:A Surreptitious Relationship: Chapter Fifty-Three

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My teeth chattered as I waited in the chilly May night air, crossing my arms tightly against my chest. Even with Chris's coat, I was freezing. The cold bit at my exposed legs and it took all I had not to bend over and rub them warm. I was a block away from the country club, waiting in the dark for Chris to pick me up. It would've been too risky to climb into his car at the club. Jeremy had offered to transfer my over night bag into Chris's car for me, so I'd headed out to our rendezvous point early. A decision I regretted completely.

            Finally, after ten numbing minutes, Chris's Eclipse came into view, driving slowly down the road. The minute it came to a stop beside me I flung the door open, scrambling in to its warmth. "Heat," I sighed, pressing my cheek against the vents.

            "Sorry," Chris apologized with a chuckle, leaning over and pressing his warm hand against the cheek not pressed against the vent. "It's hard to escape responsibility. Especially when it comes to cleaning at eleven at night. Everybody just wants to go home."

            "I just want to go home," I responded tiredly, yawning widely. "I'm beat."

            "Straight to bed then?"

            I locked gazes with him. "It depends on what you mean."

            He frowned the tiniest bit. "It depends on what you want it to mean."

            "You know what I want it to mean."

            "I want what you want it to mean."

            "Then it's what I want it to mean."

            Now a grin crossed his face. "So we'll just go straight to sleep then."


            "Calm down, Holly. I know what you want to do. Pervert."

            My cheeks flamed. "I'm not a pervert!"

            "Yes you are. All you think about is sex, sex, sex."

            "I do not!"

            He shrugged, shifting the car into drive. "Put on your seatbelt, you sicko."

            Glowering at him, I snapped my seat belt and huffed. "If you think I'm a pervert, then I think you're gay."

            "Why's that?"

            "We've been together for seven months and tonight is the first time we're... making love," I mumbled, embarrassed. It was so much simpler to say have sex, but I liked the sound of making love more. Even if it was harder to say.

            Chris shook his head at me. "If I was gay, I would be dating Aaron, wouldn't I be?"

            A grin cracked on my face. "Yeah, that's true."


            "Then tonight would be the first time with him..."

            Chris wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Holly. Mental images."

            I laughed. "Kidding. He's still a minor right now."


            "What's wrong?" I asked, surprised by his change of tone.

            He sighed deeply, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel. "I forgot Lexi was still a minor."


            "Lance is an adult."

            "I repeat... so?"

            He glanced at me flatly. "Don't you know why Lance wanted to speak to me alone today after school?"

            I gave him a one-shouldered shrug. "I have an inkling."

            "Did you really just use the word inkling?"

            "S-shut up! What's your point?"

            "I gave a condom to an adult who plans to sleep with a minor," he groaned. "I'm a horrible man. They're both young too. I should have never done that. Now I'm sleeping with a student. I'm definitely going to hell."

            I jabbed him in the side with my finger hard. "Hey! Don't talk like that?"

            He grumbled under his breath. "I'm one of those people you hear about on the T.V and make you go ew."

            "That's not true!"

            "It is. I shouldn't be handing out condoms to high school boys."

            "Back in tenth grade our health teacher did," I informed him, frowning. "And it's illegal not to sell condoms to teenagers. And it's better that Lexi doesn't get pregnant, right?"

            "Right, but..."

            "But nothing. As for that whole sleeping with a student comment, I'm not a student anymore. We've been over this, Chris. It's fine."

            He nodded. "I know. I need to stop thinking."

            "I'm sure your mind will be preoccupied by something else in a little bit," I said, my boldness surprisingly me. A light blush spread across my cheeks and I clapped my hands to them.

            "You're right," he agreed, shooting me a smirk as I tried to cool down my face.

            The rest of the ride to his house passed in silence. With every mile we traveled, my nerves grew worse. My heart was beating so frantically I was afraid I was going to have a heart attack. Actually, I'm surprised I didn't. I surreptitiously ran my hand down my leg, making sure they were still soft and smooth. To prepare myself for tonight, I'd been taking extra steps in my nightly ritual. Not only did I shave everywhere that needed to be shaved, but I also lathered myself in lotion and baby powder. The results were marvelous. It occurred to me that it might've been too much, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

            I glanced at Chris, who was focused intently on the road in front of us. One of his hands was grasping the wheel tightly while his other was on his thigh, his fingers tapping to the beat of the rock song playing on the radio. Every now and then he'd jerk his head to shake loose strands of his mahogany hair out of his eyes. Was he as nervous as I was? It didn't seem like it. To me, he seemed perfectly at ease. Meanwhile, I felt like I could throw up.

