprised to hear, and then she told me that, Sable is expert in tarot cards work up there and also she had seen me going to the study room with her. I was surprised by this and replied, "NO wonder, you are a Smart Women." She beamed and then finally, I told her about my storyline at the room. She raised her hands, covering her cheeks, in surprise, I could see the fear in her eyes, and then, she again crossed her arms around her body to stop shivering, she told me that, every night she can hear the whispers and during night the second floor becomes extremely dark and cold. I told her, about my yesterday night adventure. She was glad that, I kept my promise, as I didn't come out.

No doubt Torrie was a talkative women and she liked to interact more, and then I apologized to her about today's morning because, I had been sarcastic on her which, I shouldn't have done, she smiled revealing her beautifully aligned pearly teeth, looking straight at me and said, "I don't mind Sir, You are a Gentleman, I had ever seen in my life, I know you will never hurt me or anyone deliberately." I smiled and replied, "Don't call me Sir." Her eyes were sparkling, and I asked about her Family. She said that, she was staying in a nearby town, but she was no one at home except for her Cousin Brother, who stayed at her home. She told me that, she is educated, but didn't have any job so finally, at last due to her despair, she decided to work here. Very seldom she goes Home and also, when Sable permits once in a year. I informed about the ball, she told me that, she's not supposed to be come for the ball, but Sable is taking her so that, she can give a helping hand at Lily's house. She asked me whether, I am married or not, I informed that, I am not married yet; maybe it's on the destiny. The Moon shone very brightly flooding the room; her face was jittering in the room. I was swamped by the glittering light of the room, and of course her beauty and charm of on her face, which was turning stunning.

I said, "You look beautiful like a Moon." My heart was throbbing and I didn't know whether, Torrie had cast spelled on me, and why I was saying this to her? I never had a nerve to talk to a Woman in this way, I didn't know, but she was looking adorable, and I couldn't stop my tidal wave of feelings. Torrie let her hands fall down, she lowered her eyes and replied, "Thank You Sir, No one had complimented me yet." She was clutching the sides of her gown with her hands, I raised her chin towards me, and said soothingly, "Don't call me Sir, dear. I have a name." Her face blushed like rose, and she had shyness over her face. She gave me a demurring smile, we involuntarily came close, I groped my hands around her, one my hands rested on her waist, the locks of her hairs were tingling on her cheeks, and then I raised my hand and tucked the hair behind her right ear. She stared at me, and then, she hung her hands around my neck, I gently pulled her closer to me, her head rested on my chest, she looked towards me, then I moved my head further, I kissed her virgin lips and we had a passionate kiss, everything around us seemed to be twirling around and a cold gust of winds flew across the room. She was shocked and pulled herself, I saw the hairs covering her face like cobweb due to the breeze, then I parted her hairs gently tucking it behind her ears, She stared at me and confessed, "I have never felt my heart throbbing like this, I think, the first time, I saw you, my heart developed feelings for you, but I thought its vague, and now, I think even you have the same for me." I nodded, and she replied with a smile, "Now we need to get a Good Sleep and get ready for the ball tomorrow." I said jokingly, "Yes, if you want, you can sleep in this room." Her cheeks turned rosy and I continued, "when I go back home, I will take you with me." She wanted to say something, but she didn't. She withdrew the hands from me but her eyes were fixed on me, perhaps she didn't had the intention to leave me but, there was no way; she smiled and swirled around thus leaving the room. I felt glad but I didn't know, why she didn't say anything? And she didn't reply, when I told her about taking her to my home.

Then after some days, I will realize that, her silence meant about the horror in this house.

The next morning, I saw Torrie arranging breakfast, with her hairs tied beautifully and the white braided cap rested on her head, I glided down the stairs and stood at the corner of the table, Torrie turned and looked at me, she smiled, I went towards her then, gently holding both of her arms, and held it to my face, and I kissed it. She smiled at me, who was demurring with a blushing face, and lowering her eyes, then she withdrew her hands slowly, I too smiled at her and, we both exchanged glances frequently, the whole day passed by. We all were ready for the ball and were about to sit in Sable's car, at that, point of time we heard the car horn at the gates, an old man stepped out of the car waiting for us, he was stiff and having bushy beard. Sable said that, Mrs. Lily had sent the car for us, and this is her driver Mr. Basham. "I wonder why Lily is keeping this hag as a driver." Sable said scornfully. I looked at Sable with surprise, but I didn't spoke anything, I felt pity for Mr. Basham, but I felt good for Mrs. Lily, as she showed the courtesy for us. Mr. Basham opened the car door for us, I thanked him. Then our expedition reached her house, It was a large and beautiful house, but not as compared to my cousins house. Little I knew that, this ball will change our lives, and many secrets will be revealed after that, the house was decorated by lighting of various colors, the hall was huge and decorated with beautiful ribbons and the table was filled with various delicious dishes whose aroma filled the room. On the left side of the room there was an artificial fountain where a statue of fish with his head at upward position sprouting water from his mouth. Sable ordered Torrie to go to the galley and lend a helping hand. Sable met Mrs. Lily and they hugged, complimenting each other on their gorgeous looks. Lily was a slender looking woman, she was looking gorgeous, dressed in Rose colored gown and its hem was floating on the floor, her hair was tied with many pins and a Rose was tied on the hair, which made her look excellent. Sable didn't care to introduce me, but I didn't mind, I thought maybe, I am not vital for an introduction, however Mrs. Lily gave me a kind smile, and I too gave a smile to her, she informed that, she will be back after attending her guests, she was in a hurry.

