:A Surreptitious Relationship: Capitulo Treinta-Cinco, Parte Uno

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            "Well hello transfer student," Lance greeted, sidling up to me, and wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "How you doin'?" 

            I rolled my eyes at him, pushing him away, pausing in front of the back entrance of the school. "Transfer student?" 

            He nodded. "You haven't hung out with me in awhile, so you've dropped on my friend pyramid." 

            "I'm sorry," I apologized, frowning. "We can hang out some time this week. Me, you, and Casey." 

            "No boyfriend?" Lance questioned. 

            "No boyfriend," I told him honestly. "I don't need to be around him twenty-four seven, Lance." 

            He raised an eyebrow, looking at me skeptically. "Sure..." 

            "I don't! I just like to be around him. As I should. Since I'm his girlfriend." 

            "I want a girlfriend," Lance sighed wistfully. 

            I nudged him in the side. "Go ask Lexi out. Jeremy turned her down so I think you have a chance now." 

            His eyes widened. "I thought she was dating Willis?" 

            "They broke up," I told him. "I think she was dating some other guy too, but they broke up as well. You might as well give it a shot, huh?" 

            Determination flashed in his eyes. "She'll soon love me. Just watch, Holly, she and I will be closer than you and Heywood are." 

            I snorted. "Impossible. Chris and I have a love bond that can never be broken." 

            "Love bond, hmm?" a new voice pitched in, sounding amused. "And I thought I said the cheesy stuff." 

            Blood rushed to my cheeks and I twisted around to come face-to-face with Chris. He smirked at me. I did my best to keep my composure. "G-good morning, Mr. Heywood." 

            "Good morning, Ms. Evers," he responded, patting my head. "I have a feeling this is going to be a good week." 

            "Why's that?" Lance asked, crossing his arms. 

            Chris wagged his finger at him. "Ah, young one, that is the question, isn't it?" 

            He blinked back. "Okay..." 

            "He's happy because Aaron is going to be in the hospital for awhile," I told Lance, shaking my head at Chris, who was now grinning like a maniac. "Even though he shouldn't be so happy about someone being mugged," I added accusingly, shooting him a dirty look. 

            He shrugged. "He had it coming. It saved me the trouble." 




            I paused. That didn't sound like Lance's voice. "Casey?" 



            "Hi Mr. Heywood!" she chirped, popping out from behind Lance. "You're looking excellent today!" 

            Chris flashed her a handsome smile. "Don't I everyday?" 

            "No," she deadpanned. 

            He scowled. "You're a brat." 

            She gave him an innocent smile. "Actually, I'm eighteen, so I'm an adult. Your remark is void." 

            "I hate your friends," he muttered moodily to me. "They're-" 

            "Awesome," Lance interjected, throwing an arm around my shoulder again. "I know, Heywood, you're stuck with that Jeremy guy. He seems cool though." 

            "He is," Casey told him the same time Chris said, "He's not." 

            Lance cocked an eyebrow. "Right..." 

            "Anyway, today at lunch let's all meet up in Mr. Heywood's room," Casey suggested, holding up a gigantic cooler. "My mom went to a family picnic yesterday and made enough food for Japan, so I brought some of the extras to share for lunch. I'm going to go invite Jeremy too." 

            "Why my room?" Chris complained. 

            "Because if we don't do it in your room, you won't come," Casey responded as if she was stating the obvious. 

            He sighed. "You still need to get my permission first." 

            She pouted. "Fine. Can-" 

            "Chris, can we please eat lunch in your room?" I asked, cutting Casey off and giving him the best puppy-dog look I could muster. 

            "You know that look doesn't work on me," he responded, frowning. 

            "Hey," Lance interjected, waving his hand. "We'll be late-" 

            I crossed my arms. "Fine. I see how it is. You don't want to eat lunch with me. That's okay. I'm sure James wouldn't mind replacing you- ow!" 

            Lance snorted as I grasped Chris's hands, which were pinching my cheek by the thumb and forefinger. He wiggled them up and down. "Aren't you just so cute when you try to force me to do thing by trying to make me jealous?" 

            "I'm wot! I'm wot!" I cried, grimacing in pain. "I'm sowwy! I'm sowwy!" 