            "Are you hungry?" he asked casually when we finally pulled into his apartment's parking lot. "We can order Chinese, or something."

            I shook my head. "I'm not hungry. Besides, it's almost midnight. I don't think the restaurant is open."

            He grinned. "Good point. Never mind then."

            Neither of us moved, staring at each other in silence. My stomach churned uncomfortably and I felt my palms starting to sweat. "Let's go inside; it's cold out here."

            "Sure," he responded, unsnapping his seatbelt. "I'll grab your bag for you."

            We scurried up to the apartment yet again unspeaking. I was ready to carve my heart out of my chest. It was pounding loud enough to wake the dead! My pulse raced, the noise almost deafening me. To my annoyance, Chris began whistling to himself beside me, completely at ease. If I was this nervousness, why wasn't he even the slightest bit nervous? Why was the fact he wasn't even bothering me so much?

            Chris stuck his key into the keyhole, twisting it to unlock the door. Grabbing the handle, he pulled, but it didn't open. He furrowed his eyebrows, swiveling the key again. "That's weird..."

            "What's wrong?"

            "Uh," he hesitated, pulling the key out. "Oh, wrong key."

            I cocked an eyebrow. That was a first. "Are you hungry?"

            He laughed, flipping through the many keys on his key chain. "I put in the wrong key and your first thought is that I'm hungry?"

            "Well usually when people are hungry they are forgetful."

            "I'm not hungry," he told me, finally choosing the right key out of the bunch. Unfortunately for him, as he gripped the tip, it slid through his grasp onto the floor. "Damn it."

            A quiet laugh left my lips. To me it sounded a little shaky. Damn nerves. "Smooth."

            He ignored me, jamming the key in and finally unlocking the door. The first thing I did was kick of my heels, sighing in pleasure as my leg was released from its semi-tensed state. Chris smirked at me as he slid off his own shoes and tugged at the knot in his tie, loosening it. "Feet hurt."

            "Only a little," I responded nonchalantly, shrugging. "I can handle it."

            "Okay. I won't carry you around if you have blisters tomorrow though."

            "Ha ha."

            He grinned, but didn't say anything else. For the umpteenth time silence passed between us. "Do you want to take a shower?" he offered, fiddling with the silk tail of his tie.

            "No," I whispered.

            "Are you sure you don't want a snack?"

            I shook my head, taking a hesitant step closer to him. "Yes..."

            To my surprise, he stumbled back a step, tripped over his discarded shoe, and nearly smashed his head into the hallway wall. His facial expression was hilarious as this happened. Shock, mingled with disbelief. Luckily for him, he managed to steady himself with his coat rack.

My jaw almost hit the ground. Chris had never, I repeat never, experienced a moment of clumsiness in front of me. The scene rendered my speechless. When I finally found my voice, I found myself laughing— both in relief and in amusement. "Hahaha! You should have seen your face!"

"You didn't see that," he said threateningly.

"I so did!"

He glared at me. "You didn't."

I smiled back at him. "I won't tell anyone. It's nice to know though."

"Know what?" he snapped, obviously embarrassed.

"That you're nervous too," I murmured shyly, never letting my eye contact with him waver. "I was thinking I was the only one with the heart ready to burst of their thoracic cavity."

An impressed look crossed his face. "Nice term use."

"Chris," I said flatly.

He sighed lightly, taking my hands in his. "Of course I'm as nervous as you are. I just didn't want to show it."

"Why not?"

"Because I thought if I seemed calm, cool, and collected than it would help you feel that way too," he notified me, half-smiling. "I guess I was wrong?"

I nodded my head vigorously. "Yes! I'd rather know you're just as nervous as I am!"

"Well, maybe I'm not as nervous as you are."


He grinned. "Well, it's not my first time."


"Well, not really. That's what's making me nervous," he explained vaguely.

I raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"I want to make this the best experience possible for you," he told me softly, brushing a lock of my hair behind my ear. "Tonight I'm going to take something away from you that you can only give away once. I want to make sure you enjoy it and that it's not uncomfortable."

Despite my best efforts to retain it, a blush spread across my face. "I-I'm sure I'll be fine."

He chuckled. "Yeah?"


"Remember what I said to you the other night?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, tilting my head to the side. "No?"

"Once we get started, I might not be able to stop," he recited, tightening his grip on my hands.

"I won't want to stop," I breathed, my heart shifting into overdrive once more. "I want this. I want you, Chris."

His eyes smoldered into mine. "I want you too," he responded simply before pressing his lips to mine softly. "You have to tell me if I'm hurting you, or doing something uncomfortable, or going too fast... or going to slow," he finished with a grin.