The waiters were serving soft drinks; Sable and I grabbed the drinks, on the other end of the hall there were musicians playing soothing music. The ball began, and I saw a fair girl tapping Sable's shoulders from behind, I thought it might me Torrie, but it wasn't. She was a slender women dressed in Black Floral gown, her hairs were silky and shiny, which was left open and decorated with a beautiful rose, her eyes as blue as an ocean water was beautifully covered with eyeliner, her face was round and her lips were rosy, she was like a Heavenly Nymph in her full beauty, looking like a Heroine of the World Famous Poetry. Sable called her by name, Ms. Tina; they hugged each other and had their talks. I felt something strange about her, I don't know why? I was introduced to her by Sable, but Tina didn't have much significance in introduction, she looked at me, and then glanced at Sable chattering there ladies talk. I was taken aback, but nevertheless, I was habitual to it since childhood.

Tina then went for dancing, I look besides for Sable, but she was vanished, I walked around looking to and fro for her but, I was unsuccessful in tracing her, I shrugged and thought that, perhaps she will be with her friends. I walked through the corner of hall watching people dance and, suddenly I dashed against someone, it was, The Queen of My Heart, Torrie, I didn't recognize her first, as she had changed her dress; she was dressed in glossy Sleeveless Pink Gown with her hairs open tidily. She didn't make up and a small touch up was done, but she looked beautiful naturally without make up, I hold her on my arms length and complimented her for the beauty. She became blossomed, thus she pouted her lips and blew me a kiss. Torrie told me that, the dress was given by Mrs. Lily, as she helped others in the galley for food distribution. I felt good for Mrs. Lily, and appreciated her for modesty; I looked back and forth, and took her to corner. We hold each other in the crook of our arms, I assured that, Sable don't see us. We grabbed some cold drinks, and then at the other corner, I saw at the table, where the dinners were served, so we both went towards the table having our dinner. After having our dinner, we were sitting in a love seat watching couples dance, Torrie was swayed by them and she rested her hand on my hand, pressing it softly and gestured me for a ball dance, I saw happiness in her striking eyes, I looked around finding any trace of My Cousin. Then we went on the floor for dance, I rested my hands around her waist, she swung her arms across my neck, thus taking our dance steps, and I kissed on her forehead, her facial expression turned shimmered and she lowered her eyes, thus leaning on me.

The moment of despair was about to come in some minutes.

I saw a gleam of fire coming from the corner of my right eye and it was followed by the shrilled cry. The dance and the music was ceased, Everyone in the room were stunned; I saw the decoration of rooms and the dinner room catching fire like a burning bush, People were running in and surging here and there. I saw Tina running besides us covered in fire, Torrie and I were stunned, her face was melting like candle, the clumps of her beautiful hair were peeling off and her dress turned into ashes spreading in room due to the air caused by ceiling fan, she was shrieking due to pain and agony of the fire groping her body. Torrie withdrew from me, and jogged away, I was bewildered, and then she took an empty wok which had the some residue of gravy and ran towards the artificial fountain. She filled the wok with water and darted towards Tina. She yelled, "Tina Stop." Tina went outside the house and fell on ground, Torrie poured water on her, Torrie repeated the feat again, and somehow dozing off the fire, I grabbed a tablecloth and wrapped around Tina. The smoke oozed and her hair peeled off, her face had boiled and blackened like a meat cooked too long on a spit. She laid dead her face staring at night sky; her beauty was vanished, and turned her into a ragged doll or a scarecrow. Torrie fell on knees sobbing in front of Tina, I sat on my knees besides her consoling her, and then she clutched my shirt leaning over me sobbing uncontrollably.