            He finally let go, a satisfied expression on his face. "Good." 

            I rubbed my cheeks, glowering at him. "You're so abusive." 

            "Don't even start, Holly," he said, shaking his head. "I've never hit you. You've punched me multiple times. I think the abusive one is you." 

            "I-I'm not!" 

            Lance rolled his eyes. "Seriously, you guys. If we don't hurry, we're going to be-" The bell rang, cutting him off. "Late," he finished with a scowl. 

            Casey was the first one in the building. "Okay! See you guys at lunch time in Mr. Heywood's room!" 

            "Casey! I didn't say... She's gone," Chris sighed, running a hand through his messy hair. 

            Lance clapped him on the shoulder as he walked by. "See you then, Heywood. Don't get too excited." 

            "I won't." 

            I nudged him in the shoulder. "Come on, it'll be fun." 

            "Putting Casey and Jeremy together is not fun," he responded, giving me a flat look. "It's dangerous." 

            "How is it dangerous?" 

            "To my health. I get headaches." 

            I laughed, rolling my eyes at him. "Come on, Chris. Don't be a sore thumb about this. It's been awhile since we've all gotten together to do something." 

            He pursed his lips at me for a moment before reluctantly nodding. "Okay, okay. I guess if I have to I'll let you guys use my room as a gathering center." 

            "That's the spirit!" 

            "In return, I want you to kiss me." 

            I did a double take at him. "Huh?" 

            "You heard me. Right here. Right now." 

            My eyes widened in disbelief. "B-but we're in front of the school. Someone might see us!" 

            His lips formed into mischievous smirk. "So you won't?" 

            "It's too dangerous!" 

            "Danger is my middle name," he replied with a wink. 

            I cocked my head to the side. "What is your middle name?" 

            "Eugene," he said, stretching out his arm toward me and grasping my upper arm. He gently tugged on it. "Now come here. Just a quick kiss." 

            "Are you serious?" I responded, a smile breaking out on my face. "Eugene? Hahaha! That's so nerdy!"  

            He shot me a dirty look. "Yeah? What's your middle name?" 

            "Holly Lynn Evers." 

            "You have your mom's first name as your middle name?" 

            "It's better than Eugene. Although Gene is a cute nickname... Aw, Gene! I like that a lot-" 

            Chris used the hand that wasn't holding onto me to grip my chin, turning my head up to him. "You know who else is cute?" 

            "Um... Milkshake?" 

            He smirked, bringing his handsome face closer to me. "Nope," he drawled, his breath caressing my lips. "You. When you blush. Just like you're about to now." 

            Predictably, a warm blush spread across my cheeks. He straightened up, letting out a quiet chuckle, but didn't release my face. When I tried to pull away from him, he just held my chin tighter. "Chris, someone might come," I protested. 

            "Kiss me." 

            "Just a quick peck then," I murmured, pushing myself onto my tiptoes so I could reach his lips. A thrill of excitement ran through me as I closed the space between us. Kissing in front of the school felt so exhilarating... it was like an adrenaline kick. Our lips met, but I found it impossible to pull away right away as I'd planned. Instead, I pressed myself into him harder, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

            He didn't seem to have a problem with it. We both knew we were already late and this was just making us later, but we didn't care. It didn't bother us that someone could walk by at any second and see us. All the fears about being caught disappeared when our lips were connected. The only things that mattered were the two of us. He nipped at my bottom lip and I only hesitated a nano-second before opening my mouth so he could have access to it. 


            Chris and I wrenched away from each other at the sound of a voice coming from behind me. My body tensed up and a sudden urge to be sick washed through me. Who was it? I didn't have the guts to turn around and face the person. This was it. We'd thrown caution to the wind and been caught. I could feel tears threatening my eyes already. Stupid move, I berated myself fiercely. Stupid, stupid. 

            Chris cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Ms. Lemaiy..." 

            I twisted around now, my mouth falling open a little bit. Lexi was standing there, her eyes wide open, her backpack in her hand. She stared between me and Chris, apprehension dawning in her eyes. "Oh..." 