The flush on my cheeks darkened. "Okay."

Mutely, he led me by hand through the hallway, past the living room, past the kitchen, and finally to his bedroom. There was a nano-second of delay in front of door, but as soon as he opened it, I forgot about it. The curtains on the windows lay open, letting the pale moonlight stream through the windows and cast a soft glow around the room. There was just enough amount of light to allow us to see, so the lights were left off.

"This sets the scene well," Chris decided, his velvety voice right next to my ear. "I'm glad I forgot to close those this morning now."

"Yeah," I mumbled in agreement.

His arms went around my waist, pulling me closer to him. My head went fuzzy with the smell of his cologne, intoxicating me with the scent. Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to my neck, kissing it gently. I held my breath, my hands gripping the back of his suit jacket. His lips moved lower, kissing along my collarbones, before climbing back up my throat, all the way to my ear. He nibbled on it, making me draw a shaky breath.

"I see I'm not the only one," he commented teasingly.


Even in the dark, I could make out his face clearly. His expression was lustful and amused. I stood on my tiptoes, pressing my lips to his, keeping it tender and sensual. He started to push into me, forcing me to move backwards so I wouldn't be crushed. The edge of bed hit the back of my knees and I clung onto him, doing my best to keep my balance.

He pulled away from me, his right hand reaching for his ties. Immediately my hand covered his. "Wait."


"I want to do it," I told him, my hand shaking slightly.

Obediently he dropped his hand, letting me unfasten his tie and slip it off from around his neck. My hands then went under his suit jacket, pulling it away from his body. After a second he realized what I was trying to do and pulled his arms out of the sleeves, helping me remove it. Next I worked on the buttons of his dress shirt, slowly unfastening them. As it fell away, his strong, raw torso came into view. The tips of my fingers gently ran over the contours of his chest, enjoying the feeling of the muscle under them.

He brought his lips back to mine and I wrapped my arms around him, my hands running down his back, running over the smooth scars from his younger years. "Would it be wrong of me to ask you to dance to Milkshake?" he questioned when he pulled away.

I gaped at him. "Chris— what— of course it is! Don't bring that up now!" I cried. "You're trying to ruin the mood, right?"

"I'm kidding," he responded, chuckling. "You're just cute when you're flustered."


"Turn around," he ordered.

Slowly, I did what he said, feeling his hands running across the bare skin of my back until he reached the edge of the dress. He fumbled around for a moment until he found the zipper. I caught my breath as he began to pull it down. Chris's free hand dragged along on my skin after the zipper, his cool fingers on my exposed skin sending a shiver down my spine. My hand went to my chest, pressing down so my dress wouldn't fall away when the zipper reached its end. Because I was wearing a strapless dress, I wasn't wearing a bra.

 "Your skin is so soft," he commented, running his hand back up to my neck.

I grinned a little bit. Yes, all that extra work definitely had paid off. "I was born with it."

"I want to see more," he whispered, his breath caressing my ear.

Swallowing hard, I finally gained enough courage to drop my dress. Sure, he'd seen me in my underwear before, but this was a lot different. Now I felt self-conscious and awkward. My hands went up to cover my bare breasts, not sure how I was going to face him. It wasn't really a big deal. From what was about to happen, this was nothing. Everyone had seen breasts before. Besides, it was dark. But still...

Oblivious to my hesitant thoughts, Chris twirled me back around, his hands resting on my bare hips. "Have I ever told you your beautiful?"

"No," I lied.

"Well, you are," he informed me, running his hands up my sides and stopping at my arms. Gently, he began to pull them away from my chest. "You feel so nice." Without warning, he pushed me backward, causing me to topple over onto the bed. A small gasp escaped my lips at his sudden force, and then another one when I felt his hands grip my arms, sliding me further along the bed so my feet weren't dangling off it. He straddled me, settling his rear onto my stomach. My breathing was a little hindered by his weight, but I didn't mind. He lowered his face down to my neck again, kissing and sucking it. Steadily he moved south, crossing my collarbone, and reaching the slope of my breasts. My breath was coming quicker now, causing my chest to heave. A gentle nip caused a moan to leave my mouth.

"That's sexy," Chris remarked, straightening his body out.

Could he make this any more embarrassing? It took all I had to resist the urge to smack him. Instead, I sat up a little, my hands going to the back of his head and entangling themselves into his hair so I could draw his lips closer to mine in order to kiss him. He smirked into the kiss, lowering me back down onto the bed. Pulling my hands free of his hair, he entwined his fingers with mine, squeezing tightly. After a moment he brought our hands above my head and pinned them there. Free to do what he wanted, he began kissing everywhere he could reach, from my forehead, to the soft spot under my ear, to my jaw.