The corpse was blackened like charcoal, the beautiful face was turn in despair, I was in the state of oblivion; my ears were ringing with the agonizing cry of Tina. I heard another thud of footsteps, and now I looked over my shoulders, I saw Sable coming, her eyes burning like fire, I was astounded, and then it became normal, "OH! My mind is turning feeble." I exclaimed to myself. I motioned Torrie to unlatch me, then we got up, Sable ran towards us and questioned, "Are you both okay? I was afraid as I didn't see you both." I gave a rough smile, She motioned to take Torrie with me, Then I dispersed with her and some intuition inside me forced me to look back, I looked over my shoulder, I saw Sable sliding out handkerchief from her pocket and wiping the blood on Tina body and gently folding the hankie, tucking it inside her gown's pocket, It was weird but, I was more concerned about Torrie so I hurriedly took her. Lily came running, She was in terrible despair; then people came huddling surrounded the dead body. Torrie and I sat in the car, she couldn't stop lamenting, and I consoled her. She stopped weeping but the emotions swamped her, I flung my arms around her shoulder, gently making her head lean on my right cuddling her. I couched behind resting my head on car seat thinking about the afternoon.

I went to the appalled room at second floor today, before the ball and this was a heads up for me.

Today, before our lunch, I was sitting at Patio having contemplation about the Tarot Cards, and I wanna give a try to know, what is stored for me, I went silently towards second floor opening the door knob with utter silence. The room felt cold and shivery, but I was keen to know about the secret magical powers of the Tarot Cards. I sat down on seat and opened the drawer, unpacking the cards, I felt so numbness in my fingers that, I dropped the cards on table, I arranged it and I bowed my heads on the cards as a mark of forgiveness, as I dropped the card by mistake. Then I took the cards, and began to shuffle. "Gotcha, Now please tell me, what will be held me in the future?" I told. Then I place it on table cutting in three piles, I picked a card which was a Skeleton grinning at me which symbolized death, I was taken aback to see, I then picked another card, It from another pile, and it was a warrior heavy clawed with armor riding on a white steed, but his head was a skull grinning again. On the Background the horse was on a charred lane of ashes, running towards a steppe mountain with Sun held high. I was perplexed, I thought to myself, it's not good to stay for longer time here, and then I packed the cards, keeping it in drawer, and tiptoed out the room. I didn't tell this to Torrie, as she may feel appalled before our visit to the ball.

I came back to my senses, at that time I saw the driver of Lily's car, Mr. Basham coming towards us and behind him was, Sable coming like a queen. I unwrap myself from Torrie and she unstated it; I moved to sit besides drivers seat. We reached home, Sable told us that, to remain calm and not to worry, She was very much concerned about us but the question of the Tarot Card seemed to be piercing my thoughts about the black magic, and Sable taking her hankie wiping Tina's blood came running in my mind, I tried to sleep but the dreadful face of Tina couldn't get out of my mind, when I closed my eyes, I couldn't sleep. Then I peered through the window from my bed, I saw the nimbus clouds covering the moon thus darkening the earth; I was lying in the bed glancing out of window, thinking about today's event and also the visit at the creepy second floor. I didn't know when I went into slumber.

I woke up around 5 am, I parted the curtain to have a glance out and the sky was hazy, with cool breeze blowing over the earth. I rejuvenated myself then, I resolute to dart towards Second Floor to know, what's stored in my fate? I sneaked towards my expedition, I opened the knob without making the creaking sound of the door, I felt like some one is following me, I looked back, and seize my phone from my pajama pocket, and lighting the mobile torch, there was no one but a creepy silence of darkness staring at me. I jogged towards the room and shut the door behind me, I leaned my back against the door and gasped out. The room was filled with scary darkness, my mobile flashlight was on and I hit at the direction of the chair, I walked towards it and plopped on the chair. I repeated my yesterday's deed, then I began to shuffle the cards, but to my horror I only got Death Card again. This time the skull was slightly tilted right, it had a crack running horizontally above forehead and, adjoining it was a crack running vertically and symmetrically running up to the top of skull, it gave me a malignant grin. My fingers were running numb, I again tried to scuffle the cards again and then cut it into three piles and placed on the deck, I gasp out, rubbing my hands, I picked a card and again the same heist was repeated, The card was a Death Card and, this time, the Skull and its body was fully clad with the apparel of an Emperor with a diamond studded crown placed on the head, sitting on a Huge Throne made of Gold, holding a Royal Specter with right hand upright and the left hand rested on the arms of Throne, it had a malignant smile spread over. The room around me grew unnaturally cold, I felt the shivers on my spine and suddenly the room around me began to blur, I rubbed my eyes and shook my head hard, but my vision become blurry and my eyes involuntarily shut down, where only the darkness existed.

