Chapter 12. The Great Escape Plan.

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I remembered the plan, we made the previous night, after our marriage ceremony was done, Torrie told me that, Sable will send her on a holiday, because she does it every year, when this hideous monster arrives, as she herself had witnessed the monster many times and, by morning it vanishes in thin air. I had an extra mobile phone with an active connection, which I gave to Torrie, because I knew that, something malevolent will befall us, I wanted to be in touch. Torrie told me that, Sable will not kill her, because she was handling all her household chores and due to her bad reputation of dark arts among some people, no one will dare to come to her for work so she still kept Torrie alive, she gave the duplicate keys of the house to sneak out. I disclosed my secret to Torrie, every month, at least thrice; I use to visit a Holy Priest who was well versed with Divine Powers and also have a firm knowledge of Occult, he use to have Premonition of the future events, which happen in people's life. Once I visited him before, I would visit my cousin Sable, The Priest gave me a gist of future events, He always use to give me a Holy Vermilion in small folded packets of paper, which was used in Prayers. But this time he gave me more packets of Vermilion, He gave me a Pendant which is a Divine Locket, fastened by a Holy Black Thread. The Priest informed me that, nothing will happen and have strong faith on God, and you will be protected.

I gave many packets of Holy Vermilion to Torrie, and leftover was taken by me, as I was very much concerned about her, and I instructed her about its uses. At first open the packet and pour the Vermilion into the palm, then fist the arms and tell the Holy Hymns followed by our Prayers, after completing the Hymns open the arm and blow it. This Holy Vermilion, if stirred in water, it will turn the water Holy. Our plans were made perfectly but only time will unfold the reality. On that day, Sable had given few days leave to Torrie and informed her that, to come back later, I knew something was fishy from her side. Sable told me, that today was a Halloween's Day and she wanted her house to be decorated, we went to fill the vases with flowers and watering the plants at the garden. I helped her in cleaning the house also we had our afternoon lunch. As Sable was an occultist and on top of that today is Hallow Eves Day, so my skeptic rose, and there is one thing that would answer my queries and that is the Tarot Cards.

This would be my last prediction of my lifetime, which would be unfolded.

I wanted to know, what was her plan? And what she is up to do in this Hallow Eves Day? This is a day, where the spirits lurk out in our world, but this is also a time for evil spirits to harass humans. I slid towards the study room to check for the Tarot Cards and to know the future. I opened the door and it felt misty, as if the door was closed for many years and a strong sour smell filled the air. I ignored it and went to the deck, drawing the cards, I shuffled the cards to check for any prediction but this time the cards showed be death. "This is the height of vanity, how could the card, I pick is death?" I uttered. Then I spread the cards across the deck and to my anguish, all the card were, I exclaimed "Death! No it's not possible." Then I packed the cards and kept it in drawer, and I darted outside the room. I scurried down and all of sudden something cut through the sole of my shoes, I glanced down to pick and it was a piece of bone. I remembered the voice of Torrie saying, "The dark evil columns ate the flesh, bones and drank blood." I threw the bone and rushed downwards holding the banister, I felt a slick on my palm and when I saw, it was the fresh blood smeared my palms. "Now how many innocent lives, she will trample?" I said to myself. I reached the room and closed the door behind me and commence to pack my bags. I called Torrie, and informed about the Tarot Cards. She said that, her Cousin Brother, Rey, and she will come towards the mansion and we will escape to city.

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