🔎Chapter 4🔍

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Chapter 4



"I don't think I'm going to be sleeping ever again," John mumbled, clutching at the salt container Dean had brought out, "The first chance I get I'm getting an anti-possession tattoo."

Sherlock still sat calmly in his chair, his chin still placed on his hands. He had been nearly silent during their 'lesson', asking a question every once in awhile. what the creature looked like, how to kill it, how to protect yourself from it, etc.

"Right well, teaching is making me hungry," Dean sighed, standing up, "Food run?"

"Let's go, want to come (Y/n)?" Sam asked, standing up as well.

"No thanks," (Y/n) smiled, picking up her Dad's journal, "I think I'll stay here."

"There's a Chinese place near here," John pointed out, "We can go get that. If you don't mind I think I'll see Mary after."

"Wait," Dean froze, "Who's Mary?"

"Mary is his fiancé," Sherlock explained, sitting up in his chair.

"No way," (Y/n) whispered.

"What's so strange about this?" John questioned, "She isn't a supernatural creature is she?"

"No she's a retired secret agent," Sherlock mumbled, "You know that John."

"I didn't look at the memory stick, we have no idea what could have been on it," John shot back.

"Okay, ignoring the fact that your fiancé was a secret agent, Mary and John were our parents' names," Sam explained, the group shared a shocked look.

"I really hope this doesn't get confusing," John shook his head, grabbing his coat, Sam and Dean did the same, making some small talk with John as they left the apartment.

A heavy silence filled the air as Sherlock resumed what (Y/n) liked to call The Sherlock Pose and (Y/n) began to read through her Dad's journal once again. This had to have been the fifth time (Y/n) had since he had died, while it brought back memories, it was a great source of information, and really the only book of information they had that didn't belong to Bobby.

"How did you learn to deduct?" Sherlock asked suddenly, (Y/n) looked up from the page she was reading, an entry about Djinns.

"I don't know," (Y/n) said slowly, racking her brain in an attempt to remember how she learned to 'deduct' as Sherlock called it, it was like there was just a blank spot, there were memories of her practicing, but nothing of how she began to do it, "I remember me practicing, but not how I learned to do it."

"And your parents," he continued, "You have mentioned them, that notebook belongs to your Father, obvious by the messier handwriting and how worn down it is. Your Mother, on the other hand, is someone that you never knew. While you are wearing makeup it is cheap, easy to see through your eyelashes, a Mother would never let a daughter wear something like that, they would let her use their own.

"On top of that your outfit is similar to your brothers, if you were raised with a Mother then your style would most likely be different. The necklace around your neck is unique, three intertwining loops, representing you and your two brothers. It was given to you by Sam, your twin, evident by a few similarities between you. Your oldest brother, Dean, has a necklace also from Sam, you hold it close to you, it being one of the best presents you had ever gotten."

"Good job," (Y/n) gave a small smile, "And to answer your question, my Mom died in a fire set by a demon when me and Sammy were six months old. Our Dad died around a year or two ago, selling his soul for Dean."

"You can sell your soul?" Sherlock questioned.

"To a crossroad demon yeah," (Y/n) sighed, "Dean did the same thing for Sam when he was killed, Dean went to Hell, and was taken out by an angel friend...But enough about that, what's Sherlock Holmes' life?"

"I got into this life when a young boy going to my school died, everything about it screamed murder, not accident like they said. It seemed, that me and my brother both learned how to do certain things like this."

"I see," (Y/n) nodded, "Anything else?"

"I had a dog," he said slowly.

"Something I never had," (Y/n) shrugged.

"Opinion on people?" Sherlock asked, continuing what felt like twenty questions.

"What, am I being interrogated," (Y/n) joked, Sherlock kept his straight face and (Y/n) cleared her throat awkwardly, "Well, I've hunted plenty of things in my lifetime, and I mean, demons and werewolves I get, but people are just annoying and crazy."

"I appreciate your annoyance with normal people," Sherlock nodded. "I tend to share the same view."

"People just don't understand what can sometimes be right in front of them," (Y/n) added.

"Exactly," Sherlock clapped enthusiastically.

"There have been tons of cases where the supernatural evidence was right there, and the people just blamed it on something else." (Y/n) laughed.

Within the next half hour Sherlock and (Y/n) bonded over what might have been the weirdest of things. The strangest things they've deduced, the stupidest people they've met, the best and most mysterious cases they've encountered. Things like that, Sherlock kept his calm demeanor over the course of the day, while (Y/n) showed more emotion in her words and actions.

"Glad to see you haven't killed each other," Dean opened the apartment's door, a bag of Chinese food in his hand, Sam right behind him.

"Food," (Y/n) got off of the couch, taking the bag of food out of Dean's hand and looking through it.

"Hey," Dean snatched the bag away from her again, "Some of us need to eat too."

He walked into the living, taking out the four boxes, seeing as how the kitchen was too crazy to eat in there. (Y/n) took four boxes out of the bag, passing them out, they would trade is they wanted what someone else had. Sherlock moved positions and opened is box, taking a bite of the food.

"The last time I had food was two days ago," he spoke casually.

"How can you not eat for that long?" Sam questioned.

"I was in my mind palace," Sherlock shrugged.

"This is why you are so scrawny," (Y/n) mumbled, shaking her head like a Mother would.

"So did you two find any other possible leads on the case while we were gone?" Sam asked.

"Nope," (Y/n) shook her head, "We didn't find anything else as of right now. As much as I hate to say it, someone else is going to have to die, this way we can get up close and see the scene better."

"Well then we wait."

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