The room was dark, and I saw Women in front of me; she wore a blue gown having a blonde curly hair with a square face and emerald eyes, she was smiling with her eyes glittering. Then her eyes became narrow and her beautiful face became pale, she was raising her hands towards me, and shouting for help but her voice didn't come out, only water bubbles were gurgling out of her mouth and nose, it seems that she was drowning. I knew she need aid, I ran towards her, but she was going farther, something was pulling her back, I shouted that, I am coming don't worry but, when I move ahead, she was pushed back. Then all of sudden, I saw clawed hands coming out of dark, I couldn't see, who was holding her. The hands were having sharp clawed nails which were covered by green mist. The nails dug into her shoulders, her eyes grew wild with horror and wider with fear. The clawed hands pulled her and sucked her into the dark, I could only hear the shrilling cry of her which was hair rising and it boomed the room. The shrieking voice of the woman shook the house to its very foundation; I felt like someone is watching me from the darkness, and then I saw many glinting green eyes, similar to the creatures of the night, they were staring at me and the eyes seem to move towards me step by step, and then all of the sudden, it vanished in the thin air.

I opened my eyes, the room was clear. I was sitting on chair, and I looked around, there was a subtle silence, sweat began to pour from my brow and then I got up from chair. I was trembling with fear, and I packed the card and placed in the drawer. I tread softly holding the banister and went to my room and closed the door, "Now What! "What is the meaning of this? Now how many deaths are there waiting on row to happen." I exclaimed to myself. I wanted to know the meaning of my vision, but it was vague, I sat on the bed with hands clasped together. That day at dining table, Sable told me that, she wants to plan a marriage for me and she may find a suitable fiance for me. I protested and told her that, I didn't have any plan for marriage right now, and when we were having this talk over the breakfast, at that time, Torrie was serving the food, her face grew insipid and she darted towards kitchen. I didn't like Sable interfering in my personal space; however, I couldn't blurt it out to her or she may get hurt. When Sable went to her room, I met Torrie at kitchen, I placed my hand on her shoulder and swung her towards me, her eyes were watery, and the hot drops were sloping down her beautiful cheeks. She didn't met my eyes and was gazing down sobbing silently, I lifted her chin and wiped her watery eyes, and holding her on arms length. I explained that, I don't have any plan to run on the path of Sable, and if anything happens, I will take my firm decision and will not back down, and I will marry only You and that's my Oath. She stopped sobbing and slowly like a glowing full moon, her face blossomed, I pulled her cheek gently and cuddled her, I told her about my expedition at study room yesterday and today morning. Torrie was in horror; she raised her hand to cover her mouth. I told her about the description of the women, Torrie rubbed her chin as she knew about the women, but she can't recollect, with who does the woman resembles. She said in trembling voice, "I told you there is something wrong in this place; I don't know how I made my five years here? She squeezed me and said, "Let's get out from here; I don't want to stay here anymore and I will come with you, wherever you take me." I wrapped her tightly and assured that, I will take her with me to the city and I knew that, I will surely take her city.

Torrie and I were about the face the horror of this house very soon.

The next day Sable, Torrie and I went to the riverside for a Picnic for refreshing our mind, she advised that its been a tough days for us, so to refresh our mind, we need to be close to the nature. Sable drove the sedan towards the riverside which was about some kilometres from her house; we had packed our lunch and carried water bottles. I informed Sable, before that, I wanted to leave for city, but she insisted to stay for few days as she felt the feeling of companionship, I couldn't turn it down, and so I couldn't tell about taking Torrie with me, I was determine that, I will tell her about my relationship with Torrie, but after some days. It was a Sunny Day the sky was cloudless; the land was filled with daylight. When we reached the Riverside, I felt refreshed a cool gust began to blow, the trees seems like dancing the wind and birds swayed over the river. We laid the mat and arranging the lunch box so that, after a stroll we can have the lunch. I was strolling around the river, there was a huge tree near the river, the tree was stooped and so its branch seems to touch the ground, its branch extended near the river. I sat on the branch with my feet rested on ground as the branch was too stooped; it was easy to sit on it without climbing. I enjoyed the scene near the river, I could see the fish swimming as the water was clear and placid. Then I saw over my shoulders to see the river flowing to other side, I saw a lump of cloth near the river back, I thought it might be a fishing net as there were many fishes, then again I inspected it clearly and it looked like a body, I stood and jogged towards it, and to my surprise came the horror of my life. The body was of a woman was similar to my vision, I had. The lips of the women were eaten by fish, I could see the teeth covered with green moss and, there were no eye balls and lids, only an empty eye sockets covered with oozing blood, she had worn the wet blue gown. Her hair were scattered and was rotting out. I was shivered with fear, I was in void, and didn't know, what to do? As this was my vision. I felt like my legs would give up and I will collapse. I then haste towards Torrie and Sable, and informed them about the body. We all rushed towards the river bank, Sable crouch down and examined the body; she covered her mouth in horror and exclaimed "Oh NO! She is my friend Ms. Julie, How did this happen?" Sable couldn't believe this. I saw Torrie sobbing besides me as she knew Julie, and standing beside her, was me who saw her in my vision. Sable looked over her shoulder and said in a sharp sound that, to pack all our belongings and get inside the car, she will call the Police, Torrie and I obeyed her. I hold Torrie and motioned her to come, she was sobbing continuously. I placed hand on her shoulder consoling her and moved, towards packing the things. Something inside me insisted me to look behind, I didn't want to, but then I glanced over my shoulder and I saw Sable taking her handkerchief from the pocket of her jeans, and wiping the blood over the eye socket, then she crinkled the handkerchief properly and tucked inside the pocket. I then shoot my eyes away, I thought, this was the same thing which happened during the incident at the ball. Torrie and I packed the things; I informed Torrie about the very Women lying dead was the one whom I saw in Vision also, I told her about the Sable wiping the blood from the carcass of Tina and Julie with handkerchief and keeping it. She was stunned and couldn't say anything; I knew the meaning of her silence, and now I became skeptic of Sable.