His actions were sending an unknown feeling through me. I squirmed under him, trying to liberate myself. I didn't want to lie there like a lump while he did all the work. "Let me go," I requested.


I opened my mouth to complain, but he covered it with his own, giving me a deep kiss. For a few minutes I allowed him to continue to kiss me, this kiss growing hotter and deeper then we'd ever gone before. For once I was actually panting when he finally removed his lips. "Let me go now? Please?" I pleaded.

"No can do," he responded easily.

"I don't want to lie here and do nothing!"

He sighed lightly. "That's too bad."


"Holly, tonight I want you to enjoy yourself. Just relax. You'll have plenty of opportunities after tonight to take the lead, okay? This time just let me take care of you. I told you I want to make this special."

I gazed at him, my mouth suddenly dry. "Oh..."

He kissed me lightly. "I'm letting go of your hands now, but if you get too feisty, I'll pin them back up there, okay?"

"I'm not... Okay," I said submissively.

Without warning, I felt his cool hands on my lower stomach, running up and over my breasts. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feel of his strong and masculine hands. My hands seemed to move on their own, mimicking his movements, running down his toned abdomen to the waistband of his slacks and back up again. They moved around to his back, once again feeling the cool scars. Being brave, they traveled a little lower, just barely brushing over his firm backside.

"Holly," he groaned, causing my body to shudder.

Without further ado, my hands shot away from him and fell onto the bed, afraid he was going to pin them up again. "S-sorry! I-I..."

"Shh," he urged, his hands cupping my face and kissing me. "It's fine."

His kisses felt calming. He pulled away andI felt the weight of his body suddenly leave mine. In the moonlight, I could see him standing at the edge of the bed, removing the belt from his dress pants. My eyes were trained on his body as he slid his pants down his legs. He almost tripped as he lifted his left foot out and I giggled.

"Don't laugh," he scolded.

"It's not often I see you mess up," I said.

He came back to the bed, climbing on top of me. "It's not often I see you naked." I felt his hands at my waist, hooking his thumbs under the thin material. Leisurely he began to tug them down. I lifted my hips, allowing him to slide them off my hips and down my legs. When they were off, he tossed them aside.

My heart jackhammered in my chest. The intimacy of the moment was almost enough to kill me. His muscular body was radiating heat and I suddenly felt tiny and cold underneath him. My arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him down closer to me. "I love you."

"I love you too," he responded, voice just louder than a whisper. "Do you still want to do this? Let me know if you want to stop."

"I'm fine. I'm ready."

"Good, I have a lot to teach you about this subject." He gave me one evil smile and then disappeared under the sheets.

"What are you-- oh."

And suddenly I wasn't sure why I'd been so worried before. I was with Chris.


Heavy breathing filled the air as Chris collapsed onto me, finished and tired. Our sweaty skin pressed against each other, adding to the already uncomfortable warmth of our bodies. After a moment he rolled off of me and onto his side, wrapping his arms around my waist, and dragging me closer. "Are you okay?" he repeated for the hundredth time.

"I'm fine," I laughed, reaching my hand out to stroke his face. "Just a little tired. And if you're wondering, I enjoyed that."

A cocky expression appeared on his face. "I knew you would."

Shaking my head, I sighed. "Ever the narcissist."

"For a beginner, you weren't that bad either."


He chuckled as I slapped his chest. "I love you, Holly."

"Good or you."

Leaning forward, he kissed me on my forehead. "You should rest now. You have to be as tired as I am."

"I am," I responded, my words punctuated with a yawn. "Night, Chris."

"Night, Holly."

I snuggled closer to him, closing my eyes, and sighing deeply. He encased his arms around me, shifting slightly so I would be more comfortable. A smile crossed my face and I suddenly realized how lucky I was to have Chris. At only eighteen years of age, I'd managed to find someone who loved me this much. Some people spent their whole lives searching for The One. Yet, all I had to do was go to high school.

Mr. Right was Mr. Heywood.

And whether or not anyone who didn't know us would believe an eighteen-year-old girl's feelings, I knew he was The One for me.


EDIT: Omfg get out of  here you little horndogs. If you want erotica, go read a story that isn't teen fiction LOL I literally have readers that are like eleven, so there was no way I was going to make this too explicit. And in case you didn't know, there are strict limitations to sex scenes in Teen Fiction and YA. So heads up there. 

also why is everyone so interested in my sex life omg I've been dating a guy for two years what do you think I do with him? play warship? (well we do that too)

Anyway. For you normal readers, hope you enjoyed xD

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