            "Lexi," I started, my voice coming out as pleading. "Please listen-" 

            "I knew it!" she cried excitedly, her eyes lighting up. "I knew you were never dating Mr. Ross! I could tell by your eyes you guys were in love with each other! Aaron said I was crazy! But I knew it! Oh my god, that's too cute! You guys!" 

            I blinked at her, not expecting her response. "Um..." 

            "Lexi," Chris started in an authorative tone. "What you just saw-" 

            "Will be kept a secret!" she rushed quickly, nodding her head enthusiastically. "I swear I won't tell anyone! Not one single soul!" 

            Now even more taken aback, I couldn't help but gaze at her suspiciously. "Why..." I started, but couldn't think of a question. What did I want to ask her? Why she was going to keep it a secret for us? 

            Her smile faded a little bit. "You probably know, Mr. Heywood, but Holly, I had a relationship with a teacher once. As you can probably guess it didn't work out too well. We were caught and I had to transfer schools... It was pretty awful. For me at least. He lost his job so he automatically started to hate me," she explained, tugging at her hair. After a moment she looked up, her multicolored eyes gazing straight at me with a look of determination. "But if I had to compare you and me, Holly, I would say I looked at him the same way you look at Chris. I wouldn't want to ruin something like that." 

            It was amazing how someone could shock another so much. "Um, thank you..." I said awkwardly, my heart still pounding in my chest. 

            She smiled kindly. "Don't thank me. Relationships are cute." 

            "Then why can't you stay in one for more than a week?" I blurted out before I could stop myself. 

            "Holly," Chris scolded in a sharp voice. 

            "I'm sorry!" I apologized, holding up my hands. "I shouldn't have said that. I'm really sorry, Lexi." 

            She shook her head. "Don't apologize. I know everyone thinks it." 


            "I'm already late," she cut me off, glancing at the school building. "I'm going to head inside. By the way, I love your tie, Mr. Heywood," she added as he passed by us. "It really brings out your eyes." 

            I glanced at her one last time and she winked at me. Confused, I watched her back as she entered the front doors. "She's strange," I finally commented, turning back to Chris.  

            He frowned deeply, crossing his arms. "Can we trust her?" 

            "I think so... She seemed sincere." 

            "She could be like her brother though." 

            "No, I doubt that." 

            "You always see the good in people, Holly. I think you have a blind eye to the bad." 

            I puffed out my cheeks. "I see Shawn's bad." 

            He shrugged. "Shawn's Shawn." 

            Letting the subject drop, I decided to lecture him. "No more kissing in front of the school," I stated defiantly. "I knew it was a bad idea." 

            "And yet you wouldn't let me go," he responded playfully. 


            "I know. Sorry. I got carried away. I wasn't thinking about the people coming into school late. I was only thinking that this hallway is always empty in the morning so no one would notice." 

            Sighing, I shook my head at him. "We just won't do it again." 

            "Yep. We'll kiss in the elevator and stairwells instead." 


            "Holly!" he mimicked. 

            I glowered at him. "You-" 

            "Are extremely late," he interjected, grabbing my shoulders, and guiding me to the glass doors. "You better get to homeroom. I'll see you at lunch." 

            "See you then," I grumbled, letting him usher me inside before taking off down the hall in course for my homeroom. Somehow I managed to make it before the second bell rang. The door was open, so I rushed, making the teacher jump at his desk. 

            "Holly, careful-" 

            "Wah!" I cried, feeling my foot slide forward. Immediately I lost my balance, falling backward and hitting the ground hard. 

            Giggles burst through the entire room as I stared up at the ceiling in shock, feeling my face start to heat up. A few people asked if I was okay. Mr. Andrews, my homeroom teacher, came over to me looking worried. "Sorry," he apologized. "I spilled coffee earlier and had to wipe down the floor." 

            I grimaced. Just my luck. And ten bucks said Chris was going to hear of it by lunchtime. 


This is only the first part! My laptop is going to die, sooo I have to run to my mom's where I left my charger, so this is what I have done. I still owe you guys like five pages (I usually do 13 on Word before I finish a chapter) so when I get back I'll finish those and then upload them! Give me like... two hours. An hour to run to my mom's and back and another hour to write the rest :P 

Camisado - Panic! At The Disco

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