The days passed by, but there were seldom any Police Inquiries. The Police Inspector, Mr. Eric, visited only once and asked us about, Ms Julie. Due to the influence of My Cousin Sable, the case was vanished in thin air and it was close successively, claiming that, Ms Julie had committed suicide. It didn't reveal about her family or any facts, but later I came to know that, she was a friend of My Cousin and also the fact that, Mr. Bishop was a Corrupt Cop, who had been rewarded by riches by My Cousin, Thanks to Torrie, who had informed me about this information. I didn't have a gist what was going around? And what was about to happen in my few days of stay also I was anxious about Torrie. I had noticed in some few days that, Sable was talking more about dark arts, also she spend time talking to me about disembodied spirits, souls at hell, Ouija Boards, Summoning the spirits, these all which not seemed to fit in practical world. She even told me to believe in such demonic entities, but I politely refused it. Sable seemed to be normal but there was something revolving in her mind.

One night, I was at the Study Table writing my book, it was raining outside, the lighting were glittering in the sky, the rain pounded on the window glass. I glanced towards the window to enjoy the rain, but all of the sudden the rain stopped. I opened the window and a cool gust blown in, Now I saw the clear Moon shone the light on the Earth, I glanced at the garden, the petrichor smell of the mud surrounded the air, I took a breath which made me felt refreshed, and also feeling it romantic, I turned back to go to Torrie as the weather grew pleasant, but something made to turn back, I saw Sable coming from the back door. I didn't know why? But something inside me insisted to hide away, then I hid behind curtain and glanced from the corner of it, Sable came in the middle of garden, she lifted both her hands above her head, the wind become to swirl, the dead leaves flew over her head the dull clouds began to cover the moon. She stood in the midst of the swirling wind, her hair raised due to wind. The trees writhed in the wind as if it was in agony, then among the bushes I saw two glittering eyes which seems like an eye of an animal which gleams in the dark, it came out of the bushes. Sable bowed in front of her, it seems like she had a conversation with that, strange creature, and she tucked her hand inside her gown's pocket and took the very handkerchief which she uses to wipe the dead carcasses of Tina and Julie. She raised the handkerchief in the air and then it splattered into pieces, perhaps the blood was devoured by the creature, she then turned towards the house and went inside, I was astonished by it and I knew that, Sable is pure evil and she had killed Tina and Julie. I was shivering due to horror, I saw the creature hiding in the darkness, and I only saw the glinting eyes of the creature, hiding from one pocket of darkness to the other.

