Chapter 2

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I knew this bush like the back of my hand, due to me needing space away from people, and wandering around in nature helped me think. Plus, the fact that it wasn't the biggest bush around didn't do the whole 'getting lost' thing any favors. I ran along the wooden walkways, still dragging Kirishima behind me. I winding through the gravel pathways beneath the trees when he managed to call out to me again.

"I feel like we should be taking our time in a place like this!" He spoke with a slight laugh, grinning toothily as I glanced back at him. It reminded me of something that made me feel dizzy, that I was in some sort of fanfiction, or in one of the roleplays that my friend hosted, where people from different universes are whisked away with little to no chance of returning.

"Just keep moving, keep following me!" I breathed, still running as fast as I could. "I can't let anyone see you..." Just thinking about what would happen if someone found out a guy with legitimate superpowers suddenly appeared in our world made my heart race even faster. Holy crap... what would Horikoshi himself think? The creator of the whole franchise would freak out, and he wouldn't be alone; that was the only thing I was certain of.

"Why not? Is there a villain with this town under his thumb? I swear, I can take him on! I've taken on some tough folks!"

"Oh believe me, I know..." I muttered, twisting down the pathways, through the long-leaved plants that draped over the pathway and itched at my ankles. I dragged him over streams and creeks, down stairs, over fallen and rotten logs, and through tiny twigs of trees to find a landmark that I recognized that was away from civilization, and where no one would spot us. "There!" I exclaimed, spotting the semi-fort that a friend had made, then abandoned to build a new one in the same forest, but in a different spot.

"Where!?" Kirishima called, a little too loudly for my taste, causing me to flinch slightly. I crouched down in the abandoned fort, not wanting to get my shorts dirty. I patted the ground with one of my hands, inviting him to crouch down, too.

"Not so loud, dude, we can't have anyone finding us..."

"Yeah, sorry. I get that, but, why? You never answered me before." He plopped himself down, not caring about the dirt on the ground, and instead focusing on picking dirt, bugs and twigs that got stuck in his hair during the chaser-less chase. I briefly wondered how the bugs got in there, but I quickly threw the thought away in favor of asking my own questions.

"I promise I'll answer you, I just need you to answer one question for me." I could never really tell what a lot of facial expressions meant, but I assumed he was a bit annoyed and frustrated that I wasn't answering his questions about what was going on. But, he did nod, signaling me to go on. "Is your name, legally, and from the moment of your birth; Eijiro Kirishima?"

His eyes practically grew to the size of dinner plates, his mouth hanging open. "How... how do you know my name..?"

I sighed, finally letting my legs rest and sitting in the dirt just as he was doing. "Hh-Okay... that answers that question. Now to your questions." I tucked my knees close to my chest, rocking back and forth to help myself think. "Now, trust me, this is stressful and confusing for me, and it'll be stressful and confusing for you, too. But, please, stay with me on this." I paused, waiting for his second go-ahead. He paused a bit, then motioned with his hand for me to continue. "So, I know your name because there's a TV show that I watch where you are a character. The reason no one should see you is because quirks don't exist."

If he had been standing, I was sure that he would have stumbled and caught himself on a tree. But, since he was sitting down, he only clutched his head gently, silently processing it. "Am... am I the main character?" He asked innocently.

I shook my head. "No, Izuku is. But, you do get some attention in the fourth season. You know, with the Shie Hassaikai? That's around when the fans learned about your backstory and started to fall in love with you..." I averted my eyes for a few moments. Some people even took that 'falling in love' thing a bit too literally... and I am some people.

Kirishima pouted down at the ground, muttering a curse or two when I mentioned that he wasn't the protagonist. "I guess that makes a bit of sense... Midoriya is pretty powerful... and super flashy." His eyes grew distant and sad, and I recognized the tone of his voice from his central episode, when he was talking with his friends about his insecurities. My heart ached as I realized that he was in pain, and I scooted over towards him, placing my hand on his knee.

He looked up at me, his eyes softening and giving me a smile that made my heart skip a beat. "Thanks."

"It's okay..." I wanted to call him Kiri. But should I have called him Eijiro? I guess I should just ask. "Uhm, are you okay with me calling you Kiri?" I asked him, rubbing his leg gently to try and comfort him some more from his insecurities. 

He placed his hand on mine, rubbing it back. He grinned, exaggerating a flirty tone. "Sure, but only if I get to know your name, too, beautiful." Kirishima winked, and I lost myself in laughter and incoherent, high-pitched babbling. My cheeks burned and stung with my smile and blush. I took a quick moment to thank whatever gods existed that he hadn't been in a discord call with me. Anyone who had shared at least two calls with me knew that whenever an image of Kirishima came up, or when someone did a voice impression of him; I dissolved into giggles and incoherent babbling.

I tried to repress my laughter, gasping for air. Once I caught my breath, I introduced myself, but kept my flattered smile. "My name's Courtney. It's really nice to meet you..." 

"Nice to meet you too..."

Silence filled the forest. "...Now what?"

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