I tiptoed towards Torrie room and silently, I hold her hands, and darted towards my room; I showed her the creature's eyes through the recess between the walls and curtain, and I told her the whole account and Torrie already knew, as she had witnessed it many times. Then we went towards the midst of the room, and I said, "I am sorry, that, I didn't believe you the first time, you told me about this." Torrie replied, "I don't have regrets because, I knew, somewhere deep in your heart, you will trust me as you loved me." Her feared face was changed to a pleasant smile. I replied, "I believed you, when Sable took me to her study room, where I saw that, Tarot Card and its predictions." I raked my hair, Torrie glanced at me, and then she swung her hands around my neck and said, "I don't know, what life had stored for us? Perhaps there will be death coming on our way, but I will be with you always." She grew worried and even I was scared, but I didn't want her to worry, I hold her and gently pulled towards me, I talked, "Don't worry; there will be a way out, and I will not let you in trouble." I was hesitant, and then I mustered up the courage and said, "I want you to sleep in this room Torrie, don't go back, please." She stared at me. She read my face which was full of concern for her; I didn't want her to risk her life, anyhow staying in this dreaded house. Torrie's eye sparkled; she smiled at me and said, "OK, I will sleep here, you are truly a Gentleman, I always dreamed of a Man like You, because you are very kind and matured. I may not be a suitable match for you, but for me, you are only a Perfect Suitor in this whole World." I looked at her pretty eyes, which gave witness of truth to her words. I cuddled her and replied, "I know, you are telling the truth, and I do trust you. I will take you to city and, we will stay at Our Home there." We have forgotten our worries for a while. I had a feeling to go and look outside the window, but Torrie hold my hands, and shook her head back and forth; she didn't want me to be in trouble.

Torrie looked at me and said, "Please don't feel offended, But if I sleep with you then, is it right? You may think that, I am crazy or bygone but....." She was hesitant; I raised my hand and shook her chin gently and smiled. I went towards the cabinet, where my bag stood on the floor. I stooped and took a Small Paper Packet of Holy Vermilion and a Jewelers Box; I moved in front of her. Torrie was looking at me, she was confused and I uttered to her, "Don't worry my beloved; I knew you will ask me. This Holy Vermilion is a token of our marriage and the one in the box, I will tell you later." She glanced at me with surprise for a moment, and she gave me a mute consent, I placed the Jewelers Box on the bed, and then I unpacked the paper thus taking a pinch of Holy Vermilion on my fingers and running it from the upper tip of her forehead. Torrie's eyes watered with joy. I took the Jewelers Box and gave it to her. Torrie unboxed it and her eyes shone with happiness, it was a Nuptial Chain, She ran her fingers on it which was embedded with Gold and Black Beads and the Pendant on it was reversed triangular in shape and was designed with Gold and Black designs. She looked at me with a gleaming eye, and I asked, "Did you like it?" She gleamed and replied, "Yes I do, and I feel that, my dreams had come true." I took the box and hold the Nuptial Chain, I unhooked it and fasten the Nuptial Chain around her neck. She glimpse at the Nuptial Chain thus running her fingers on it, She looked at me with the tears of joy running, which made her eyes gleamed beautifully. I wiped her tears, and then she beamed and flung her arms around my neck, she moved her head forward and our lips locked making our First Married Kiss, it was a passionate kiss, and a promise to be together forever. We decided to keep this Marriage a secret , and then we made to bed for Our Nuptial Night; this was a prelude to our story of togetherness.

The next day, My eyes opened and besides me slept Torrie on my left gripping me, I got up to wear my dress. I remembered about the hideous monster behind the bushes, I looked at the clock, it was Six, and I slid behind the curtain and the glinting eyes of the monster were fading away, making an oozing smoke appear. I felt a huge relief in my heart, I came out of curtain and I glared outside whether to check any sign of the monster, but it was vanished. I gasped out and looked at the Morning Sun, rising to the horizon filling the sky with redness, Torrie got up, dressed her up, and she unhooked the Nuptial Chain to hand over to me as, Our Marriage is a secret, but I insisted to keep it with her and then she tucked it under her gowns pocket. She hurriedly went towards her room, but it was quietly; we had made a plan which will soon get unfolded.

Torrie and I had made a plan yesterday night to escape the dreadful house.

I remembered the plan, we made the previous night, after our marriage ceremony was done, Torrie told me that, Sable will send her on a holiday, because she does it every year, when this hideous monster arrives, as she herself had witnessed the monster many times and, by morning it vanishes in thin air. I had an extra mobile phone with an active connection, which I gave to Torrie, because I knew that, something malevolent will befall us, I wanted to be in touch. Torrie told me that, Sable will not kill her, because she was handling all her household chores and due to her bad reputation of dark arts among some people, no one will dare to come to her for work so she still kept Torrie alive, she gave the duplicate keys of the house to sneak out. I disclosed my secret to Torrie, every month, at least thrice; I use to visit a Holy Priest who was well versed with Divine Powers and also have a firm knowledge of Occult, he use to have Premonition of the future events, which happen in people's life. Once I visited him before, I would visit My Cousin Sable, The Priest gave me a gist of future events, He always use to give me a Holy Vermilion in small folded packets of paper, which was used in Prayers. But this time he gave me more packets of Vermilion, He gave me a Pendant which is a Divine Locket, fastened by a Holy Black Thread. The Priest informed me that, nothing will happen and have Strong Faith on God, and you will be protected.

I gave many packets of Holy Vermilion to Torrie, and leftover was taken by me, as I was very much concerned about her, and I instructed her about its uses. At first open the packet and pour the Vermilion into the palm, then fist the arms and tell the Holy Hymns followed by Our Prayers, after completing the Hymns open the arm and blow it. This Holy Vermilion, if stirred in water, it will turn the water Holy. Our plans were made perfectly but only time will unfold the reality. On that day, Sable had given few days leave to Torrie and informed her that, to come back later, I knew something was fishy from her side. Sable told me, that Today was a Halloween's Day and she wanted her house to be decorated, we went to fill the vases with flowers and watering the plants at the garden. I helped her in cleaning the house also we had our afternoon lunch. As Sable was an occultist and on top of that today in Hallow Eves Day, so my skeptic rose, and there is one thing that would answer my queries, and that is the Tarot Cards.

This would be my last prediction of my lifetime, which would be unfolded.

I wanted to know, what was her plan? And what she is up to do in this Hallow Eves Day? This is a day, where the spirits lurk out in our world, but this is also a time for evil spirits to harass humans. I slid towards the study room to check for the Tarot Cards and to know the future. I opened the door and it felt misty, as if the door was closed for many years and a strong sour smell filled the air. I ignored it and went to the deck, drawing the cards, I shuffled the cards to check for any prediction but this time the cards showed be death. "This is the height of vanity, how could the card, I pick is death?" I uttered. Then I spread the cards across the deck and to my anguish, all the card were, I exclaimed "Death! No it's not possible." Then I packed the cards and kept it in drawer, and I darted outside the room. I scurried down and all of sudden something cut through the sole of my shoes, I glanced down to pick and it was a piece of bone. I remembered the voice of Torrie saying, "The dark evil columns ate the flesh, bones and drank blood." I threw the bone and rushed downwards holding the banister, I felt a slick on my palm and when I saw, it was the fresh blood smeared my palms. "Now how many innocent lives, she will trample?" I said to myself. I reached the room and closed the door behind me and commence to pack my bags. I called Torrie, and informed about the Tarot Cards. She said that, her Cousin Brother, Mr. Rey and she will come towards the mansion and we will escape to city.

I grabbed the bag and glided towards the door to open, but all of the sudden I heard a sharp voice, "You are not thinking of leaving the house, before the party begins. Are You?" I turned around to see; Sable's beautiful face was turned hard and merciless. I replied, "I have to rush as my official holidays are over. I am sorry, I have to go. I am very pleased by your hospitality." Sable said in a hard voice, "You cannot go out without my consent, you are a wretch soul and now you are trapped." I was angry on her and shot on her, "What evil have you done? You are a pure evil." She laughed louder, and her laugh seemed to echo around the house. She raised her hands above her head, like she did yesterday night, the wind began to swirl and the chandelier was motioned due to winds. Sable was suspended in the air, her green eyes turned black, pit black eyes which had no eyeball, her black eyes glistened and her teeth were large and canine. I was shocked and my bag was loosened from my grip falling on the floor, she stared at me and said, "You bloody hick, you have seen my evil appearance now, Remember I gave you a generous offer to join me, and learn dark arts but you didn't." I stammered, "So....so...... it......it was you who killed Tina and Julie, You have killed those poor souls, what the hell you want? And who are you?" She laughed again and shouted, "You twit, I love killing and their blood increase my power and surging my beauty." I yelled, "You are a hideous evil, who have no mercy, but the time will come where, you will be answerable to God for the sins and you will be pushed to deep pits of hell." She came close to me, I felt the cold shivers moving from her to me, Sable said in a shrilled voice, "Throw your talks out, It will not help you, you are about to die now."

She moved above in the air and glanced behind her at second floor. "She is summoning someone." I thought, and then a Black Smoke darted from Second Floor, stirring at the ceiling, slithering back and forth. She looked at me and said in sharp voice, "You dick head, it's your turn to die, and I know that, you have feeling for Torrie, I will also torture her to death." And she laughed like a devil. I roared back, "You will never have a chance to lay a finger on her." She looked sharply at me and hissed. Then all of the sudden, I went in an oblivion and when I came back to my senses, I was at the Study Room of Sable. I looked around and I saw Sable standing near the window, I moved my glance straight, where I saw the dark smoke of ghouls emerging from the dark side of the room. The dark smoky columns of evil faces, which had no eyes and only dark pit, they were wailing and howling, the face was covered with sores and blood oozing from their faces, they were moving back and forth slithering around, They were wailing and howling. Sable move swiftly through air, coming behind me, she gave a hard push from back, and I slipped through the neat polished floor on felled on my chest. I jerked my head up, the black smoke of faces raced towards me. They were howling and weaning, looking at me to devour me, there were many faces on the smoky column. I heard the voice of Sable chiming in, "These all are my friends and relatives whom I had killed." She paused and said "Even my husband Vivian is among the faces." I realized how evil she is, and if I die then my soul will be trapped among these hideous faces. One of the faces tucks its tongue out, It was full of puss and sores, and to my horror I realized, this face is familiar, I saw it's a women and it was Tina. The beautiful women had turned into a dreaded, disfigured face and on the other column appeared was Julie; she had only an eye which was hung by its thread, giving me an evil grin with a fungal tattered teeth. This is it, I have to help myself, and I had left with no other option, I got to fight or perish and the latter will be a futile option.

The voice of Sable rushed, "You were a Black Sheep, a good for nothing tedious guy. From childhood you were a nimble, a shame and a disgrace to our family." She continued, "You are feeble, you have no chance to stand in front of my supreme powers, you dinky mouse." She laughed at me and taunted me. Clawed hand sprouted out of the Dark Columns coming to kill me, I stood on my feet. The clawed and tore my jacket, fortunately it didn't hurt me. I went back and forth to escape the claws. I slid towards the wall and pushed my back against it, I tucked inside the jacket's pocket, where I had the small packets of folded paper containing Holy Vermilion. I soon unfolded it and took the Holy Vermilion in my palm and chanted, the Holy Hymns at the top of my voice, The Dark Columns stood two steps in front of me staring and then, I blew the Holy Vermilion at the evil faces. All of the sudden, it started shriveling in horror, facing backwards. I gasped out, I watched at the particles of Holy Vermilion left in my hand, and I raked it through my hair. I saw from the corner of eye, the Dark Columns rushed towards me, and then I removed my Holy Locket from my neck, It gave a Divine Glow in my hand, I kissed it and aimed towards the column like a dart. The Divine Locket pierced through the dark evil smoke and destroying it, The dark thing split apart into blood and sticky black liquid, I jogged and stringed the Divine Locket around my fingers of my righthand. I glanced towards Sable, she lay on the floor, her arms and legs sprawled awkwardly, her hair spread over the floor creating a black pool. I saw her eyes turning normal, she glanced at me and asked meekly, "What have you done? You have done an error." I replied with sharp tone, "It is result of you evil deeds, which had consumed you; I like to give you an advice, Never underestimate your enemy." I hold the unpacked paper, which had the Holy Vermilion; she gasped out, "No...No, you shall not do it." But I didn't paid heed to her talk; I spelled the Holy Hymns and blew at Sable, The Holy Vermilion spread over her face. I shouted, "Keep this gift; It will help you in hell, you wretch pathetic soul."

I darted out, my bag was left at the door; I picked the bag and flunk the door open. I was running towards the gate, but then I saw the ivy slithering to kill me. I remembered Torrie told me, that, the trees of this garden have evil spirits, and they move incessantly. I stood and motioned my hand over my head, which had the Divine Locket, the pendant shot Divine Lights at the ivy and then, I heard a loud sound ramming through the gate, A car stopped, Torrie came out with the a Bottle Spray, and she sprayed the water towards the ivy, chanting loudly, the Holy Hymns of God. The evil ivy slid back wailing and making rustling sound. I understood that the Water was mixed with Holy Vermilion, which turned into a Holy Water; Torrie placed the Bottle on the bonnet of the car. She ran towards me and wrapped me tightly; Torrie looked at me and asked, "Are You OK, honey? Where is Sable?" I gazed back at the house and viewed the study room window which lay empty; I turned at Torrie and replied, "It's over, She had lost her powers, I will tell you, come let's rush." I hold her hand and rushed towards the car. We sat at the back of the car and we drove away, I glanced at the hulking mansion, which grew smaller and my heart turned lighter, and the sun was sinking away at west, casting off its light from the hideous mansion. I laid my head back at that, seat; I kissed the Divine Locket and placed around my neck. I looked at Torrie, She had a watery eyes looking at the mansion, and I raised my head and rubbed her tears. I thanked her for coming to my aid.

She introduced me to the Person on driving seat; He was her Cousin Brother, Rey, and I leaned ahead and thanked him for coming. I explained about my encounter with Sable, and after that Torrie tucked her hand in her gowns pocket and grabs the Nuptial Chain, to show me. Itook the Nuptial Chain and she turned her back towards me, pulling her long hairs forward. I fasten the Nuptial Chain on her neck and thus, this will remain on her forever. We reached Mumbai City, Torrie and I went to the Temple and we married again with full rituals and began a new life in the city, where there were many familiar faces far away from the fear. We began our new lives; I found real happiness in her arms and a promise of togetherness.

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